[DesignPattern]策略模式Strategy pattern簡易版分享+範例

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[DesignPattern]策略模式Strategy pattern簡易版分享+範例



abstract class WashingMachine
   public WashingMachine()
      // Code to initialize the class goes here.

   abstract public void Wash();
   abstract public void Rinse(int loadSize);//沖洗
   abstract public void Spin(int speed);//脫水


class MyWashingMachine : WashingMachine
   public MyWashingMachine()
      // Initialization code goes here.    

   override public void Wash()
      // Wash code goes here.

   override public void Rinse(int loadSize)
      // Rinse code goes here.

   override public void Spin(int speed)
      // Spin code goes here.


那用軟體在寫模擬程式的時候,新的產品類別是不是就要叫做MyWashingMachineNo1, MyWashingMachineNo2, ......MyWashingMachineNo100, 新研發出來的洗衣機越來越多, 這個抽象類別也就被繼承了上百次,這時候產生一個問題就是:
Spin()脫水的這個method,程式碼可能將會重複撰寫的超級多次!即使後來新的洗衣機越來越多高科技脫水方式來保護衣服,但是實際上真的脫水的技術可能就那麼2種(我猜的XD),對應到將來Panasonic變成百年企業之後的一百多種洗衣機(假設Panasonic一百年後還沒倒,我猜的 XD),那麼這一百種洗衣機的脫水的method將會很多重複、一模一樣的程式碼!萬一到時候要改脫水功能的程式碼,保證會改得很痛苦!
下面是兩個新產品,繼承上面的抽象類別,但是尚未採用策略模式,內容如下:MyWashingMachine1, MyWashingMachine2

class MyWashingMachine1 : WashingMachine
	public MyWashingMachine1()
		// Initialization code goes here.    

	override public void Wash()
		// Wash code goes here.

	override public void Rinse(int loadSize)
		// Rinse code goes here.

	override public void Spin(int speed)
		// Spin code goes here.
		Console.WriteLine("傳統洗衣機進行脫水,轉速為" + speed.ToString());

class MyWashingMachine2 : WashingMachine
	public MyWashingMachine2()
		// Initialization code goes here.    

	override public void Wash()
		// Wash code goes here.

	override public void Rinse(int loadSize)
		// Rinse code goes here.

	override public void Spin(int speed)
		// Spin code goes here.
		Console.WriteLine("滾筒洗衣機進行脫水,轉速為" + speed.ToString());


static void Main(string[] args)
	WashingMachine m1 = new MyWashingMachine1();
	WashingMachine m2 = new MyWashingMachine2();
	Console.WriteLine("press any key to continue");


可以想像當新產品來到一百種、甚至兩百種的時候,下面這2行的程式碼,很有可能就要重複寫個一兩百次:畢竟脫水方法只有兩種,但是產品卻有上百種,重複的程式碼是必然的, 那之後如果要修改脫水的method程式碼,就得改一兩百次!

Console.WriteLine("傳統洗衣機進行脫水,轉速為" + speed.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("滾筒洗衣機進行脫水,轉速為" + speed.ToString());

這時候就是要用策略模式:先新增一個脫水用的interface, 並且實做出所有的脫水class:

interface ISpin
	void SpinMethod(int speed);

class MySpin1 : ISpin
	// Explicit interface member implementation: 
	void ISpin.SpinMethod(int speed)
		// Method implementation.
		Console.WriteLine("傳統洗衣機進行脫水,轉速為" + speed.ToString());


class MySpin2 : ISpin
	// Explicit interface member implementation: 
	void ISpin.SpinMethod(int speed)
		// Method implementation.
		Console.WriteLine("滾筒洗衣機進行脫水,轉速為" + speed.ToString());



abstract class WashingMachine
	public WashingMachine()
		// Code to initialize the class goes here.

	abstract public void Wash();
	abstract public void Rinse(int loadSize);//沖洗
	public void Spin(int speed)//脫水
	protected ISpin sp;

至於兩個新產品MyWashingMachine1, MyWashingMachine2的脫水method就直接改用實做後的脫水class:

class MyWashingMachine1 : WashingMachine
	public MyWashingMachine1()
		// Initialization code goes here.    
		this.sp = new MySpin1();//改用實做的脫水class

	override public void Wash()
		// Wash code goes here.

	override public void Rinse(int loadSize)
		// Rinse code goes here.

	//override public void Spin(int speed)
	//    // Spin code goes here.
	//    Console.WriteLine("傳統洗衣機進行脫水,轉速為" + speed.ToString());

class MyWashingMachine2 : WashingMachine
	public MyWashingMachine2()
		// Initialization code goes here.
		this.sp = new MySpin2();//改用實做的脫水class

	override public void Wash()
		// Wash code goes here.

	override public void Rinse(int loadSize)
		// Rinse code goes here.

	//override public void Spin(int speed)
	//    // Spin code goes here.
	//    Console.WriteLine("滾筒洗衣機進行脫水,轉速為" + speed.ToString());

最後的執行結果一模一樣,且脫水的部分的程式碼就不會一直重複,且以後要是需要修改脫水部分的程式碼,只要改實做interface的Class:MySpin1, MySpin2就好了,不用改一、兩百次,是不是很方便呢?


interface (C# Reference)
Abstract Classes​
abstract (C# 參考)​
[Design Pattern] 策略模式 Strategy Pattern