
  • 25776
  • 0
  • C++
  • 2012-01-04




Pageheap可分為兩種偵測模式,一種是一般分頁堆積,一種是完整分頁堆積。不同的偵測模式有不同的效果,在如何在 Windows XP 和 Windows 2000 中使用 Pageheap.exe這篇中有很清楚的介紹,這邊截錄文章裡面的表格,可以很清楚的看到兩個模式的差異,這邊是自己的需要去選擇模式就可以了。

失敗 一般分頁堆積 完整分頁堆積
無效的堆積指標 立刻發現 立刻發現
無效的堆積區塊指標 立刻發現 立刻發現
非同步的存取 立刻發現 立刻發現
假設重新配置位址 直到確實釋放發現率 90% 立刻發現率 90%
重複釋放 立刻發現率 90% 立刻發現率 90%
重新使用釋放後區塊 直到確實釋放發現率 90% 立刻發現率 90%
存取區塊結束位址後區塊 釋放時發現 立刻發現
存取區塊起始位址後區塊 釋放時發現 立刻發現 (特殊旗標)



Pageheap /?



pageheap - Page heap utility, v 1.04                                 
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1981-1999
pageheap                        Displays pageheap enabled programs   
pageheap /enable PROGRAM        Enables page heap for PROGRAM        
pageheap /enable PROGRAM FLAGS  Enables page heap for PROGRAM using  
                                FLAGS (hex number) for heap flags.   
pageheap /disable PROGRAM       Disables page heap for PROGRAM       
pageheap PROGRAM                Displays current setting for PROGRAM 
Example: pageheap /enable notepad                                    
         pageheap /disable pbrush                                    
Note. Enabling page heap does not affect currently running           
processes. If you need to use page heap for processes that are       
already running and cannot be restarted (csrss.exe, winlogon.exe),   
a reboot is needed after the page heap has been enabled for          
that process.                                                        
FLAGS hex value (0x...) has the following structure:                 
    B7-B0   Bit flags    1 - enable page heap                        
         01 - enable page heap. If zero normal heap is used.         
              In 99% of the cases you will want this to be set.     
         02 - collect stack traces (default on checked builds)       
         04 - minimize memory impact                                 
         08 - minimize randomly(1)/based on size range(0)            
         10 - catch backward overruns                                
    B15-B8  Percentage of available memory from total memory below   
            which allocations will be made from normal heap. Used    
            in conjuction with bit flag 04.                          
    B31-B24 Probability for page heap allocation. Bit 4 and 8 must   
            be set.                                                  
    B31-B24 Size range start                                         
    B23-B16 Size range end                                           
            Allocations in this size range will be made in page heap.
            Bit 4 must be set and bit 8 must be reset.               
    pageheap /enable PROGRAM 0x03                                    
        Enable stack trace collection on free builds where it is not 
        the default.                                                 
    pageheap /enable PROGRAM 0x13                                    
        Put the not accessible page at the begining of the allocation
        and enable stack traces.                                     
    pageheap /enable PROGRAM 0x3000300F                              
        With 48% probability allocate in page heap. If memory gets  
        below 48% then all allocations are done in normal heap.     






#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	int m_len = 5; 
	char *m_p = (char *)HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap (), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, m_len);   
	m_p[m_len] = 0;   
	HeapFree (GetProcessHeap (),0, m_p); 
	return 0;







不然再使用Pageheap時會出現"Error: Cannot open image registry key for testpageheap1.exe"這樣的錯誤訊息。



以系統管理員身分執行命令提示字元後,我們將目錄切至要偵測的程式所在目錄,使用Pageheap /enable [檔名]啟用越界錯誤的偵測,接著輸入Pageheap確認是否啟用越界錯誤偵測成功。






當調試完成,我們可以執行Pageheap /disable [檔名]將越界錯誤偵測給關閉。


