convert remove wordpress as static web wordpress relative link relative url

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convert remove wordpress as static web wordpress relative link relative url

generally wordpress use theme, so customize web page maybe add a new theme,

change the theme name , add new web page,

but I find wordpress has its specialized syntax,

such as wordpress premalink

need much time to get one's feet wet,

so if it could be programmed as generally html css js,

then common web knowledge could establish web.


after lots of search, find that in my host, 

build the web in the root public_html folder works.


the root folder









has wp-content, wp-includes, etc folders,


first backup original files in public_html root folder

second, try modify index.php in root folder as 

<link href="/style.css" rel="stylesheet">

<p>hello world</p>

<a href="./service.html">click</a>

 <?php include "./footer.html" ?>

add style.css in root folder

p {
  color: lime;

add service.html in root folder




then test if it works as static web.