Dot Net 2Share 備份

Dot Net 2Share 備份

這裡是 Dot Net 2Share FaceBook 專頁的備份, 內容截至 2013/3/5 為止, 總共 384 個項目。若要開啟專頁上的項目, 按下每個項目中的時間連結(例如 約18小時前 或者 2月 6日 即可)。

Dot Net 2Share: 在 VS2012 中如果想測試 private 方法, 可以透過 PrivateObject 類別。

Microsoft Visual Studio
Testing private methods in Visual Studio 2012 is a little different, but still pretty simple using the PrivateObject class. This quick post shows the code you need to set it up.

Dot Net 2Share: 程式設計師也要懂資料庫。
實務上我常見到交易記錄檔案大小是使用者資料庫的好幾倍,甚至交易記錄檔案吃光硬碟空間導致使用者資料庫變成唯獨狀態(SQL Server拋出9002錯誤),造成公司業務損失..等,而這些都是因為DBA沒有妥善管理交易記錄檔案所造成。肥大的交易記錄檔案將影響複寫、鏡像、記錄備份、還原和記錄傳送…等效能降低,所以管理交易記錄檔案是相當重要的,這篇我將介紹幾個造成交易記錄檔案暴增的常見原因,同時也提出相對建議方法,希望對各位DBA有所幫助。

Dot Net 2Share: 如何使用 PhoneGap 建立 WP8 應用程式

Microsoft Visual Studio
Learn how to use PhoneGap to build your Windows Phone 8 apps using JavaScript. It's neither native nor web-based, but somewhere in between.
3月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: 燒滾滾的 ASP.NET Jump Start 教學錄影! 由 Hanselman 和 Galloway 主講, 內容涵括 ASP.NET 4.5 新功能、MVC 4、HTML5 + jQuery、Web API、Social (含 OAuth 與 ODATA)、Mobile Web、SignalR 和 Azure 等等, 不容錯過!
Building Web Apps with ASP.NET Jump Start - 8 Hours of FREE Training Videos - Scott Hanselman
Scott Hanselman on Programming, User Experience, The Zen of Computers and Life in General
3月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: 這篇關於 TypeScript 的短文寫得不錯

Microsoft Visual Studio
TypeScript for .Net Developers - - "If you work with JavaScript to any degree on the Microsoft stack, you owe it to yourself to have a look at TypeScript."
2月 22日

Dot Net 2Share: ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 正式發表, 可以馬上安裝! 其中最受大家歡迎的應該是 Paste JSON as Class 這個功能了吧! 此外, 還有一些更新的專案範本。

Released: ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 in Context - Scott Hanselman
Scott Hanselman on Programming, User Experience, The Zen of Computers and Life in General
2月 19日

Dot Net 2Share: 想知道如何將你的 Win8 JavaScript App 加上 globalization 能力嗎? 不妨從這一篇看起。
Globalizing your app (Windows Store apps using JavaScript and HTML) (Windows)
Windows is used worldwide, in a variety of different markets and for target audiences that vary in culture, region, or language. Users may speak any language in the world, and they may even speak multiple languages. Users may also be located anywhere in the world. They can even speak any language in...
2月 7日

Dot Net 2Share: 再給你幾個大膽擁抱 TypeScript 的理由...

A TypeScript Primer -- Visual Studio Magazine
Whether you're new to JavaScript or well-versed in all it has to offer, TypeScript is a compelling option.
2月 6日

Dot Net 2Share: 透過 jQuery 對於 HTML5 的 data 標簽的支援, 其實我們可以把物件的屬性 (properties) 以 JSON 格式儲存在物件裡 (如本文作者示範的第二種方法), 再以 jQuery 的 data 函式取出或寫入個別屬性。如果你的網頁是 SPA 的話, 這倒是一個蠻方便的做法。

Working with the HTML5 Data Attributes Using jQuery -- Visual Studio Magazine
jQuery support for the new HTML5 data attributes may not be everything a developer could want -- but it's very close. And, more important, it's the perfect solution for handling transactional data.
2月 6日

Dot Net 2Share: 一系列 (共10個) 關於 .Net Debugging 的簡短的影片。沒有中文字幕, 但如果要邁向高手之林, Debugging 只是基本功。

Microsoft Visual Studio
Here's a good video series from our Premier Field Engineers: - .Net Debugging for the Production Environment
2月 5日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Web 開發終極密技 – 使用 Visual Studio 2012
Web開發終極密技來了! 我們整理了各類Web實務開發時所需密技,從 Visual Studio 2012 IDE的強化、對Web開發者的生產力提升、到好用的外掛元件使用; Mobile Web/ ASP.NET MVC 開發、HTML5效能調校、Web效能調校及壓力測試、到網站自動化過版等實用技巧,讓你的網站又快、又好、又穩!
2月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: 如果你使用 JavaScript 開發 Win8 App 的話, 選擇「偵錯」、「JavaScript 記憶體分析」, 然後再選擇選單裡的其中一項 (例如「啟動啟始專案」), 就可一邊操作你的程式, 一邊監控它的記憶體用量。你可以隨時抓下堆積快照 (heap snapshot), 分析不同快照間的差異 (包括 heap size 與物件數量)。在每張快照的右上角有個選單, 可以幫你分析該快照與其它快照的差異。

例如, 如果你在程式載入後截取一張快照, 然後讓裝置旋轉 90% (假設你使用模擬器), 再截取一張快照, 現在將這兩張快照做個比較, 你應該會發現第二張快照裡 updateLayout 這個 function 的大小增加了 8 bytes, 而且是用在它的 prototype 的建構子。

接著, 如果你再把裝置轉回原角度, 原先增加的物件數量和記憶體大小應該恢復一開始的樣子, 或者只有小量差異。總之, 你不應該看到程式有不斷增加物件數量和記憶體用量的現象, 否則就有可能是 memory leak。

Microsoft Visual Studio
The Visual Studio Blog - - has a good article about JavaScript memory analysis for Windows Store apps in VS2012
2月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: 不知道各位讀者有沒有試過我昨天介紹的可編輯文字的網址? 我把這個網址再修改了一下:


以上這個版本可以存檔, 可以自動斷行, 而且可以保留 HTML 格式與連結。如果你希望保留英文拼字功能, 可以把 spellcheck='false' 這幾個字刪除。

如果你希望貼上時移除 HTML 格式及圖片、保留純文字, 仍然可以使用以下這個版本:

2月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: TFS 和 VS2012 要正式整合 Git 了!

Team Foundation Service Updates 1/30 - Team Foundation Service
Today is a big step forward in our journey for the Team Foundation Service. Over the past several months, we have been working on a set of changes to make TFS more lightweight and to continue to adapt to the evolving modern application lifecycle. Today we unveil several of these improvements. This i...
1月 31日

Dot Net 2Share: 今天網路上最熱門的話題之一, 大概就是如何把瀏覽器快速變成緊急或臨時用的文字編輯器了! 經過一番研究, 我覺得最好的 Chrome 文字編輯器寫法如下:

手上沒有編輯器只有瀏覽器的話,在URL輸入這串看看 ... 有人做了加強版的 1月 31日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

jQuery 1.9升級指南 - 黑暗執行緒
如前文所說,jQuery 1.9是一次"拿掉哪些東西"比"增加哪些東西"來得重要的升級,大刀闊斧地移除及改掉許多不一致或沒效率的API,而革命總免不了要流點血(還記得jQuery 1.6的.attr()/.prop()事變嗎?),雖然大部分的過時(Deprecated)API在過去1.7/1.8版釋出時就已強調過,但許多開發者可能跟我一樣,老師在講也沒在聽,過去怎麼寫就繼續寫下去。終於,1.9正式把這些過時API刪的刪改的改,該是面對現實的時候了! (當然,貼心的jQuery RD仍提供了繼續鴕鳥龜縮的選擇)
1月 28日

Dot Net 2Share: 非常簡短卻又精彩的針對 Unicode 和 JavaScript 的介紹。演講者的英語帶有一點法國腔, 但是應該還不致於讓人聽不懂。影片中的範例程式都有連結, 可以在瀏覽器裡練習。不過有一點請特別注意, 作者使用的一些特別字元在中文環境裡無法正確顯示, 這可能是因為系統中少了某種字型的關係, 並不是範例有誤。

1月 27日

Dot Net 2Share: 昨天伊朗駭客攻破土庫曼 (.tm) 的 DNS, 許多大網站(包括 Gmail、Youtube、MSDN、Intel、XBOX、Google 等)紛紛中招。這實在不干 Google 各公司的事, 因為駭客發現了土庫曼 NIC 的某個 SQL Injection 弱點, 整個資料庫被整碗捧去! 更糟糕的是, 該 NIC 網站竟然是以明文儲存密碼的! 這實在是一件匪疑所思的事情。每個網站的開發者真的應該引以為戒!

1月 26日

Dot Net 2Share: 原本活躍於 Twitter 的詐騙手法現在己經轉移到 FaceBook 了! 如果你在 FaceBook 上接到號稱是 FaceBook 傳來的私訊 (Private Message, PM), 說你的某些發文干擾到其他用戶, 然後要你登入某個網頁, 輸入以確認你的各種個人資訊, 甚至包括信用卡號碼的話, 那麼你應該直接把這封私訊刪除, 並且向 FaceBook 回報詐騙。

The Next Web
Heads up: Not just Twitter DMs: Scammers now phish usernames, passwords, and credit cards via Facebook PMs
1月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Windows 市集應用程式實作手冊 - 使用 JavaScript
1月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: 這篇文章介紹了如何在 Windows Store App 中使用 TypeScript 來開發程式。不過, 我們要如何把 TypeScript 範本加到 VS2012 呢?

首先, 你當然必須先安裝 TypeScript plug-in for Visual Studio 2012 (本文最下方有網址連結), 然後去下載範本檔, 解壓縮後放到 VS2012 的 Template 資料夾裡 (一般是位於 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates\JavaScript\Windows Store\103), 把 VS2012 關閉 (如果開著的話), 再以管理員身份從「適用於 VS2012 的開發人員命令提示字元」 執行 "devenv.exe /InstallVSTemplates" 這行命令 (在 Windows 8 裡, 你可以按 Win-F 開啟搜尋畫面, 打 CMD 就可以找到「適用於 VS2012 的開發人員命令提示字元」這個程式, 在程式下按滑鼠右鍵, 下方就會有「以系統管理員身份執行」這個選項)。

然後, 重新開啟 VS2012, 在建立新專案時 (如果你和我一樣是將 VS2012 安裝在非系統硬碟中, 那麼這個動作可能會耗費好幾分鐘之久, 不過它並不是當掉), 你就可以找到 TypeScript 的專案範本了 (如同本文最上方的圖片所示)。

TypeScript Templates for Windows 8 -
As soon as I saw Anders’ talk on TypeScript, I fell in love. If you’re not familiar with it, TypeScript adds a lot of necessary features to JavaScript to make it suitable for building real apps, while still “compiling down” to JavaScript to maintain JS’s single biggest advantage: ubiquity. Further, ...
1月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: 針對 .Net 4.5 平行與非同步運算的超評細教學文章。想要搞懂 TPL, 就趁這次了!

Microsoft Visual Studio
Make the most of Task Parallel Library and async-await features in .NET 4.5. This clear tutorial by Nick Polyak from CodeProject uses lots of code samples to make it look easy.
1月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: 相當棒的 Bootstrap 教學!

在 Visual Studio 2012 中也可以為 MVC 4 專案加入 Bootstrap (經由 NuGet), 不過它並不會自動幫你加入主頁。你可以前往 下載並執行 VS 套件, 之後就可以在 /Views/Shared 子目錄下新增一個 Layout 頁(例如取名為 _BootstrapLayout.cshtml, 但是請勿刪除原有的 _Layout.cshtml), 然後把 /Views/_ViewStart.cshtml 檔案中的 _Layout.cshtml換成 _BootstrapLayout.cshtml 即可。

還沒完, 你必須參考_Layout.cshtml 和 _BootstrapLayout.cshtml 兩個檔案的內容並作適當的修改, 例如將後者的 @RenderBody() 改成如前者的
, 諸如此類, 才能正確運作。

Twitter Bootstrap 101: Introduction | Webdesigntuts+
Twitter's Bootstrap is an excellent set of carefully crafted user interface elements, layouts, and javascript tools, freely available to use in your next web
1月 22日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
一個相當具有質感的 CSS3 按鈕
Echo apis are created to simulate Ajax calls: /echo/json/ for JSON, for JSONP, /echo/html/ for HTML and /echo/xml/ for XML.
1月 22日

Dot Net 2Share: jQueryRotate 的 live demo -- 這是一個 jQuery 套件, 專門用來做物件的 2D 旋轉, 而且提供了一些效果。
Examples - jqueryrotate - Alot of different examples with jsfiddle playground - jQuery plugin Its a known issue for me but didnt have time to fix it (I want to to it ASAP as I find some time to spare)
1月 12日

Dot Net 2Share: JavaScript Succinctly 免費電子書下載

Syncfusion Ebooks | JavaScript Succinctly
Founded by industry experts in 2001, Syncfusion, Inc. provides the broadest range of enterprise-class software components and tools for the...
1月 12日

Dot Net 2Share: 有時候, 把基礎常識重新溫一遍也是不錯的!

