C# HashTable To DataTable

  • 856
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  • 2017-11-28

C# HashTable To DataTable


private DataTable ConvertHashtableRowsToDataTableColumns(System.Collections.Hashtable ht)
	//create an instance of DataTable
	var dataTable = new DataTable(ht.GetType().Name);
	//specify the table name               
	dataTable.TableName = "TableName";
	//fill the columns in the DataTable
	foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in ht)
		dataTable.Columns.Add(entry.Key.ToString(), typeof(object));
	//create a new DataRow in the DataTable
	DataRow dr = dataTable.NewRow();
	//fill the new row in the DataTable
	foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in ht)
		dr[entry.Key.ToString()] = entry.Value.ToString();
	//add the filled up row to the DataTable
	//return the DataTable
	return dataTable;

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