

以下為在.NET中類似VB 6.0中的LenB函數


Public Shared Function CharByte(ByVal vstrWord As String) As Integer
    If Len(vstrWord) = 0 Then
        Return 0
        Select Case Asc(vstrWord)
            Case 0 To 255
                Return 1
            Case Else
                Return 2
        End Select
    End If
End Function

Public Shared Function StrLenB(ByVal vstrValue As String) As Integer
    '如同VB 6.0的LenB函數,傳回字串aStr的位元組長度
    Dim i, k As Integer
    For i = 1 To Len(vstrValue)
        k += CharByte(Mid(vstrValue, i, 1))
    Return k
End Function

MessageBox.Show(StrLenB("a").ToString()) 'return 1
MessageBox.Show(StrLenB("abc").ToString()) 'return 3
MessageBox.Show(StrLenB("a亂").ToString()) 'return 3
MessageBox.Show(StrLenB("a亂b").ToString()) 'return 4


public static int CharByte(string vstrWord)
    if (vstrWord.Length  == 0)
        return 0;
        if(Convert.ToInt32(vstrWord[0]) > 255){
            return 2;
            return 1;

public static int StrLenB(string vstrValue)
    //如同VB 6.0的LenB函數,傳回字串aStr的位元組長度
    int i = 0;
    int k = 0;
    for (i =0; i < vstrValue.Length ; i++)
        k += CharByte(vstrValue.Substring( i, 1));
    return k;

MessageBox.Show(StrLenB("a").ToString()); //return 1
MessageBox.Show(StrLenB("abc").ToString()); //return 3
MessageBox.Show(StrLenB("a亂").ToString()); //return 3
MessageBox.Show(StrLenB("a亂b").ToString()); //return 4


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