A Beginner’s Guide to HTTP and REST | Nettuts+
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the life of the web. It's used every time you transfer a document, or make an AJAX request. But HTTP is...
1月 11日

Dot Net 2Share: 我們很久以前就介紹過 YouTube 使用單獨一張大圖來取代眾多小圖以增加效能的做法, 這種做法稱為 CSS Sprites。以下這篇文章非常詳盡地說明了 CSS Sprites 的各種相關技巧, 值得參考和收藏。

Microsoft Visual Studio
Learn how to use CSS sprites for faster loading and smoother operation in this great piece by Eduardo Mozart de Oliveira at Code Project. Source included!
1月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: 一些蠻不錯的 HTML5 DEMO。讀者可以看到實際展示成果, 也可以看到各個功能在各大瀏覽器的支援程度。不過如果你看到它標註 IE 不支援, 那個 IE 可能並不包括 IE10。你可以在 IE10 開啟該網頁, 再看看綠色的支援燈號有沒有亮, 這個燈號才是準的。
HTML5 Demos and Examples
HTML 5 experimentation and demos I've hacked together. Click on the browser support icon or the technology tag to filter the demos (the filter is an OR filter).Learn the power tools for your job: git, SASS, require.js and moreOne day of tutorials run by 3 different teachers. Choose 4 topics from: gi...
1月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: 一個 "Northwind" demo ASP.NET 網站, 運用到 Entity Framework Code-First, ASP.NET WebPages, ASP.NET Web API, Knockout, T4 Scaffolding, Twitter Bootstrap 和 JQuery 等技術; 值得參考!

ASP.NET WebPages powered by Knockout, ASP.NET Web API, and Entity Framework over the Northwind database. All generated by T4 Scaffolding.
1月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: 當你在開發 Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 和 Windows RT 程式時, 會不會被混雜在一起的開發文件搞得一頭霧水? 你知道 2800 這個神奇的數字是什麼意思嗎? 你希望在查閱 MSDN 文件時, 能一眼就看出來某個 API 支援或不支援哪個平台嗎? 來看看這一篇吧!

Windows Runtime–what’s supported where? - Jim O'Neil - Technology Evangelist - Site Home - MSDN Blog
Supporting developers with articles on technical content and community events with a focus on Microsoft Windows Azure, Windows 8, and Windows Phone.
1月 8日

Dot Net 2Share: 從 VS 按下 F5 開啟 IE 來執行網頁時, 你看到的 JavaScript 執行效能是不準的! 千萬不要因此誤以為在 IE 中 JavaScript 跑起來比其它瀏覽器慢很多; 那是因為在這種情況下 IE 會協助 VS 執行 debug 動作, 效能才被拖慢了。那麼, 怎麼解決呢? 另外開一個 IE 來執行同一個網頁, 你就會看到真實的效能了。
JS: Improve performance when starting IE using Visual Studio - NoTime - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
1月 8日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
Replacing the -9999px hack (new image replacement) – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
The Daily Report’s 2003 redesign uses (and our book explained) an image replacement technique intended to combine the benefits of accessibility with the power of graphic design. We christened this method Fahrner Image Replacement (FIR) in honor of Todd Fahrner, who first suggested it to us. Douglas ...
1月 8日

Dot Net 2Share: 使用 interface.js 套件達成類似 Mac 桌面的滑順縮放。不過, 請注意, 有人指出 interface.js 跟 jQuery 某些版本有衝突。
Complete collection of easy-to-use ajax scripts and javascript demos in action.
1月 7日

Dot Net 2Share: 一個很簡單的 rotation 語法產生器。在 Chrome, FF 和 IE10 上面都能跑, 但只有 FF 完全沒有問題。倒不是因為 FF 相容性最好, 而是因為該網頁的程式偷懶, 並沒有把 ms 和 Webkit 的相對語法加上去。

CSS3 Rotation Generator
1月 6日

Dot Net 2Share: 在某個地下駭客網站中, 有人在兜售 Java 的安全漏洞 (這個漏洞出現在 Java JRE 7 Update 9; 現在的最新版是 Update 10, 但我不知道它被補起來沒有)。由於 Java 時不時就出現安全性漏洞, 我建議沒有經常在瀏覽器中執行 Java 的朋友把你的瀏覽器裡的 Java 停止執行, 方法可以參考這一篇: 。文章裡建議你也順便把 Flash 停用... 不過我發現我的 Win8 下的 Chrome 設定裡原本就沒有 Java 這一項。

Java Zero-Day Exploit on Sale for ‘Five Digits’ — Krebs on Security
Miscreants in the cyber underground are selling an exploit for a previously undocumented security hole in Oracle’s Java software that attackers can use to remotely seize control over systems running the program, KrebsOnSecurity has learned.
1月 5日

Dot Net 2Share: DNC Magazine for .NET Developers - January Issue 出刊 (訂閱後可下載)

DNC Magazine for .NET Developers - January Issue
DNC Magazine is a FREE, bimonthly (once every 2 months) digital publication bringing you the latest from the .NET world presented by Microsoft MVP's and industry veterans. We cover topics like C#, ASP.NET, MVC, SharePoint, Azure, TDD, Visual Studio, ALM, Entity Framework, HTML5, jQuery, Knockout.js,...
1月 2日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

The Will Will Web | 如何在 ASP.NET Web API 套用 ELMAH 錯誤紀錄模組
每個網站必備的 ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) 模組,在使用 ASP.NET Web API 時卻無法自動套用,也就是說 ASP.NET Web API 執行的過程中發生任何例外,預設都不會自動寫入 ELMAH 指定的儲存區。那是因為 ASP.NET Web API 的主要用途是用來回應呼叫 RESTful API 的用戶端要求,為了不讓用戶端得到不符合 JSON 或 XML 格式的訊息內容,因此所有例外都會被 ApiController 基底類別給攔截,如果我們想在 ASP.NET Web API 實作錯誤紀錄,則必須透過 Action ...
1月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: 讓 Doris 教你如何使用 Blend 來設計 Win8 Apps!
Using Blend to Design HTML5 Windows 8 Apps
In this step-by-step series, we will show you how you can create a lightweight, dynamic Windows 8 version of the Memory Game in Blend using CSS3, HTML5 and JavaScript.
12月 28日

Dot Net 2Share: Visual Studio 的除錯技巧 -- 還是以影片方式逐步呈現的效果比較好, 文字描述沒辦法這麼精準到位。

12月 27日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

展望 HTML5 未來新趨勢 - Johnny.Net- 點部落
This blog has personalition features for you, the reader. Below is a key of what all the icons mean and which aspects of the layout they change.
12月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: 歡迎參加!

Mobile Web 再進化 - 開發友善的行動裝置網站,活用Visual Studio 2012
各位開發夥伴們, Visual Studio 2012已正式上市了,新版本加強了行動裝置網站開發的功能,也大幅強化了HTML5 & JavaScript開發支援,本研討會將全方位探討如何快速開發跨行動平台 (Windows, iOS, Android) 的網站以及進入熱門的 Mobile Web 世界,帶領開發者邁向行動開發的新世代。 對象:研發主管、專案經理、系統分析架構師、開發人員(座位有限,請速報名) 活動議程: Time 主題 內容講師 ...
12月 24日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

《CSS3 Animate動畫模組》隨套隨用搭配jQuery效果更佳 | 梅問題‧教學網【Minwt】
一般製作網頁的朋友,應該都知道,若要製造一些動態效果,比方淡入淡出、左右晃動、旋轉...等效果,都需使用jQuery來完成,而現在不用這麼麻煩啦!直接透過CSS3就可完成各種動畫特效,其實CSS3也有提供動畫的語法,因此透過CSS也可作到如jQuery般的各種特效,而國外有位朋友,還將這些動畫特效,已整合成一個套件,因此只要直接載入css檔,立即就可使用,完全不用寫任何的程式碼,同時再搭配jQuery輔助,就可作到滑入、滑出套用什麼的動畫效果,現在就一塊來看看吧! Animate.css(56種動畫特效): 網站名稱:Animate.css 網站作者:
12月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: 如果你想使用 JavaScript + CSS 做 2D 物體的移動, 你最好使用 translate 指令而不是 top/left。這篇文章告訴你為什麼。

Why moving elements with translate() is better than pos:abs top/left
Why moving elements with translate() is better than pos:abs top/left
12月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

A Sudden Move: One developer’s journey from C# to JavaScript
JavaScript is 'tragically important' because, although it is inherently flawed, it is used everywhere because it allows the developer to use the same language for a variety of platforms and purposes. At last, the uniformity of browser and Javascript standards give the promise of code that really is ...
12月 22日

Dot Net 2Share: 在開發 Windows Store Apps 時, 你必須提供一個 "Snapped View" 模式; 在此模式下, 其它 App (包括桌面) 都可以以 Side by side 方式同時運作。市集中有許多做得不錯的 App, 例如我每天使用的 Skype 和 TurnIn Radio。你可以一邊開 VS2012 寫程式, 一邊用 Skype 打電話, 或者聽線上廣播電台。本文件者認為, 由於 Snapped View 程式和 Windows Phone App 長得很像, 如果你把程式核心寫成 Portal Class Library, 其實只要寫好一種程式(例如 Windows 8), 就可以很輕易的搬到另一種(例如 WP8); 而這應該也是微軟企圖引導開發人員的開發方向。

C#er : IMage: The Future of Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 Development
Does the snapped view required for Windows 8 apps provide insights into the future of Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 development?
12月 21日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared Microsoft Visual Studio's status update.

Microsoft Visual Studio
Here's a good Walkthough for you today: Use XAML’s 3D PlaneProjection to Open a Window and See What’s Inside
12月 19日

Dot Net 2Share: eBay 的捲動效果實在蠻有特色的, 其實並不複雜! 來看看作者的解析。

[CSS] 利用CSS3做scrolling effect - apa
今天看到一篇文章介紹美國 ebay 網站的scrolling effect,觀念其實蠻簡單的,重點是我原本以為需要用到js才能達到,但後來發現根本連一行js都不用寫,只需要用到CSS3即可,這邊就來筆記一下過程 Start 一開始先準備三張可以延伸到整個螢幕大小的照片,如果手邊沒有, …
12月 19日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Create Google Maps With gmaps.js
GMaps is a javascript plugin that makes it really easy to use Google Maps to display a map to your user. There are multiple options that make it easy to add pointers to the map, directions, information boxes and lots more.
12月 18日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Knockout Intellisense in Visual Studio 2012 | John Papa
16Dec2012 Knockout Intellisense in Visual Studio 2012 posted by John with 2 commentsIf you enjoy developing with Knockout.js, then you’ll be glad to hear that support has been added for Knockout Intellisense in Visual Studio 2012! These features are pretty cool and will save me and other developers ...
12月 18日

Dot Net 2Share: SitePoint 教育訓練課程耶誔大特價, 每個課程(可以看一個月)只要美金五塊! 有興趣者可以參考一下!

