[Unit Test]How to access internal class of other project in the UnitTest Project

紀錄一下再寫單元測試時,如何測試internal class

前幾天撰寫單元測試,要測試幾隻internal class是否如預期,

查了一下MSDN發現原來可以透過InternalsVisibleToAttribute Class輕鬆存取,簡單紀錄一下

我有一個TestRedis project,裡面有一隻 MyLogger 的internal class,

namespace TestRedis
    internal class MyLogger
        public MyLogger()
            Console.WriteLine("MyLogger Init");

        public void WriteLog(string inmsg)

如要讓我的Redis.Tests project可以順利存取這支internal class,

我們必須在AssemblyInfo.cs of TestRedis project 填入下面code

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Redis.Tests")]

note:Redis.Tests is assembly name of Redis.Tests projec


現在你可以正常測試這隻internal class

public class ConsoleOutput : IDisposable
        private readonly StringWriter _stringWriter;
        private readonly TextWriter _originalOutputTextWriter;

        public ConsoleOutput()
            _stringWriter = new StringWriter();
            _originalOutputTextWriter = Console.Out;

        public string GetOuput()
            return _stringWriter.ToString();

        public void Dispose()

note: you have to add reference of TestRedis



InternalsVisibleToAttribute Class