[工作機會] 5~8年經驗,外商徵求 C# .NET技術人才(PM)

摘要:[工作機會] 5~8年經驗,外商徵求 C# .NET技術人才(PM)

某外商徵求 C# .NET技術人才(PM)

徵才日期至 2010/9/15為止,請把握機會。

Position:  PM


•Identify project milestones, activities and dependencies, and prepare project plans and obtain business agreements
•Manage project budget, timeline, conduct feasibility studies and perform risk assessments of project or change request.
•Identify, document and communicate project risks, issues and any variances against plans to business and IT management
•Ensure that project participants are kept abreast of project status, actions and plans
•Review project deliverables and ensure high quality and cost efficient service delivery to customers.
•Applies project management methodology effectively and enforces project standards.
•Resolves and/or escalates incidents in a timely manner.
•Perform periodic performance reviews and feedback sessions and form individual development plans for the team members

•Minimum Degree in Computer Science/ Information
•Certification in project management such as CIPTM and PMP will be highly valued
•Experience in managing the budget, timeline, conduct feasibility studies and risk assessments with the ability to evaluate and propose solutions
5-8 years IT experience with 3 to 4 years of project management experience in software development / web applications projects

徵才日期至 2010/9/15為止,請把握機會。


我將思想傳授他人, 他人之所得,亦無損於我之所有;

猶如一人以我的燭火點燭,光亮與他同在,我卻不因此身處黑暗。----Thomas Jefferson

線上課程教學,遠距教學 (Web Form 約 51hr)  https://dotblogs.com.tw/mis2000lab/2016/02/01/aspnet_online_learning_distance_education_VS2015

線上課程教學,遠距教學 (ASP.NET MVC 約 140hr)  https://dotblogs.com.tw/mis2000lab/2018/08/14/ASPnet_MVC_Online_Learning_MIS2000Lab


寫信給我,不要私訊 --  mis2000lab (at) yahoo.com.tw  或  school (at) mis2000lab.net

 (1) 第一天 ASP.NET MVC5 完整影片(5.5小時 / .NET 4.x版)免費試聽。影片 https://youtu.be/9spaHik87-A 

 (2) 第一天 ASP.NET Core MVC 完整影片(3小時 / .NET Core 6.0~8.0)免費試聽。影片 https://youtu.be/TSmwpT-Bx4I 

[學員感言] mis2000lab課程評價 - ASP.NET MVC , WebForm  。 https://mis2000lab.medium.com/%E5%AD%B8%E5%93%A1%E6%84%9F%E8%A8%80-mis2000lab%E8%AA%B2%E7%A8%8B%E8%A9%95%E5%83%B9-asp-net-mvc-webform-77903ce9680b  

ASP.NET遠距教學、線上課程(Web Form + MVC)。 第一天課程, "完整" 試聽。 

.........   facebook社團   https://www.facebook.com/mis2000lab   ......................

.........  YouTube (ASP.NET) 線上教學影片  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6IPPf6tvsNG8zX3u1LddvA/


Blog文章 "附的範例" 無法下載,請看 https://dotblogs.com.tw/mis2000lab/2016/03/14/2008_2015_mis2000lab_sample_download



ASP.NET MVC  => .NET Core MVC 線上教學  ...... 第一天課程 完整內容 "免費"讓您評估 / 試聽

[遠距教學、教學影片] ASP.NET (Web Form) 課程 上線了!MIS2000Lab.主講   事先錄好的影片,並非上課側錄!   觀看時,有如「一對一」面對面講課