SitePoint Christmas Sale
The 19th day of the SitePoint Xmas Sale is another Pick 'n Choose day. This time you can choose any 5 online courses from the Learnable library and pay just $19. You have 30 days to take each course (from the time you chose to start each course's 1st lesson.)
12月 17日

Dot Net 2Share: JavaScript 並不像 C# 那般嚴格, 這也造成許多難以追蹤的問題。本文中舉了幾個例子, 說明 JavaScript 關於變數範圍的潛藏問題; 如果你沒缺乏清楚的認識, 很可能會寫出一些模擬兩可、似是而非的程式, 而且問題難以造蹤定位。請記住, 養成把所有變數都使用 var 作宣告的好習慣, 也可以使用 TypeScript 來加強, 如此造成錯誤的機會就會減低。我把最後一個範例放上 有興趣的朋友可以看看原始程式與執行的結果。
JavaScript scoping confuses other language developers
Developers who is writing in C#,C ++ and some other languages probably will face some bugs and uncommon behavior when will develop in JavaScript. For me it was very confusing the scoping strategy in JavaScript so I have decided to drop some lines here.
12月 16日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

JavaScript Patterns
JavaScript patterns and antipatterns collection
12月 16日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

mrkt 的程式學習筆記: Visual Studio 2012 - jQuery 程式碼片段 (Code Snippets)
ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web Forms (C#), jQuery ...... 這裡的內容很另類又相當非主流,所以請再三斟酌並小心使用 ...
12月 14日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Microsoft Virtual Academy - Building Apps for Windows Phone 8 Jump Start
Looking for a simple, effective way to get training on Microsoft’s Cloud technologies? Microsoft Virtual Academy!
12月 11日

Dot Net 2Share: 這是一個很小的程式庫, 其功能模仿 Phthon 的 sh 工具程式; 也可以從 Nuget 中安裝。它允許開發者從 C# 中直接呼叫 Command Prompt 的程式, 例如 cmd.git.clone("")(); 就等同於執行 git clone。如果你時常有需要在程式中執行外部指令, 這個程式庫或許可以幫你一點小忙。

cmd - C# library to run external programs in a saner manner
12月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: 這是一個可以用來在網路上分享程式碼的網站。註冊後, 你可以建立新專案(支援 C/C++/C#/Java/PHP/Objective-C/Objective-C++/Python/Ruby/VB/JavaScript/HTML/Fortran/Pascal/X86 Assembly 等等), 進行程式編輯(但是沒有 intellisense), 與別人分享(如同以下連結所展示的方式)。你可以看到它有程式關鍵字標色, 並且可以立即編譯並執行。此外, 你可以分門別類地瀏覽別人寫的許多程式, 互相觀摩。

main.cs | test (JohnnyWorker)
12月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Devhammer's Den - Building Back-end Data and Services for Windows 8 Apps: OData - Part 2
Building Back-end Data and Services for Windows 8 Apps: OData - Part 2Windows 8Windows AzureWindows StoreODataWCF Data ServicesEntity FrameworkJavaScriptNov 28 2012 8:34 AMIn part 1 of this post, I showed how to create a SQL database in Windows Azure, create a schema for adding leaderboard functiona...
12月 8日

Dot Net 2Share: XAML or HTML? Or both? 你要如何訣擇? 作者沒有提供答案, 但提供了幾個思考方向。

Windows 8 Development Tip #1: Choosing XAML or HTML - Evangelism - Blog
Your journey towards building an application for the Windows Store begins as most journeys do -- with a crucial choice. Thankfully, this choice doesn't inv...
12月 7日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
12月 5日

Dot Net 2Share: 到底 JavaScript 有沒有 Security 可言? 你如何判斷傳進來的資料是 "Good data" 還是 "Bad data"? HTML5 Validation 有用嗎? 本文提供你一個思考的方向。文中也提供了可以從線上關讀整本 "Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures" 電子書的連結, 或者, 你也可以直接下載該書的 PDF 版本 (。

JavaScript Security - Web to Windows 8: Security
Years ago I thought it would be a good idea to learn how to play golf. Before I signed up for lessons at my local driving range, I had never picked up a golf club. At my first lesson, the instructor asked me if I had ever had lessons before or ever tried to play golf. When I told him no, he said, “G...
12月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: HTML5 simply rocks!

Tutorials - HTML5 Rocks
A resource for developers looking to put HTML5 to use today, including information on specific features and when to use them in your apps.
11月 30日

Dot Net 2Share: Unified Threat Management For Dummies 免費電子書下載! 所謂的 UTM, 指的是把包括 VPN、防火牆、IDS、IPS、VPN、Anti-Virus、Anti-Spam、URL/Content Filtering 等等功能整合在一起的整合性防禦系統。

Unified Threat Management (UTM) for Dummies | Fortinet
FortiGate-5000 Series ChassisFortiGate-5000 Series BladesFortiSwitch-5000 Series BladesFortiGate-3950BFortiGate-3810AFortiGate-3240CFortiGate-3140B
11月 30日

Dot Net 2Share: 一個漂亮的 CSS Progress Bar。雖然說這種東西已經很多了, 不過這一個稍為有點不太一樣, 首先是它的流動背景, 其次是它已經包裝得很簡單, 只要一個短短的 JavaScript 方法, 就可以指定進度到達哪裡。
Pure CSS Progress Bar | Animated by CSS3
An animated progress bar using pure Css, no Flash, no Images and no Scripts ...
11月 30日

Dot Net 2Share: 這裡有許多使用 TypeScript 寫的 UI 控制項!

JavaScript UI Control Suite using TypeScript - CodeProject
A usable suite of JavaScript UI controls written with TypeScript.; Author: Shawn Lawsure; Updated: 27 Nov 2012; Section: Custom Controls; Chapter: Web Development; Updated: 27 Nov 2012
11月 30日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

KingKong Bruce記事: Zen Coding - 教你極速撰寫HTML5與CSS3程式碼
I come from Taiwan,喜歡分享技術學習心得,也喜歡觀察孩子的成長與互動,這是一個充滿硬技術與軟心得部落格!
11月 29日

Dot Net 2Share

提醒大家一下, 由於 JavaScript 並非編譯式語言, 如果你要進行較密集的字串操作, 那麼使用上述程式有可能會影響到效能。這是不需要做壓力測試就能預料到的結果。
11月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

LightSwitch Help Website > Blog - Creating JavaScript Using TypeScript in Visual Studio LightSwitch
Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Help Website Community Custom Silverlight Controls
11月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: JavaScript 缺少 String.Format 方法 (已在 ECMA 3 規格中有提議, 但要等到各大瀏覽器實作, 恐怕遙遙無期), 實在很不方便; 所以我寫了一個簡單的方法, 提供給大家分享:

String.prototype.format = function() {
var str = this;
for (var i = 0; i <= arguments.length - 1; i++) {
var reg = new RegExp("\\{" + i + "
\\}", "gm");
str = str.replace(reg, arguments[i]);
return str;

var msg = "{0}在桌上擺了三種水果: {1}、{2}, 還有{3}".format("呆呆", "木瓜", "西瓜", "香瓜");

語法跟 C# 和 VB 一樣。最後兩行是使用範例; 但是別忘記 JavaScript 畢竟是解譯式語言, 你必須在程式中先定義方法, 才能在後面引用。

11月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: 如果你不嫌棄澳洲腔英語的話, 這裡有 200 集免費的 jQuery 教學影片, 每部影片的長度大約在十分鐘以內。除了這一系列 jQuery 教學之外, 你也可以去看看其它的教學影片 (。最重要的, 如果你覺得這些教學影片很棒, 別忘記給它 donate 一下囉!

List of Videos for jQuery
Hey everyone, If anyone has a few seconds to spare, can you please help me out? I made a campaign on indiegogo for a chemistry set, and I need people to leave comments on the campaign page. The more comments that people leave, the higher it will get ranked in the search results, and people will be m...
11月 22日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
10 things you need to know about JavaScript
JavaScript seems so simple that many people don't even bother to learn the language while using it. And yet it works! However, it turned out to be one of the reasons why JavaScript was dramatically misunderstood . Yes, it looks like a language of the C-family and, when starting with JavaScript, pro...
11月 20日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Free Microsoft Developer Training Kits (Updated: 11/13/2012)
Windows Azure Training Kit – November 2012 The November 2012 update of the Windows Azure Training Kit includes 52 hands-on labs, 24 demos and 37 presentations. Some of the updates in this ver...
11月 20日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Key Windows 8 Developer Tenets and Skills - Jim O'Neil - Technology Evangelist - Site Home - MSDN Bl
Serving the software developer community in New England and Upstate New York, with a focus on Microsoft technologies including Windows Azure and Windows 8
11月 20日

Dot Net 2Share: 在開發 JavaScript 程式時, 我們時常會用到 JavaScript Console。但是你知道如何在 Console 中下指令嗎? 例如最簡單的 clear() 指令, 其作用等同於命令視窗裡的 clr 指令。你甚至可以下指令選取某一個 DOM 元素, 觀察其內容。不過, 在 jsFiddle 中你可能無法取到結果視窗裡的物件, 因為它是包在另一個 iframe 裡面。
JavaScript Console commands
Visual Studio provides commands that you can use in the JavaScript Console window to send messages and perform other tasks. For info on using the JavaScript Console, see Quickstart: Debugging apps (JavaScript)
11月 18日

Dot Net 2Share: 本文介紹了一個簡單的 CSS3 應用; 所能達成的功能雖然並不能算特別, 但作者介紹的方式卻相當清楚明瞭, 值得稱讚!

[CSS] 拋棄原生checkbox用CSS3自己簡單動手做 - apa
已經用膩原生的checkbox和radiobutton嗎?今天就試著用CSS3來做出不一樣的checkbox和radiobutton吧,而且是不用任何一行JavaScript,重點是,就算IE9以下不支援CSS3也沒關係!在開始之前,先認識一下什麼是 Adjacent-Sibling …
11月 17日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

45+ Useful PSD to HTML/CSS Conversion Tutorials
In this round up, we are presenting a very helpful collection of 45+ excellent PSDs to HTML or CSS conversion tutorials.
11月 16日

Dot Net 2Share: 在 VS2012 中, 我們可以根據單元測試的「性質」(Traits) 對測試進行分類。這種方式有助於我們對於測試過程的靈活掌控。

Microsoft Visual Studio
How to manage unit tests in Visual Studio 2012 : Part 1–Using Traits in the Unit Test Explorer -
11月 15日

Dot Net 2Share: 五顆星的 Microsoft Entity Framework 介紹文章 - MEF 從入門到精通

From Zero to Proficient with MEF - CodeProject
Learn how to go from being an absolute beginner in the Managed Extensibility Framework to being an advanced user.; Author: Tim Corey; Updated: 21 May 2012; Section: C#; Chapter: Languages; Updated: 21 May 2012
11月 12日

Dot Net 2Share: 免費電子書下載

Unified Threat Management (UTM) for Dummies | Fortinet
FortiGate-5000 Series ChassisFortiGate-5000 Series BladesFortiSwitch-5000 Series BladesFortiGate-3950BFortiGate-3810AFortiGate-3240CFortiGate-3140B
11月 12日

Dot Net 2Share: 如果你是本專頁的訂閱者, 那麼這裡面展示的大部份效果應該都看過了; 不過, 我對這種 CSS3 藝廊 (Gallery) 還是樂此不疲! 或許你也一樣

優秀漂亮的CSS3樣式收集(2012版) @ 設計達人 -
優秀漂亮的CSS3樣式收集(2012版) @ 設計達人優秀漂亮的CSS3樣式收集(2012版) @ 設計達人 八月 30, 2012 分類: HTML & CSS, 前端開發 標籤: CSS3, UI. 我想有不少人已經接觸過CSS3,它給設計師以及前端人員帶來很多的方便,今天為大家收集2012年至今較為漂亮的CSS
11月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: 本文示範如何使用 getUserMedia 以取得並控制客戶端的攝影機。不過這項功能目前僅 Chrome 與 Opera 有提供。

Camera and Video Control with HTML5
Access the desktop camera and video using HTML, JavaScript, and Canvas. The camera may be controlled using HTML5 and getUserMedia.
11月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: 無廢話 TypeScript 免費電子書下載! 速度快一點的話 30 分鐘可以讀完。很可惜, 這次沒有 Kindle 格式
Syncfusion White Paper: Just Enough TypeScript in 30 Minutes or Less
Founded by industry experts in 2001, Syncfusion, Inc. provides the broadest range of enterprise-class software components and tools for the...
11月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: 這位作者有一個 JavaScript 系列、兩個 HTML5 系列, 還有 Node.js 系列等知識分享; 都是 Client 端的技術, 有興趣的朋友有空可以進去看看

iT邦檔案 - iT邦幫忙::IT知識分享社群
11月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: 輕量級的 JavaScript 繪圖程式庫, 功能還算齊全。重點是 jsFiddle 有支援!
BonsaiJS - A Graphics Library
11月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

個人密碼管理技巧分享 - Johnny.Net- 點部落
來吧, 駭客! 這下換我玩死你!
10月 31日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Windows 8 UX Fundamentals Training Workshop 2012 (Channel 9)
Ready to learn about the tenants of a great app, how to think about information architecture, best practices for designing flexible layouts, touch, how to leverage contracts, and much more? Join us fo
10月 31日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Final version - Free Windows 8 programming ebook - Education
Less than a week ago, Iwrote aboutthe free Windows 8 programming ebook "Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript" from Microsoft Press. The link I gave then was to the second version, but five nights have passed, andMicrosoft Press have now released the full and finished version.
10月 30日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Client Side Templating with JsRender
This article explores the JavaScript library JsRender for creating HTML templates.
10月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: 有興趣的朋友可以同時參考作者的一 Walkthrough 系列介紹 (

Windows Identity Foundation Tools for Visual Studio 2012 RTM - Vibro.NET - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
The wait is finally over! This morning we are making availablethe RTM version of the Identity and Access Tools for Visual Studio 2012.Together with it, we refreshed all the WIF project samples in the code gallery to take advantage of the latest bits. All the descriptions and links to the samples rem...
10月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Microsoft DevRadio: Your Top Windows Store Questions Answered - Jerry Nixon - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
A blog for Windows 8 developers using XAML
10月 24日

Dot Net 2Share: App 界傳奇人物 Joe Kaufman 就是靠著這套 Corona SDK 寫遊戲 App 的。如果你想知道的話, 他已經賺了超過三千萬(台幣)。看影片中的介紹, 程式的語法類似 JavaScript, 對寫網頁的朋友應該不是很高的門檻。

10月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: 這個工具可以幫你省下一些工夫
JSON Editor Online - view, edit and format JSON online
JSON Editor Online is a web-based tool to view, edit, and format JSON. It shows your data side by side in a clear, editable treeview and in formatted plain text.
10月 22日

Dot Net 2Share: 這個看起來不錯!

