Difference Between SQL and T-SQL

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Difference Between SQL and T-SQL

Difference Between SQL and T-SQL


Microsoft added code to SQL and called it Transact-SQL or T-SQL. 

原本就有SQL這個東西,微軟在SQL增加了一些程式新功能,稱為 T-SQL. 


Another significant difference between T-SQL and SQL 

is the changes done to the DELETE and UPDATE commands 

that are already available in SQL. 


With T-SQL, the DELETE and UPDATE commands both allow the 

inclusion of a FROM clause which allows the use of JOINs.



有一個重要的差異在T-SQL 與 SQL 之前,

SQL : 有DELETE(刪除) 與 UPDATE(更新)指令

T-SQL的 : 有DELETE(刪除) 與 UPDATE(更新)指令之外,在FROM後面可以加上 JOIN,




FROM   workrecord2 w 

   INNER JOIN employee e 

   ON EmployeeRun = EmployeeNo 

WHERE  Company = '1' 

   AND Date = '2013-05-06' 



1.SQL is a programming language while T-SQL is an extension to SQL.

2.T-SQL is proprietary while SQL is an open format.

3.T-SQL contains procedural programming, local variable, and such while SQL does not.

4.T-SQL is Turing complete while SQL is not.

5.T-SQL has a different implementation of DELETE and UPDATE than SQL.

6.T-SQL is best if you use Microsoft SQL servers



