[SQL Server][Machine Learning]使用MicrosoftML套件預測紐約計程車司機是否會收到小費

MicrosoftML是Microsoft R Server最新的機器學習演算法套件包,直接內建在SQL Server 2017附加安裝的Machine Learning Services,除了之前CTP時曾經練習過one-class SVM,還包含了

  • 快速線性(同時支援L1、L2正規化)
  • 促進式決策樹
  • 快速隨機森林
  • 羅吉斯迴歸(同時支援L1、L2正規化)
  • 深度神經網路(DNNs)



這些優化後的演算法特色包含了多執行緒大量資料的處理調校,從微軟R  Server的Tiger team blog找到一篇組合以上5種演算法的練習,這項練習要解決的問題是預測紐約計程車司機是否會收到小費,同時最後使用ROC曲線視覺化比較5種演算法的預測準確率。晚上跑完步還有力氣,就來寫筆記,順便思念紐約大蘋果。

2017.10 紐約麥迪遜花園廣場






  • X軸是FPR(False positive rate) FP / (FP + TN),也稱錯誤命中率、假警報的機率(false alarm rate),在所有沒有給小費的交易中,有多少被誤判有給。
  • Y軸是TPR(True positive rate) TP/(TP+FN),也稱敏感度(sensitivity)或是命中率(Hit rate),有給小費的交易中,多少成功被預測有給小費。


資料集下載及匯入SQL Server








要測試的資料集載入SQL Server資料平台了!



先簡單從yello-tripdata-2016-06 抽樣(sampling) 1萬筆資料,並且用T-SQL整理資料。

CREATE TABLE dbo.yellow_tripdata_sample
           VendorID varchar(50) NULL,
           tpep_pickup_datetime varchar(50) NULL,
           tpep_dropoff_datetime varchar(50) NULL,
           passenger_count int NULL,
           trip_distance decimal(13, 2) NULL,
           RatecodeID varchar(50) NULL,
           store_and_fwd_flag varchar(50) NULL,
           PULocationID varchar(50) NULL,
           DOLocationID varchar(50) NULL,
           payment_type varchar(50) NULL,
           fare_amount decimal(13, 2) NULL,
           extra varchar(50) NULL,
           mta_tax decimal(13, 2) NULL,
           tip_amount decimal(13, 2) NULL,
           tolls_amount decimal(13, 2) NULL,
           improvement_surcharge varchar(50) NULL,
           total_amount decimal(13, 2) NULL,
           tipped int null,
           trip_time_in_secs int
           )  ON [PRIMARY]

INSERT INTO dbo.yellow_tripdata_sample
SELECT top 10000 
, CONVERT(int, passenger_count) as passenger_count
, CONVERT(decimal(13, 2), trip_distance) as trip_distance
, RatecodeID
, store_and_fwd_flag
, PULocationID
, DOLocationID
, payment_type
, CONVERT(decimal(13, 2), fare_amount) as fare_amount
, extra
, CONVERT(decimal(13, 2), mta_tax) as mta_tax
, CONVERT(decimal(13, 2), tip_amount) as tip_amount
, CONVERT(decimal(13, 2), tolls_amount) as tolls_amount
, improvement_surcharge
, CONVERT(decimal(13, 2), [total_amount ])  as total_amount
, case WHEN CONVERT(decimal(13, 2), tip_amount) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS tipped
, DATEDIFF(second,tpep_pickup_datetime,tpep_dropoff_datetime) AS trip_time_in_secs
FROM dbo.[yellow_tripdata_2017-06]



R Studio(確認 R Runtime)

從測試DB Server打開R Studio,確認R Version(Tools > Global option)


執行R Script



Tiger team blog的R範例,我們只稍改了一下資料庫連線字串和資料表名稱

#Step 1: Load the MicrosoftML package

#Step 2: Import Data
sqlConnString <- "Driver=SQL Server;Server=DB1\\SQL14;Database=RDB;Trusted_Connection=True"
dataSetSource <- RxSqlServerData(connectionString = sqlConnString, table = "yellow_tripdata_sample", rowsPerRead = 2000000)
dataset <- rxImport(dataSetSource)

#Step 3: Split Dataset into Train and Test

# Set the random seed for reproducibility of randomness.
set.seed(2345, "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
# Randomly split the data 75-25 between train and test sets.
dataProb <- c(Train = 0.75, Test = 0.25)
dataSplit <-
          splitByFactor = "splitVar",
          transforms = list(splitVar =
                                     size = .rxNumRows,
                                     replace = TRUE,
                                     prob = dataProb)),
          transformObjects =
            list(dataProb = dataProb,
                 dataFactor = factor(names(dataProb),
                                     levels = names(dataProb))),
          outFilesBase = tempfile())