ASP.NET HTML Editor Control - CodeProject
Creating a Useful ASP.NET Html Editor custom control; Author: Amir Jalilifard; Updated: 18 Oct 2012; Section: Custom Controls; Chapter: Web Development; Updated: 18 Oct 2012
10月 21日

Dot Net 2Share: 一個簡單的小技巧, 只是也許你沒想到其實進度可以這樣表示...

Generating Radial Indicator Images Using C# | .NET Zone
In one of my projects I needed to draw radial indicators for processes measured in percent. Simple images like the one shown on right. I solved the problem...
10月 21日

Dot Net 2Share: 雖然這個樣式稍為比較少見, 但如果你的類別繼承結構太累贅, 就需要「橋」一「橋」了! 請來看看這個清楚易懂的「橋樣式」解說。當然, 也可以參考一下我們的老朋友所提供的範例程式 (。

The Bridge Pattern | Javalobby
Description: Decouples abstraction from implementation. Inheritance tightly couples an abstraction with an implementation at compile time. The Bridge...
10月 19日

Dot Net 2Share: 對 Kinect SDK 有興趣的人也許會喜歡這個 Control

SkeletonPainter...3D (Channel 9)
I love seeing these kinds of projects shared. Skeleton's are a common need and in most cases are not the primary purpose of the app, just something to provide feedback. So why should everyone have to
10月 19日

Dot Net 2Share: 蠻有趣的系列教學。不過你必須自己去看程式 (通常都有註解); 不是 step by step 的教學方式。

老怪的挨踢日誌: HTML5 遊戲開發範例整理(1-10)
10月 19日

Dot Net 2Share: 非設計人員也應該懂的色彩學。這篇文章以生動而不枯燥的方式介紹了基礎色彩理論, 在這裡你將可以了解什麼是主色、次要色、第三色、互補色、近似色、三色組、裂補色、正方色、長方色、色調與色度、暖色系、冷色系、顏色的象徵等等。

Color Theory 101 - DesignFestival
Color Theory 101ByJames George11thOct 2012Color,Resourcescolor schemes,color theory,color wheel0First impressions are everything. How you look and how you present yourself can determine how you are perceived. The same goes for our design work. The impression that our work gives depends on a myriad o...
10月 19日

Dot Net 2Share: 如果你有函式是 foo(int i), 你或許知道要測 int.MinValue, -1, 0, 1, int.MaxValue 等等, 但如果你的 code coverage 略過這個程式的內部 (把它當作黑箱), 那麼你不可能會知道你還需要測 3388 這個值 -- 因為那個函式偏偏有一個值指定為 3388-i 而且放在分母... 本文作者的主要目的在建議開發者應盡量避免在程式中遺留太多可能會出問題的狀況 (例如 3388-i, 以及任何可能使分母為 0 的情形)。這類 corner case 愈少, 你的測試就愈可靠, 你的程式品質就愈高。

Avoid Corner Cases | Javalobby
Lets assume you are tasked with testing a method with the following signature: public int foo(int a, int b); If you know...
10月 17日

Dot Net 2Share: 要在 Win8 使用 XNA 開發遊戲, 看來似乎還有一些必須克服的地方...

XNA in Windows 8 - From Dream to Reality | Mobile Zone
Just to cross post back to my own blog (really did that the wrong way round ) here’s my entry to the Intel App-Up competition now being run on codeproject, ...
10月 17日

Dot Net 2Share: 覺得自己 XAML 基礎不好的人可以趁機加強一下!

XAML Binding Basics 101 - Jerry Nixon - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
A blog for Windows 8 developers using XAML
10月 17日

Dot Net 2Share: 想開發遊戲嗎? 你需要什麼資源? 請看此篇! 有興趣的人可以持續追蹤這位作者的部落格。
Resources for building video games - Delving Into Dynamics (and other cool stuff!) - Site Home - MSD
Kids today have it so easy. When I was a young gamer, if you wanted to build a commercial game you would usually spin up your favorite assembler and start building your own code library. In those days there was no internet to speak of so it was difficult to get help. Most of the time your read the f...
10月 17日

Dot Net 2Share: 在談到 JavaScript 的文章裡經常有人提到 "function" 和 "method", 這兩者有何不同? 這種稱呼方式時常對其它語言 (例如 C#) 的開發者造成困擾。其實這種稱呼方式只是一種習慣, 並沒有硬性的規定。當然, "function" 就是大家所熟悉的, 以 function 來宣告的物件, 而 "method" 則是指那種宣告在物件 (包括 function) 裡的 function, 並且經由該物件而被呼叫。例如我們在 funcA 裡又定義了 funcB, 我們就說 funcB 是 funcA 的 method。
10月 14日

Dot Net 2Share: 一個十分有趣的 JavaScript 展示程式。程式很長, 但是大部份都是 libraries (有興趣的人請見程式內註解)。你可以試試它的操作方式: 1. 把某一個球進行拖拉, 2. 在背景處點擊 (不要點太久), 3. 把瀏覽器用滑鼠抓起來搖一搖 (是的, 你沒看錯! 試試就知道為什麼了), 4. 在畫面上 Double Click。這個程式在 IE9 上也可以運作, 雖然有暇疵, 但是大部份功能都有效, 速度也很快。這個 是我剛發現的平台, 上面似乎多半是日本人。從這個平台中, 你也可以開啟一個手機視窗; 我拿我的 WP7 連上那個網址, 發現可以運作, 只是很可惜的在手機上進行的 tap 動作並不被接受, 所以所有功能全部無效。

ball_pool by nicekumo1 @ - share JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS - is a service to write JavaScript, HTML5, CSS in your browser and share it. You can copy and modify others' code. And also Ask questions about JavaScript, HTML5, CSS
10月 13日

Dot Net 2Share: 本文介紹的全頁動畫適用於 Win8/IE10
How to Create Full-page Animations Using CSS - SitePoint
Modern browsers like Internet Explorer 10 support CSS 3D and 2D Transforms and CSS Animations. By tapping the power of your GPU and running asynchronously
10月 12日

Dot Net 2Share: 這一篇文章的主題是 JavaScript, 但實際上是對於 TypeScript 的反思。作者提出幾個 TypeScript 轉譯到 JavaScript 時出現的可能的漏洞, 但我認為這主要是因為 JavaScript 本身的語言限制所造成, 並無損於 TypeScript 希望讓 JavaScript 更具結構化的企圖。TypeScript 就和其它任何 JavaScript 的 framework 或 library 一樣, 並沒有辦法從底層把 JavaScript 重新打造成和 C#/Java 一樣的 OOP, 只能讓它看起來順眼一點而已; 寫 JavaScript/TypeScript 的開發者必須有這樣的認識。

Web Reflection: JavaScript Made Everyone Crazy
I cannot say that you are overall wrong - TS has some of the same problems that JS has (well it is a superSET of it) but your reasoning is somewhat flawed - after all, the languagues will be converted to assembler/bytecodes - so why not write everthing with just 0 and 1?
10月 12日

Dot Net 2Share: 要在程式中實作 Time-bomb, 其實有很多小細節必須注意, 例如應如何偵測重裝、如何偵測在 VM 中重裝、如何偵測修改過的日期等等。這篇文章 (以及作者的前一篇文章, 文中有連結) 應該可以給需要的人一點啟發, 而且提供了原始檔可供參考。

Creating Secure Trial Versions for .NET Applications - A Tutorial - CodeProject
Implement trial licensing model for your .NET applications with minimal costs; Author: Ansel Reynard; Updated: 9 Oct 2012; Section: .NET Framework; Chapter: Platforms, Frameworks & Libraries; Updated: 9 Oct 2012
10月 12日

Dot Net 2Share: 一本介紹 JavaScript Design Patterns 的免費線上參考書! (你也可以在 Oreilly 購買紙本:
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
Learning JavaScript Design Patternsis released under aCreative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0unported license. It will be released viaO'Reillyduring Summer 2012 and will remain available for both free online and as a physical copy or eBook purchase for readers wishing to s...
10月 11日

Dot Net 2Share: 這是一個對於 JavaScript 可能沒有什麼實用價值的小技巧, 借由「駭」進 JavaScript 的既有功能, 讓我們可以使用少數幾個標點符號來表示各種資料, 例如 alert(+[]) 事實上會輸出 0, 而 alert((+{}+[])[+!![]]) 會輸出 a, 依此類推。或許這種小巧技沒有什麼用處, 對 JavaScript 開發者而言, 知道有這回事就可以了。
Brainfuck beware: JavaScript is after you! | Patricio Palladino
tl;drI just made a tool to transform any javascript code into an equivalent sequence of()[]{}!+characters. You can try ithere, or grab it fromgithubornpm. Keep on reading if you want to know how it works.
10月 11日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared Microsoft Visual Studio's status update.

Microsoft Visual Studio
Read what's new in Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 CTP -
10月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: 這個 Virtual Lab 主要在示範 Win8 Store App 的 PLM (Process Lifetime Management) 重點與做法, 使用的是 JavaScript。由於 Metro App 被切換到背景時是不會繼續動作的, 而且可能隨時被系統結束, 因此程式本身必須儲存 States, 這和 ASP.NET 網頁有類似之處。本 Lab 示範了在 JavaScript 之下如何處理這種情況。建議你把 Lab 的說明 (PDF 檔) 下載並同時打開, 因為 Virtual Lab 的載入和執行都不快, 所以一邊執行一邊閱讀 PDF 內容可以節省很多時間。
Microsoft Virtual Labs - Lab 5: PLM (JavaScript)
10月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: 頂尖的工程師不會輕易說出口的話。如何分辨好的工程師和頂尖的工程師? 頂尖的工程師不會輕易放棄, 不會停止學習, 更不會凡事抱怨。說真的, 老闆要懂得珍惜這樣的工程師。

Things Great Engineers (almost) Never Say | Javalobby
My job as a recruiter of software engineers and my 12 years as a user group leader have provided me the opportunity to speak with many talented...
10月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: 在 JavaScript 裡是有 scope 觀念的, 只是變數不能使用 Access Modifier (像 C# 裡的 public, internal, private, protected 等等) 罷了。那麼, 我們應該如何寫比較好呢? 我們可以來看看本文作者的建議。

Modular Design Patterns in JavaScript
Modular design pattern
10月 8日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

10月 6日

Dot Net 2Share: 作者在本文中對 TypeScript 作了一番分析。他指出, TypeScript 雖然會幫你把程式轉換成為 JavaScript, 例如 class, 實際上 TypeScript 採用了 ECMAScript Harmony class 的相同語法, 所以等到這個版本的 ECMAScript 被廣泛採用時, 程式設計師根本不需要改什麼, 程式照樣可以跑! 所以, 在你還沒有產生疑問以前, TypeScript 已經考慮了未來相容性的問題。

Introducing TypeScript -- JavaScript on Steroids - SitePoint
Craig looks at Microsoft's new TypeScript langauge which transcompiles into native JavaScript. Are you tempted by the syntactical sugar?...
10月 6日

Dot Net 2Share: 你認為在 JavaScript 中 function foo() {} 和 var foo = function() {} 這兩者有什麼不同嗎? 有! 意義不同! 前者才是真的宣告一個名字叫做 foo 的函式, 後者則是宣告了一個變數, 而這個變數指向了一個匿名函式。雖然平常兩者使用起來似乎並沒有什麼差別, 但在某些情境中確實有細微的不同。如果你是 JavaScript 的開發人員, 不能不知道這一點。

JavaScript function declaration ambiguity
Just use regular function declarations all the time? Well, ok, I guess. The obvious use of using variable declaration is that you are indeed assigning 'something' to a variable, and a key takeaway is that you can immediately self-invoke the anonymous function and return a different value back to it....
10月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: 耶穌開示, 介紹關於使用 RemoteTaskClient 於可橫向擴展的平行處理的觀念。由於沒有使用實例示範, 又沒有背景介紹, 讀起來可能難免讓人感覺如同神喻般的艱澀難懂; 或許比較適合對 TPL 有深入了解的讀者。(不要懷疑, 作者的名字真的叫做 Jesus, 任職微軟資深應用開發經理)

TPL - Horizontal Scalability for Parallel Execution of Tasks
The Task Parallel Library (TPL), introduced in the Microsoft .NET Framework 4, empowers application developers to create solutions that leverage the power of parallel processing in a multicore computer. In many scenarios, however, the ability to scale vertically (by adding more cores) is constrained...
10月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: 在發佈你的 Win8 App 前要記得檢查的幾件事

Development Snack: What to Do Before You Publish Your Windows 8 App | Web Builder Zone
Development is done and not just done, but done-done. You have logged into the Dashboard and want to submit your application – there are two things that...
10月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: 你在 ASP.NET 中使用複雜的 Regex Validator 嗎? 你認為一個合法的 email 應該長什麼樣子? 或許你錯了! 根據 RFC 2822 到 5322 的規範, 合法的 email address 其實相當的寬鬆, 基本上只要放在雙引號裡, 幾乎什麼字母都可以用! 所以別懷疑, 像 "#$/% abc!" 這樣的位址其實是合法的! 本文作者建議, 根本只需要驗證電子郵件位址裡有沒有一個 @ 符號就夠了。與其設定一組複雜而浪費資源的 validator, 還不如採用寄信過去要求 activation 的郵件來得實在。
Stop Validating Email Addresses With Your Complex Regex -
Just stop, guys. It’s a waste of your time and your effort. Put down your Google search for an email regular expression, take a step back, and …
10月 3日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Web Dev .NET: Don't Initialize All the Things in jQuery.ready()
One of the first impressions a user gets is loading your web application for the first time. Users don't have a high tolerance when it comes to page speed. They want to see something almost immediately...
10月 3日

Dot Net 2Share: 開發中的 TypeScript -- 與其說它是一個新的語言, 開發者倒不如把它當作一個過渡到未來版本的 JavaScript 解釋程式。例如, 它允許你在變數中加入型別標示, 使得你的程式在某種程度上能夠成為強型別; 它提供了 class 讓你把資訊進行封裝, 但是實際上它是幫你把它解譯成 prototype。無論如何, 你寫的還是 JavaScript, 但是多了幾層方便性。

TypeScript: JavaScript Development at Application Scale - Somasegar's blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Somasegar's blog
10月 2日

Dot Net 2Share: 從來沒想到 C# 和 Diablo 會有連在一起的一天...

C# wrapper for Diablo III API - CodeProject
This is a C# wrapper for Diablo III API. The project include the wrapper API file and a GDI+ ownerdraw panel and a Winform demo. You can add any Diablo III tag to the left combobox.; Author: Charles Ju; Updated: 26 Sep 2012; Section: Social Network APIs; Chapter: Platforms, Frameworks & Libraries; U...
10月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

"ASP.NET MVC 4 入門", a playlist created by TWDevelopGirl
10月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: KingKong Bruce記事: Knockout.js與MVVM基礎入門補充教材

KingKong Bruce記事: Knockout.js與MVVM基礎入門補充教材
I come from Taiwan,喜歡分享技術學習心得,也喜歡觀察孩子的成長與互動,這是一個充滿硬技術與軟心得部落格!
9月 30日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

9月 30日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
mrkt 的程式學習筆記: ASP.NET MVC 學習資源整理 Part.1
ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC (C#), jQuery ...... 這裡的內容很另類又相當非主流,所以請再三斟酌並小心使用 ...
9月 29日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
mrkt 的程式學習筆記: ASP.NET MVC 學習資源整理 Part.2 - 國外部落格
ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC (C#), jQuery ...... 這裡的內容很另類又相當非主流,所以請再三斟酌並小心使用 ...
9月 29日

Dot Net 2Share: 我看過的跟沒看過的都在這兒了!

Useful JavaScript Libraries and jQuery Plugins For Web Developers | Smashing Coding
In this overview we feature some of the recent useful JavaScript and jQuery libraries for forms, typography, images and general time-savers.
9月 29日

Dot Net 2Share: 使用 three.js 繪製的 3D 地球人口成長趨勢圖及程式說明 (不適用 IE 系列)
Welcome to My name is Jos Dirksen, I work as Architect forJPoint. I like talking, reading, presenting and writing about technology. On this website you can find additional information relating to the books I've written:
9月 29日

Dot Net 2Share: "Backbone.js 用的 pattern 既不是 MVC,..." on their own link.
9月 28日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Introduction to JavaScript Animation and Windows 8 Games - Chris Bowen's Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blo
Chris Bowen's Blog - Developer & Web Technology, Microsoft, and Developer Community
9月 28日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Backbone.js and Client-side Web Applications
In the beginning the internet was a set of documents. Then someone decided to add hyperlinks to create a web of connections between documents. Soon static documents were not enough so we began to d...
9月 27日

Dot Net 2Share: 要記得回頭把 Part 1 也看一下

The Prototype Pattern: Structuring JavaScript Code – Part II
Using the JavaScript Prototype Pattern This is the 2nd post in a series covering how patterns can be used to structure JavaScript code. In my previous post I introduced what I call “function spaghe...
9月 26日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

[Tip]如何在 web developer tool 的 console 中,使用 jQuery 語法 - In 91- 點部落
[Tip]如何在 web developer tool 的 console 中,使用 jQuery 語法
9月 26日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Single Page Apps with HTML5, Knockout, jQuery, and Web API – Part 4 – Serving JSON with ASP.NET Web
Web Service Layer and JSON The X AJAX stands for XML … but most of us use AJAX for requesting/pushing JSON. Most HTML5/JavaScript apps these days deal with JSON which makes having solid and simple ...
9月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: 免費電子書 (有 PDF 版及 Kindle 版)

Syncfusion Ebooks | Knockout.js Succinctly
Founded by industry experts in 2001, Syncfusion, Inc. provides the broadest range of enterprise-class software components and tools for the Microsoft .NET platform. With Syncfusion, developers can move beyond simply coding applications to delivering real business innovation—the elegant user interfac...
9月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

How to Create / Debug a Background Task in Windows 8 – Part 2 | Web Builder Zone
In the previous post, we created and configured a background task for our Windows 8 application: we’ve created a separate project for the task and...
9月 24日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

在 jQuery 自訂函式中實作 Optional Parameters - Johnny.Net- 點部落
jQuery 的自訂函式事實上就是 jQuery 的外掛 (Plugin), 宣告的方式很簡單, 如下範例所示... 本文的重點, 將著重在如何實作 Optional Parameters, 也就是說, 要如何模仿 C# 或 VB 中的可省略參數值。在繼續進行之前, 我們必須先來看看 jQuery 中的 extend 函式。根據文件, jQuery.extend() 函式的目的是把兩個以上的物件合併到第一個物件。其語法如下...
9月 24日

Dot Net 2Share: 蠻漂亮的 CSS3 圖片轉場 jQuery Plugin (不支援 IE9)

超酷的結合CSS3轉場jQuery plugin
最近找到一個很酷的2D/3D相片CSS3轉場的jQuery plugin,使用後在網站放相片輪播就更炫了。外掛網址首先簡單的準備這樣的html

9月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: jQuery 1.8.2 發表了! 修正了不少錯誤, 之前發現有問題的使用者可以改用最新的 1.8.2 試試看。
jQuery Blog » jQuery 1.8.2 Released
We’re pleased to announce that jQuery 1.8.2 is available! This version fixes several bugs and performance regressions reported from the past couple of releases, and we think the 1.8 line is pretty solid at this point. The only way to know for sure that it works with your code is to test it–so please...
9月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: 你會怎麼做 Restful 網頁? 關鍵字的單複數有什麼意義? 在不同狀況下, 使用 PUT, POST, DELETE 和 GET 又代表什麼? 本文作者提出了一套蠻有道理的建議, 值得參考。
RESTful Standard Resolved!
Lately I'm trying to build a web application which will be exposed in a RESTfull manner. There are some general guideline and hints about how to define it, but no explicit standard or accepted schema structure to use. After reading some info on the web, I think I manage ...
9月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Using Blend to Design HTML5 Windows 8 Application (Part I): Overview and Hello World - Dr. Doris Che
Doris is a Developer Evangelist at Microsoft for the Western region of the United States. Doris has over 13 years of experience in the software industry working in several open source web tier technologies, Java platform, and distributed computing technologies. She is specialized in HTML5, JavaScrip...
9月 22日

Dot Net 2Share: 根據 FaceBook 自己的統計, 每天在 FaceBook 上的活躍使用者有 5.5 億之多(不考慮尖鋒/離鋒時間的話, 平均每秒有 6,400 人, 而且這還不是 Session 數)。要維持這麼大量的密集存取, FaceBook 大量使用了 Caching 技術 (搭配 My SQL 資料庫)。那麼, 要如何監測這些數量龐大的 Clustered Cache Servers 呢? FaceBook 團隊自行發展了一套稱為 Claspin 的監測系統 (Claspin 這個名字取自細胞裡用來監測 DNA 損傷的某種蛋白質), 使用類似熱顯像的方式以方便看出哪個 rack 上哪個 row 的哪個 server 有「過熱」的情況 (文中有圖)。對於有紅綠色盲的使用者, 也可以調整調色盤。或許我們一輩子都沒有機會規劃這種超級大的系統, 但是看看人家的分享心得, 應該也是蠻有趣的。

Monitoring cache with Claspin
When I started at Facebook, I joined the newly formed cache performance team in production engineering...
9月 21日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Building a Windows 8 App with HTML5: How to create a small RSS reader - SitePoint
Learn through two tutorials how to build a small RSS reader with HTML5, CSS3 and WinJS, the Microsoft JavaScript framework for Windows 8.
9月 21日

Dot Net 2Share: 建構 JavaScript -- 這只是第一部, 請持續收看

Structuring JavaScript Code – Part I
JavaScript has come a long way since the mid-90s when I first started working with it in Netscape 3 and Internet Explorer 3. Back in the day I thought JavaScript was a painful to use but over the y...
9月 20日

Dot Net 2Share: 這個服務還蠻有意思的! - Quick and simple image placeholders
Adding an image file extension will render the image in the proper format. Image format is optional and the default is a gif. jpg and jpeg are the same. The image extension can go at the end of any option in the url
9月 20日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared Microsoft Visual Studio's status update.

Microsoft Visual Studio
Scott Hanselman: WebMatrix 2 - Front End Web Developers take note (ASP.NET, PHP, node.js and more)
9月 20日

Dot Net 2Share: 對 JavaScript 的開發者來說, "this" 關鍵字恐怕是最令人困惑的其中之一了。究竟在什麼情形下 "this" 參考了哪一個物件? 值得我們把它一次搞清楚。
Understanding The "this" Reference in Javascript
The this reference in Javascript is probably one of the most confusing scoping concepts for people coming new to the language. Understanding, the this reference lets you unlock the mysteries of Object Oriented Javascript and gain a better/more intuitive understanding of how the object model is struc...
9月 20日

Dot Net 2Share: 這裡列了許多線上編輯程式碼的網站 (雖然我只用過 dabblet 和 jsFiddle)。它們絕大多數支援 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript, 但是也有支援 C# 和 VB、PHP、C++、Java 的喔!