# Name the train and test datasets.
dataTrain <- dataSplit[[1]]
dataTest <- dataSplit[[2]]
rxSummary(~ tipped, dataTrain)$sDataFrame
rxSummary(~ tipped, dataTest)$sDataFrame

#Step 4: Define Model
model <- formula(paste("tipped ~ passenger_count + trip_time_in_secs + trip_distance + total_amount"))

#Step 5: Fit Model
rxLogisticRegressionFit <- rxLogisticRegression(model, data = dataTrain)
rxFastLinearFit <- rxFastLinear(model, data = dataTrain)
rxFastTreesFit <- rxFastTrees(model, data = dataTrain)
rxFastForestFit <- rxFastForest(model, data = dataTrain)
rxNeuralNetFit <- rxNeuralNet(model, data = dataTrain)    

#Step 6: Predict
fitScores <- rxPredict(rxLogisticRegressionFit, dataTest, suffix = ".rxLogisticRegression",
                       extraVarsToWrite = names(dataTest),
                       outData = tempfile(fileext = ".xdf"))
fitScores <- rxPredict(rxFastLinearFit, fitScores, suffix = ".rxFastLinear",
                       extraVarsToWrite = names(fitScores),
                       outData = tempfile(fileext = ".xdf"))
fitScores <- rxPredict(rxFastTreesFit, fitScores, suffix = ".rxFastTrees",
                       extraVarsToWrite = names(fitScores),
                       outData = tempfile(fileext = ".xdf"))
fitScores <- rxPredict(rxFastForestFit, fitScores, suffix = ".rxFastForest",
                       extraVarsToWrite = names(fitScores),
                       outData = tempfile(fileext = ".xdf"))
fitScores <- rxPredict(rxNeuralNetFit, fitScores, suffix = ".rxNeuralNet",
                       extraVarsToWrite = names(fitScores),
                       outData = tempfile(fileext = ".xdf"))

#Step 7: Compare Models
# Compute the fit models's ROC curves.
fitRoc <- rxRoc("tipped", grep("Probability.", names(fitScores), value = T), fitScores)
# Plot the ROC curves and report their AUCs.

#Step 8: Find the best fit using AUC values
# Create a named list of the fit models.
fitList <-
  list(rxLogisticRegression = rxLogisticRegressionFit,
       rxFastLinear = rxFastLinearFit,
       rxFastTrees = rxFastTreesFit,
       rxFastForest = rxFastForestFit,
       rxNeuralNet = rxNeuralNetFit)

# Compute the fit models's AUCs.
fitAuc <- rxAuc(fitRoc)
names(fitAuc) <- substring(names(fitAuc), nchar("Probability.") + 1)

# Find the name of the fit with the largest AUC.
bestFitName <- names(which.max(fitAuc))

# Select the fit model with the largest AUC.
bestFit <- fitList[[bestFitName]]

# Report the fit AUCs.
cat("Fit model AUCs:\n")
print(fitAuc, digits = 2)

# Report the best fit.
cat(paste0("Best fit model with ", bestFitName,
           ", AUC = ", signif(fitAuc[[bestFitName]], digits = 2),



ROC曲線下方的面積稱為AUC(Area under the Curve of ROC),中間的直線就是AUC=0.5,這次剛好是類神經網路;模型的AUC值越高,正確率越高。在這個資料情境及抽樣下,決策樹與隨機森林準確度很高,反倒是類神經網路、線性與迴歸表現較不理想。



AUC區間 1-0.9 0.9-0.8 0.8-0.7 0.7-0.6 0.6-0.5
效果 傑出 優秀 普通 不好



Stored Procedure(external script):

        也可以用Stored Procedure(external script)執行,但因為語法比較長,不容易Debug,建議包成package或先用R Studio測試過再執行。


        在這些分類性的問題中,除了視覺化AUC曲線比較各種演算法外,整體準確率(Accuracy)或是組合混淆矩陣(confusion matrix)中的其他資訊的精確率(precision)、命中率(Hit rate)以及F1 Score(前兩者的數學調和平均)也都是常用的比較方式。




redicting NYC Taxi Tips using MicrosoftML

NYC Resources

kaggle網站(nyc taix trip data)

rxRoc: Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) computations and plot


rxLogisticRegression: Logistic Regression

rxFastLinear: Fast Linear Model -- Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent

rxFastTrees: Fast Tree

rxFastForest: Fast Forest

rxNeuralNet: Neural Net