Online Code Editors That You Would Actually Consider Using
However, if you search the depths of the internet well enough you find out about some online code editors that you haven't heard about before. In this article you will find 22 of these online code editors that you would actually consider using.
9月 18日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

mrkt 的程式學習筆記: Sublime Text 2
ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC (C#), jQuery ...... 這裡的內容很另類又相當非主流,所以請再三斟酌並小心使用 ...
9月 16日

Dot Net 2Share: 關心 HTML5 的朋友不妨參考一下這一篇

CTIMES - [HTML5分家]最難達到共識的標準:影片格式:HTML5分家,WHATWG,全球資訊網聯盟(W3C)
WHATWG 和 W3C 是從 2004 年開始合作,致力於單一的 HTML5 標準,如今走向分家,事實上反映出標準制訂過程中各陣營的角力
9月 16日

Dot Net 2Share: 想看 VS2012 Virtual Launch 中使用的影片嗎? 這裡有:


9月 13日

Dot Net 2Share: 關於 WinRT, 有五個很重要的觀念, 開發者最好知道。例如, WinRT 事實上是原生碼, WinRT 物件都是 COM-based、Unmanaged 的。而新的 XAML 程式庫, 即使名稱一樣, 本質也都跟 WPF 或 Silverlight 有所不同, 使用時要注意。此外, 你並不能使用 JavaScript 去建立 WinRT 元件。

5 Points Developers Need to Know about Windows RT | Mobile Zone
Most of us have already started developing for Windows RT, so it make sense to have a better understanding of the runtime: 1) WinRT is a new collection of...
9月 11日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
Node.js and JavaScript Links
9月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: 這本是 Second Preview 版本

Free ebook: Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (Second Preview) - Microsoft P
MICROSOFT PRESS publishes on Microsoft tools & technologies, plus programming best practices. Our blog offers book info, links to ebooks, & other good stuff. Enjoy!
9月 10日

Dot Net 2Share:
Visual Studio 2012 - What's New in Microsoft Test Manager 2012
In this article we’ll introduce some of the new features in Microsoft Test Manager 2012 (MTM) that are used and “dogfooded” by the Visual Studio ALM Rangers.
9月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: 很棒的 HTML5 相容性對照表

When can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc -
When can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc When can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc - Recommendation *Usage stats: Global Support: 93.2%
9月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: 當使用 JavaScript 搭配 jQuery 來開發 Win8 App 時,可能會因為安全層級的限制而發生問題。在本文中詳細說明了前因後果以及可以解決的辦法。

Windows 8 – Using jQuery for app development | Incloud - Mobile Apps, Web Anwendungen, Websites und.
jQuery doesn't work together with Windows 8 out of the box very well. This article shows how to change this.
9月 8日

Dot Net 2Share: 教你如何使用 HTML5 的 WebSocket 做一個簡單的 P2P 程式
Heart of the Living Web
This tutorial series walks you through the simple steps of building an HTML5 WebSocket app, demonstrating the power of the publish/subscribe development pattern directly in JavaScript. Our sample is almost as simple as a Chat app, the “Hello World” app of the WebSocket world, but is a tad more visua...
9月 7日

Dot Net 2Share: 由於 HTML5 中對於 File API 的某些規格的變更, 現在我們可以藉由 Blob 建構式取代 Blob Builder。我把作者的程式碼略作修改, 放在, 讓它可以動態地變更或執行文字、影像和 JavaScript 碼, 有興趣的人可以參考。
HTML5 Blob Objects Made Easier
Lately, while getting ready for a HTML5 session, I found out that the File API specifications changed a little bit. In the past, in order to create a runtime Blob object you used the BlobBuilder object. That object is now deprecated and you should stop using it. Instead you are going to use the new ...
9月 6日

Dot Net 2Share: 你知道 VS2012 的方案總管多了很多新功能嗎? 除了本文所介紹的技巧之外, 你也可以開啟同一檔案的另一個 copy (選擇「視窗」、「開新視窗」) 並拖曳到另一個螢幕, 之後你在任一個視窗中進行編輯, 會同步更新到另一個視窗。你也可以開啟另一個方案總管 (在方案標題上按滑鼠右鍵, 選擇「新增方案總管檢視」), 你甚至可以把這個方案總管的 copy 以拖曳方式固定到上面提到的位於另一螢幕的檔案的 copy 裡面。

Visual Studio 2012 Solution Explorer Enhancements - Wriju's BLOG - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Wriju BLOG
9月 6日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

How to: Change the Start Page of a Windows 8 App in Visual Studio 2012 | Mobile Zone
When you create a new Modern UI(Metro) Windows 8 Project in Visual Studio , a default start page MainPage.xaml will be created automatically along with...
9月 5日

Dot Net 2Share: 一個程式設計師專屬的 HTML Presentation Framework -- 你不但可以拿它來做簡報, 你甚至可以完全自訂這個簡報, 因為你可以自己去修改原始碼, 讓你的簡報具備自己的唯一風格
reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework
reveal.js is a framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML. You'll need a browser with support for CSS 3D transforms to see it in its full glory.
9月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

100+ Best jQuery Plugin with examples of August 2012 | jQuery Rain
Today we made up my mind to develop something really interesting and useful for you. A new jQuery plugin – as a generator of books. The main idea is to display user friendly book basing on raw text (with images). The book consists of pages, each page consists of 2 sides (as in a usual book), there a...
9月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: 的教學方法能帶給有志從事數位出版的作者們什麼啟發嗎? 雖然很可惜的目前這種模式只能用來撰寫教授 HTML、CSS 或 JavaScript (以及各種 JavaScript 套件) 的書籍。仿 knowoutjs 的做法, 如果我們在外面包上 ASP.NET, 那麼就可以提供使用者簽入及驗證, 並嵌入教學文章, 還可以提供多國語言、可以隨時更正、更新、補充。重點是你只要搞定金流, 就可以把書籍推向全世界, 跳過重重剝削的通路。
If your code isn't working as the tutorial describes, you can replace it with a working version. This will overwrite your code entirely.
9月 3日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

JavaScript 字串處理效能分析 - Johnny.Net- 點部落
作為一個前端語言, JavaScript 天生就註定要比其它任何一種語言要處理更多的字串。如何才能更有效地處理字串, 想必也是每個程式設計師最關心的問題。最近, 我看到有人很堅持地在程式中把個別的字串以陣列元素方式宣告, 然後把它們 join 起來, 說這樣才能達到最佳的效能, 其速度遠比使用字串的加號運算來得快! 起初我也半信半疑, 直到我寫了一個程式來仔細分析為止...
9月 2日

Dot Net 2Share: 本文標題看起好像說的是「Chrome 第一次輸了」, 其實指的是 Chrome 市佔率第一次有下滑的現象; Chrome 在瀏覽器市場上的佔有率仍然保持著領先的地位, 微幅領先 IE 的整體市佔率。不過我覺得值得注意的是 IE6/7 的市佔率一再下滑, 在去年還有個位數, 到今年已經低到 (依我個人意見) 可以無需重視的地步了。或許到明年的這個時候, 網頁設計者有機會很高興的大聲宣佈說他們不需要再為 IE6/7 傷腦筋了!

Browser Trends September 2012: Chrome's First Loss - SitePoint
Craig takes his monthly look at the browser usage chart to discover that Chrome has posted its first ever loss. A statistical blip or has the browser plateaued?
9月 2日

Dot Net 2Share: 免費的 MCITP 證照考試的影音教學網站

IT Free Training | Where free means free
IT FREE Training. Just Click PLAY NEW! Get the Windows 7 Course in Your Inbox FREE! New Videos MCSA: IPV6 Subnetting Part 1 In this video and the second, IPv6...
8月 31日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
Creating a Simple Windows 8 Game with JavaScript: Input and Sound - SitePoint
This is the third in a series of four posts over four weeks that will show you how to create a simple Windows 8 game, using HTML5, JavaScript, WinJS, and C
8月 31日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Top 20 jQuery Mobile Tutorials in 2012
Are you starting to work with jQuery Mobile -the most popular framework for building mobile web apps. check out this list of top jQuery Mobile tutorials in 2012.
8月 30日

Dot Net 2Share: Soma 大師親自教你寫一個 Win8 程式

Somasegar's blog - Building an End-to-End Windows Store App - Part 1 :: MSDN Blogs
Somasegar's blog
8月 29日

Dot Net 2Share: Physics Helper 1.1 剛推出! 它是一套 XAML 輔助程式 (使用 Farseer 物理引擎), 可以方便你的 Metro、WP7 和 SL5 程式套上各種 2D 物理效果。這樣講似乎不容易理解, 直接看影片吧! 影片敍述中有本專案的 Home Page (含原始碼及範例下載)。

8月 29日

Dot Net 2Share: 免費電子書

Syncfusion Ebooks | ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile Websites Succinctly
Founded by industry experts in 2001, Syncfusion, Inc. provides the broadest range of enterprise-class software components and tools for the Microsoft .NET platform. With Syncfusion, developers can move beyond simply coding applications to delivering real business innovation—the elegant user interfac...
8月 28日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Free .NET Decompiler “JustDecompile” from Telerik is now Extensible
JustDecompile is a free tool from Telerik for .NET assembly browsing and decompiling. It lets you take an existing compiled assembly and then decompile the assembly language back to readable C#, VB and IL code. This free .NET decompiler is now extensible and the first plugins are now available for ...
8月 27日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
Dependency Injection Using Ninject In ASP.NET MVC
This article walks you through the basics of Dependency Injection and how to use an Inversion of Control (IoC) container – Ninject in a sample ASP.NET MVC Web application
8月 27日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Client-side developers do need to embrace the cloud. - Microsoft UK Faculty Connection - Site Home -
Faculty Connection is an online set of real-world resources and shared peer knowledge, the goal of the Faculty Connection site is to put relevant and applicable tools and information at the fingertips of technology educators.
8月 27日

Dot Net 2Share: 就像作者提到的, "Open Source" 一開始被稱為 "Free", 但怕被別人賦予錯誤的意義(像是沒有代價、隨便你用之類的), 所以逐漸改稱為 "Open Source"。但是時至今日, 很多 Open Source 事實上都有商用軟體的水準, 到底為什麼有那麼多人願意不求回報地投入? 他們背後的經濟來源在哪裡? 是否有我們不知道的獲利模式? 作者並沒有提供答案, 但留下了想像空間...

Free but Not Gratis: Open Source For Everyone! | Javalobby
The term Open Source is not as old as you may think, and the concept actually predates the name. Initially the keyword was Free note pen, but Free is here in...
8月 26日

Dot Net 2Share: 到底 UX Design 是啥米東東? 看了這片你就懂了!

8月 24日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Visual Studio Ultimate 2012: Coordinate your team with agile project management (Channel 9)
This short video shows how to use agile project management tools in Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio to plan your backlog, and coordinate work with your team.
8月 24日

Dot Net 2Share: 我個人的想法和本文作者很接近, JSON 或者後繼者總有一天會取代 XML, 成為新的資料儲存及交換的格式。一些新的資料引擎已經不再侷限於表格型式的資料了, 而 JSON 既可以用來表現非表格式的關連式資料, 又方便人類閱讀, 效能也高於 XML; 這是它的優勢。不過我也認為, 未來的資料型式搞不好都不是我們今天看到的樣子; 或許未來我們不會看到 Schema 這個字眼, 因為它們已經被 Interface 所取代。資料本身也不一定只有資料, 資料的結構是由資料本身動態決定, 而且資料內還帶有 procedure (請記得 JSON 的第一個字母指的是 JavaScript); 一個 "Data Entry" 就是帶著資料走的類別。
Why JSON will continue to push XML out of the picture
The world’s digital infrastructure is currently characterized by a plethora of data interchange formats. It’s not the least bit surprising that such a multiplicity undergirds things at the moment. The internet is scarcely a generation old, while the “Internet of Things” and “Big Data” more closely.....
8月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: 寫網頁的人都應該看看這一篇。不過, 如果你沒時間看完的話, 只有一點千萬不可以看不清楚: iframe 內的 sandbox 屬性中最好是不要隨便加上 "allow-top-navigation" 這個指示詞! 再次提醒, 是「不要」加上! 因為既然要加上 sandbox, 那麼你不會希望若不小心包了一個惡意網站的話, 使用者按下其中連結之後, 它開出來一個和你的網站長得一模一樣, 卻專門用來收集客戶資訊的釣魚網站喔! 否則你還是乾脆別在網站中使用任何 iframe 吧! 尤其是如果你開發的是商業網站, 那麼這個風險不可不知。

How To Safeguard Your Site With HTML5 Sandbox - CodeProject
The HTML5 Sandbox; Author: Dariusz Parys; Updated: 8 Jun 2012; Section: Solutions Center; Chapter: Third Party Products; Updated: 8 Jun 2012
8月 22日

Dot Net 2Share: Wow, 寫得真詳細! (我的 Test Script 好像也沒有寫得這麼詳細)
Windows Azure 實作手冊
8月 22日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

WPF 4.5 is here : check out the new features ! | Jonathan ANTOINE's thoughts on WPF, Silverlight, Wi
The last week, every eye was on the build event and the new windows but it was also the occasion of releasing to the developpers a new version of WPF. You can test it by downloading the runtime and Visual Studio on MSDN.
8月 21日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Free ebook: Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (Second Preview) - Microsoft P
MICROSOFT PRESS publishes on Microsoft tools & technologies, plus programming best practices. Our blog offers book info, links to ebooks, & other good stuff. Enjoy!
8月 21日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

JavaScript 中的 Delegation - Johnny.Net- 點部落
在物件導向理論中, 關於 Delegation (委託) 的概念, 有人說是由麻省理工學院 Media Lab 的首席研究員 Henry Lieberman 於 1986 年在 OOPLSA '86 Conference 中發表的一篇文章 ("Using prototypical objects to implement shared behavior in object-oriented systems") 裡面提出來之後, 才逐漸發揚光大...
8月 20日

Dot Net 2Share: 不喜歡 VS2012 的單色系外觀嗎? 你有別的選擇 ;-)

An, Er, ‘Interesting’ Visual Studio 2012 Colour Theme - WebLog of Ken Cox
After confronting the pathetic, grayed-out appearance of Visual Studio 2012 RTM for a few hours, I craved my relaxing VS2010 themes. I recalled Matthew Johnson’s excellent Visual Studio Color Theme Editor and wondered if it might install on VS2012. No go.
8月 20日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

jQuery 1.8筆記 - 黑暗執行緒
以下是1.8版起移除的API,可能導致升級後爆炸,請仔細檢核: (基本上只有Hacking式的寫法會用到,理論上影響應不大)
8月 19日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

ASP.NET 4.5, ASP.NET MVC 4, ASP.NET Web Pages 2, and Visual Studio 2012 for web developers: Part 1 -
Wow, yesterday was a big day for ASP.NET developers! In addition to some other very cool things, Microsoft announced Visual Studio 2012, ASP.NET 4.5, ASP MVC 4 were released to manufacturing. Hooray! So what now?
8月 18日

Dot Net 2Share: 本文告訴你: 用防毒軟體防不了毒、用防火牆擋不了惡意程式、用複雜密碼阻止不了駭客、PKI 可以被破解... 如果你看了這篇文章後的結論是乾脆什麼都不用做了, 反正怎麼做都會被駭, 那麼你就誤解本文的原意了。其實本文的主要目的在於, 千萬不要過份信賴任何一種工具/機制, 因為你所知道的任何工具/機制, 駭客也都知道; 但是惡意的駭客就像小偷一樣, 一定優先去偷好偷的地方 -- 如果同時有兩台賓士車, 他絕對會先去偷那部門開著、且發動中的那一部, 而不會先去偷鎖著門, 而且警報器已啟動的那一部。如果你把電腦中所有安全類型工具/機制通通準備好, 或許仍然防不了國安等級的高竿駭客, 但是這種高竿駭客想必也對你沒有興趣的!

9 popular IT security practices that just don't work
The security products and techniques you rely on most aren't keeping you as secure as you think
8月 16日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Visual Studio 2012 and .NET Framework 4.5 released to the web!
I’m thrilled to announce that this morning we released Visual Studio 2012, Team Foundation Server 2012, and .NET Framework 4.5 to the web. It’s time to start your engines, and begin downloading today!
8月 16日

Dot Net 2Share: 雖然是寫給 Java 開發者看的, 但是基本原則對各種 OOPS 都適用

10 Object Oriented Design principles for the Java programmer - Java Code Geeks
8月 16日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Is TDD a Silver Bullet?
I recently read this post by Jeff Langr and really appreciated the comments made by his previous co-worker, Tim. Tim clearly was not sold on TDD right from the beginning, but his comments, after be...
8月 16日

Dot Net 2Share: 煥然一新的 Bing! (在 Windows 8 上)

Bing | Introducing Bing on Windows 8
We’re excited today to announce the Bing app for Windows 8. We’ve completely reimagined search for the new experiences of Windows 8, and the RTM release of Windows 8 shows off just how far we’ve come. Searching with the Bing app is fast...
8月 16日

Dot Net 2Share免費電子書下載!
Download "Introduction to Visual Studio Technologies"
%PDF-1.6 % ãÏÓ 7978 0 obj >stream hÞ¤•[SÛ:Ç?A¿ƒaæo;ŽcÏt:’CI)Ð(·ò Ä›D§ò%’LI?}%⊃;8í)ž{&frac12;’V{ùí:N:©ç{qÒéxa'´Bà¥~ÇaâQlUaϺij¥Ø’nä&frac12;~&frac34;šR¡&frac12;À÷cXuD|&frac34;Ð^/ˆ1¤fi¿vq(Ø\y‡e¡ÊÇ»ý8îº5/ô}߸w«‡,çbµÓ—œ‰ÝFÃYz‰ññÜ©NYN¸8&frac34;öOöÜΓ§kIzºÀi)s&œêªq)ò}Œ4|Ú/æ‚cMù'/Ip±ªÈmµ.K^éRâúG$Ý }ófg’úaÆiˆÁ‚É1éôq€†ø‡x‹#ŒðÇxœâðçã—ø„+\ã·``yER…
8月 15日

Dot Net 2Share: 全世界平均每兩個網站就有一個執行 jQuery, 而且還在持續增加當中

jQuery now runs on every second website
As websites become more and more interactive, there is a strong need for appropriate tools to achieve that in an efficient way. Webmasters increasingly turn to jQuery to fulfill this need.
8月 14日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
What’s new in C# 5.0 and VB.Net?
Anders Hejlberg layed out what’s new in C# 5.0 and VB.Net a while back. Bear in mind that Microsoft now have a policy of language parity for C# and VB.Net. So both languages get Windows Runtime support, Asynchronous programming and a brand new feature, Caller info attributes. VB.Net plays catch-up, ...
8月 14日

Dot Net 2Share: 我還在唸書時, 我總認為只有人類社會才真的稱得上是 Fault-tolerant... 不過本文作者說現在的瀏覽器就是 Fault-tolerant。的確, 甚至許多人寧可維持 Quirks 也不願意遷就 Strict 標準 -- 如果你常看別人寫的 HTML 碼, 就會有這種感覺

Fault-Tolerant Systems Are Faulty | Javalobby
Richard Cook wrote an excellent article How Complex Systems Fail. The author packs a lot of ideas into four pages, divided into 18 points. Here Here are his...
8月 13日

Dot Net 2Share: 如何使用 CSS 來實現 Double Click 功能呢? 我已經把可行的程式碼放在
CSS Double Click
Notes: also tested with wrapping span preventing clicks on itself until in focus. Likely fails because the pointer-events prevents click-to-focus
8月 13日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

What is Portable Class Library project in Visual Studio 2012– .NET 4.5
I recently installed Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate edition on Windows 8 RC and noticed Portable Class Library project in the New Project Dialog, which immediately made me to research on what PCL is a...
8月 12日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Free download: Managing SQL Servers and Policy-Based Management - Microsoft Press - Site Home - MSDN
MICROSOFT PRESS publishes on Microsoft tools & technologies, plus programming best practices. Our blog offers book info, links to ebooks, & other good stuff. Enjoy!
8月 12日

Dot Net 2Share: 在剛發表的 jQuery 1.8 中, 主要的改變在於它改寫了 Selector Engine, 使得它的速度將比過去所有版本都來得快。此外, 它多了 :has() 和 :contains() 等功能。重點是, 這些功能都適用於 IE6/7。(我發現 jsFiddle 也已經跟進支援了)
jQuery Blog » jQuery 1.8 Released
As usual, the Google and Microsoft CDNs will also have the file soon. Please don’t ask us about when they’ll be there, we don’t know and we don’t control those CDNs! Use our copies directly from the jQuery CDN above if you’re just itching to get started. It’s the same bits.
8月 12日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

KingKong Bruce記事: JavaScript大量元素選取器效能大PK(含HTML5)
I come from Taiwan,喜歡分享技術學習心得,也喜歡觀察孩子的成長與互動,這是一個充滿硬技術與軟心得部落格!
8月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: 總共有21部影片

Javascript Fundamentals: Development for Absolute Beginners (Channel 9)
Want to learn a different language? Over the course of 21 episodes, our friend Bob Tabor from will teach you the fundamentals of Javascript programming. Tune in to learn conc
8月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
Visual C# Breaking Changes in Visual Studio 2012 RC
[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]
8月 8日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Programming the WinJS App Bar–Part 1–The Basics - Architecture: The Harmony of Mathematical Precisio
I’ve been doing a lot of Windows 8 HTML5 development lately and wanted to share some key learning's for what I would consider to be one of the most integral parts of every GREAT windows 8 application – The App Bar. To that end, this is the first of a multi-part series on the topic of programming th...
8月 8日

Dot Net 2Share: 如果你打算開發 Win8 App 的話, 你真的要好好讀一讀這篇文章。文中還有許多重要的連結; 而且, 這只是 Part1 而已, 請記得持續收看。

Developing a Windows 8 Metro App Part 1: Why Would You Want to Develop a Metro Application for Windo
This post kicks off another blog post series on developing a Metro application for Windows 8. But, before I spend the rest of this series describing HOW to develop, let me devote one post to WHY you might want to develop a Windows 8 application and publish it in the Windows Store.
8月 7日

Dot Net 2Share: 本文作者對 Canvas 和 SVG 二者特性做了一些比較。我把文中範例稍加修改並且放在, 有興趣者可以參考。在各大瀏覽器之間, Chrome, IE9 和 FireFox 都支援 Canvas, 而 Chrome 和 IE9 對 SVG 的支援也很好, 但是 Chrome 由於支援 CSS3 的 transform 函式, 所以以上範例只有 Chrome 完全沒有問題。

Web Dev Report - Working with Graphics on the Web: Canvas vs. SVG
With the advent of Canvas and SVG (scalable vector graphics), developers now have better choices for doing graphics on the Web than in the past, when they had to implement myriad hacks and workarounds. Working with both graphics and design elements in Web development is now much easier for non-desig...
8月 7日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Four Ways To Keep Your JavaScript Clean « Cloudability
These days, user experience makes up a significant part of almost any SaaS product’s value proposition. In fact, some companies are competing on user experience alone.
8月 6日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
Testing for Continuous Delivery with Visual Studio 2012 RC
This guide describes how testing has been changing over the years and how the testing infrastructure you can build with Visual Studio 2012 RC will help you achieve continuous delivery of your software projects. This guide provides an end-to-end walkthrough of the testing scenarios supported by the ...
8月 6日

Dot Net 2Share: 洋蔥式架構原則: 1. 所有程式碼依賴於較接近中央的階層 2. 領域模型 (Domain Model) 盡量寫在中央階層, 勿依賴其它階層 3. 內層制定介面, 外層實作介面 4. 行為 (Behavior) 應從領域模型往外擴展 5. 基礎架構 (Infrastructure) 和 UI 盡量往外沿推展 (讓它們相依於應用核心, 而非倒過來)...

8月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

[C#] 如何從大量 JSON 檔案中找尋關鍵字 (Lucene.net篇-建立索引) - 當麻許- 點部落
上述兩篇 如何從大量 JSON 檔案中找尋關鍵字 ( 還原篇) 、如何從大量 JSON 檔案中找尋關鍵字 (Regular Expression 篇) 中對 10 萬筆個別 JSON 資料進行測試,但是結果卻是非常的慢… 大概都要花到 25~30 秒的時間…
8月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: 這裡有很多不錯的 CSS3 特效, 而且不一定都使用什麼高深的技巧

Showcase of Really Awesome CSS3 Demo
Wondering what you can do with CSS3? Here we have 19 experimental examples to impress you. From simple blurring effect, to complicated animation here you have it all. Also, a few of them are CSS drawing, pure CSS code with no images. Enjoy.
8月 3日

Dot Net 2Share: 在 ASP.NET 4.5 中新增了一個叫做 Unobtrusive Validation 的設定, 其目的在於, 它可以讓網頁中各種 Validator (例如 RequiredFieldValidator) 改採 HTML5 內建的 validation attributes, 而不再像原來的做法那樣產生一堆驗證用的 JavaScript, 如此可以省下一點流量。你可以在 web.config 中設定是否啟用 Unobtrusive Validation, 也可以寫在 global.asax 中, 或者加上 Page.UnobtrusiveValidationMode 指令。本文中有清楚的說明。

ASP.NET 4.0 Hosting BLOG | ASP.NET 4.5 Hosting - ASPHostPortal :: Unobtrusive Validation with ASP.NE
Unobtrusive Validation with ASP.NET 4.5
8月 3日

Dot Net 2Share: 這是一個蠻簡單的 jQuery 套件, 可以幫你把時間以幾秒/幾分鐘/幾小時以前的方式顯示, 就像 FaceBook 一樣。它提供了好幾種功能, 我已經把它寫在 jsFiddle, 有興趣的人可以拿去參考(。
A simple, unobtrusive jQuery plugin that provides auto-updating timeago text to your timestamped HTML elements using Moment.js.
8月 2日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

快速入門:使用 CSS3 2D 轉換 (使用 JavaScript 與 HTML 的 Metro 樣式應用程式)
使用 JavaScript 的 Metro 樣式應用程式使用 -ms-transform 屬性指定階層式樣式表層級 3 (CSS3) 2D 轉換,並以動態方式在 2-D 空間操作 UI 元素的位置及外觀。
8月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: 如果你是 Twitter 使用者, 現在 follow @pluralsight 可以獲得一個月免費觀賞新課程 "Social Media: The Big Picture" 的權利喔!
Special Offer: Watch Amber Mac's New Course on Social Media: The Big Picture
Simply follow @pluralsight to qualify! Once we verify your Twitter handle below, we'll DM you an activation code within 24 hrs. You will have 30 days to activate your code, and then you'll have access to the course for 30 days beyond that. Offer ends Friday June 8 so get your code today!
7月 31日

Dot Net 2Share: 要如何使用 HTML5 繪出二次貝氏曲線呢?

How to Draw Quadratic Bézier Curves on HTML5 SVGs - SitePoint
The SVG path element offers a range of curve effects. In his first tutorial, Craig demonstrates how to draw quadratic bézier curves.
7月 31日

Dot Net 2Share: 你手即你鼠 -- 來體驗一下 Kinect 的威力吧!

Mousing around with the Universal Gesture Mouse for the Kinect (Channel 9)
Today's project answers a need that I've seen often asked, how can you use the Kinect for Windows as a mouse? And while this is a commercial product, there's a free evaluation version that's a quick r
7月 30日

Dot Net 2Share: 值得推薦一下: 50 個 LINQ 範例

50 LINQ Examples, Tips and How To's
I have been writing some LINQ tutorials, tips and How To's on my blog and most of these posts contain short snippets that can be used in your project or that demonstrate how to use LINQ effectively. I wanted to share them with my readers over here. These short examples demonstrate how to use a parti...
7月 30日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Lucian Wischik - Async Part 1 -- new feature in Visual Studio 11 for responsive programming.
The next release of Visual Studio has a major
7月 30日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

ReSharper 7 set for Visual Studio 2012 and WinRT - The H: Open Source, Security and Development
The focus in version 7.0 of JetBrains' ReSharper productivity and refactoring tool is very much on forthcoming Microsoft releases
7月 30日

Dot Net 2Share: 如果和 FireFox 比起來, 我個人也是比較偏好使用 Chrome 來對網頁除錯。可惜的是, 這兩者都無法和 VS11 內建的 Page Inspector 相提並論。

Google Chrome vs Firefox: Chrome is Catching Up on Features for Web Developers - PHP Classes blog -.
Google Chrome browser seems to have practically reached the leadership of the market share of browsers among the generality of the users. However, Firefox still leads in the preference of the majority of Web developers. This article is a follow-up of another written last year entitled "Top 10 Reaso...
7月 30日

Dot Net 2Share: MS Press 免費電子書大集合 (有些還提供 Kindle 格式)

Free ebooks: Great content from Microsoft Press that won’t cost you a penny - Microsoft Press - Site
MICROSOFT PRESS publishes on Microsoft tools & technologies, plus programming best practices. Our blog offers book info, links to ebooks, & other good stuff. Enjoy!
7月 29日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Hadi Hariri - Just cause it’s JavaScript, doesn’t give you a license to write rubbish
JavaScript, the language that we all laughed
7月 29日

Dot Net 2Share: 稍為了解一下如何在 Win8 上處理壓力感應

Author news: A small taste of Programming Windows, Sixth Edition - Microsoft Press - Site Home - MSD
MICROSOFT PRESS publishes on Microsoft tools & technologies, plus programming best practices. Our blog offers book info, links to ebooks, & other good stuff. Enjoy!
7月 29日

Dot Net 2Share: 用 HTML5/CSS3 來製作線上履歷, 這似乎是個不錯的主意

Coding a Responsive Resume in HTML5/CSS3
Almost everybody in the business section has created a resume at some point. When working as a freelancer you are always vying to land new projects. Because of this transitory work cycle it helps to offer potential clients a brief peek into your past experience. And what a better opportunity ... Con...
7月 29日

Dot Net 2Share: IE 相容性問題是對網頁設計者最痛苦、但是卻不得不面對的問題。這篇文章提供了一些經驗...

The HTML5 Shim vs Internet Explorer Emulation Mode - SitePoint
Craig discusses the unexpected consequences of using Internet Explorer Emulation Modes to 'fix' your broken website.
7月 29日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Free ebook: Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (First Preview) - Microsoft Pr
MICROSOFT PRESS publishes on Microsoft tools & technologies, plus programming best practices. Our blog offers book info, links to ebooks, & other good stuff. Enjoy!
7月 27日

Dot Net 2Share: 讓網頁能在不同解析度中順利地瀏覽, 已經是網頁設計師愈來愈應該重視的技能了。本文使用淺顯易懂的方式說明了一個可行的排版方式(IE也適用)

Creating Stylish Responsive Form With CSS3 and HTML5
Coding with CSS3 has dramatically changed the landscape within frontend web development. There are more opportunities to build unique interfaces with gradients, drop shadows and rounded corners. All of these effects are slowly becoming adopted in every major web browser. In this tutorial I want to s...
7月 27日

Dot Net 2Share: 當麻寫的一系列有關 MongoDB 的介紹文章

當麻許 - MongoDB
最近,NoSQL 這字眼很紅,看一下 Wiki 對於 NoSQL 定義 NoSQL 有時也被認為是 Not Only SQL 的簡寫,是對不同於傳統的關係型資料庫的資料庫管理系統的統稱。兩者存在許多顯著的不同點,其中最重要的是 NoSQL 不使用 SQL 作為查詢語言。其數據存儲可以不需要固定的表格模式,也經常會避免使用 SQL 的 JOIN 操作,一般有水平可擴展性的特徵。NOSQL 的實現具有二個特徵, 主要使用硬碟, 或者儘可能把隨機存儲器當作存儲載體...
7月 27日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Brad Wilson - Microsoft’s Modern Web Stack, Starring ASP.NET Web API
The newest addition to Microsoft’s web stack is ASP.NET Web API, designed to offer
7月 26日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Entity Framework 4的單複數自動識別功能 - 黑暗執行緒
Entity Framework 4增加了一個新功能--Pluralization,在Entity Data Model Wizard中能偵測資料表名稱的單複數性質,以便在產生EF類別時貫徹"EntityObject名稱用單數,ObjectSet名稱用複數"的原則。也說是說,如果資料庫有個資料表名稱是User,則個體類別名稱會是User,集合類別是Users;但如果資料表名稱本身已經是複數,例如: Fishes,一樣會個體類別名稱會用單數Fish,集合類別名稱用複數Fishes。
7月 26日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

8 quirks Windows 8 XAML developers should understand before starting their Metro app
It’s no secret, I love XAML. I write XAML, I talk about XAML, I dream in XAML. Sometimes that’s true – especially in the middle of a project. Sometimes people misconstrue that I don’t like HTML as ...
7月 26日

Dot Net 2Share: 有人說程式設計師愈來愈辛苦, 但看到這個, 似乎讓我們覺得愈來愈輕鬆。註: 這個 plugin 向下支援到 IE6 喔!

Sharre Social Media Buttons jQuery Plugins
Sharre is a social media plugin that allow you to create widget sharing for most famous social media widget. I used to do it manually by including buttons from facebook, twitter, digg, linked and etc, it's a tedious process and it's kinda messy because they all using different type of implementation...
7月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: 想連接 POP3/SMTP/IMAP 嗎? 不怕你不會, 就怕你不用。連 library 都幫你寫好了

Understanding the insides of the POP3 mail protocol: Part 2 - CodeProject
This article describes the mail sending process for beginners of the mail protocol.; Author: Higty; Updated: 25 Jul 2012; Section: Internet / Network; Chapter: General Programming; Updated: 25 Jul 2012
7月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: 看起來這是一個蠻實用的小技巧

ASP.NET MVC: Displaying Partial Views using jQuery UI Dialog Boxes
DevCurry: ASP.NET MVC: Displaying Partial Views using jQuery UI Dialog Boxes
7月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: 呃... 這樣叫「私有雲」嗎?

Microsoft Launches ‘My Server’ App on Windows Phone | WP7 Connect
Joining Microsoft’s own My Home server app that was launched last year and others they launched along the way. Microsoft has published the ‘My Server’ app for Windows Phone. This app is geared towards checking up and media sharing for Windows Server 2012 Essentials. Enjoy! Download for Free App Info...
7月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: 這段影片蠻長的, 不過看了這些 jQuery 寫法的 bug, 或許你也會發出會心的一笑吧!

Exterminating Common jQuery Bugs (Channel 9)
jQuery is so easy to use and thankfully abstracts many of the cross-browser concerns we used to labor over years ago. However, as with any library there are a common set of bugs that tend to crop up t
7月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: 使用 d3.js 和 Three.js 製作歐債危機時間表 - 不要嫌它跑太慢; 事實上, 愈到後面, 你會愈希望它跑慢一點...

European Debt Crisis: Timeline from 2009 to 2012 (v0.1)
This visualization shows how the interest rates for the 10 year government bonds has changes for the countries in the Eurozone from 2009 to 2012. This interest rate can be seen as an indication of the financial stability of a specific country. If this rate is very high, it's ...
7月 24日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Consuming ASP.NET Web API in a Metro Style Application using jQuery
In this tutorial, we will talk about establishing communications between ASP.NET WEB API and Metro-Style application using jQuery, for performing CRUD operations.
7月 24日

Dot Net 2Share: 目前出到 Day 3, 陸續推出中

Windows 8 Metro Apps: The 8 Must-Know Tricks! Day 1
You’re at a chic coffee shop or on a plane. Just like everyone around you, you have a tablet. Watch a movie, play a game, do the social stuff. And then while everyone starts getting bored, you flip part of your tablet and out comes a thin keyboard. May be you are also carrying your Arch Touch mouse...
7月 24日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

My Favorite Features: Entity Framework Code First and ASP.NET Web API - Jason Zander's blog - Site H
Jason Zander is Corporate Vice President for the Visual Studio team in the Developer Division at Microsoft. Learn more about Jason.
7月 24日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

[物件導向]基礎篇:interface, abstract, 意圖導向設計 (投影片分享) - In 91- 點部落
[物件導向]基礎篇:interface, abstract, 意圖導向設計 (投影片分享)
7月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: 如果老闆要你做一個網頁版的小畫家, 怎麼辦? 不用擔心! 有了這個 jQuery Plugin, 或許你很快就可以交差了!
Websanova - Quality jQuery Plugins
Websanova is a resource to help entrepreneurs get their work done smarter and faster by connecting them to the tools they need. We do this by providing plugins far superior in quality than any other available plugin and we can't build it than we will find someone who has.
7月 21日

Dot Net 2Share: 就像玩策略遊戲, 有時候你被敵人打得像刀切豆腐一樣, 但如果換個策略, 你就可以打敵人打得像刀切豆腐一樣。本文作者以親身經歷作說明, 如果妥善地調整軟體的開發策略, 那麼 Dev, QA 和 Management 三方就可以 win, win, win!

Developers – Stop Doing QA’s Job (WAITING ON PROFILE BIO AND PIC) | Agile Zone
We’ve all been there — it’s Friday night, 11PM and the system you just deployed doesn’t work. There’s a bug. Your manager just hung up. You phone...
7月 21日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
Adapting to IoC and DI | .NET Zone
You might have come across the phrases IoC, Dependency Injection, Mocking among others, these are commonly used when talking about “Inversion Of...
7月 20日

Dot Net 2Share: Windows 8 Camp 包括兩種訓練教材, 一種是 HTML+JavaScript, 另一種是 XAML+C#; 需求環境是 Windows 8 RP + VS 2012 RC (含 Express)

Download: Windows 8 Camp in a Box - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details
Hands-on-labs, presentations, samples and resources from the Windows 8 camps.
7月 19日

Dot Net 2Share: 看起來 Node.js 在某些場合中還蠻吸引人的
When a .NET Dev Decides It's Time for Node.js
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of years, you’ll have heard the buzz about Node.js, a platform for building network applications in Javascript. If, like me, you’re a .NET developer working on Windows, you’ll have thought, ‘that’s nice, now back to work’. But I think it’s n...
7月 16日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
mrkt 的程式學習筆記: ASP.NET MVC 3 - 基本三層連動式下拉選單應用
ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC (C#), jQuery ...... 這裡的內容很另類又相當非主流,所以請再三斟酌並小心使用 ...
7月 16日

Dot Net 2Share: 大家應該都聽過 TDD, 或許也聽過 DDD。但是到底 DDD 是什麼? 這篇文章很精采, 講的是平時不會有人願意分享的心得。不要嫌它寫得太長, 如果你把它讀完, 或許你會覺得意猶未盡...

Domain-Driven Design | Nettuts+
In my country, you won't make it through school without reading how Goethe's Faust complains, I've studied now Philosophy - And Jurisprudence, Medicine, - And
7月 16日

Dot Net 2Share: 又一個小技巧 (不過很實用)
How to Create Custom Events in JavaScript - SitePoint
Are JavaScript's event types too limiting for you? Craig's latest tutorial discusses the benefits and implementation details of the native CustomEvent object.
7月 16日

Dot Net 2Share: 這段程式利用 jQuery Mobile 很簡單地示範了如何動態改變按鈕顏色。不過如何你注意看程式, 也許會發現一些平常不會用到的小技巧。

Dynamically Changing jQuery Mobile Buttons | Web Builder Zone
Filed in the "In case you need to know" department, jQuery Mobile provides a basic API that allows you to modify buttons. This is more useful for...
7月 16日

Dot Net 2Share: 免費線上電子書: Mobile Design & Development - 本書共計十六章、八萬五千字, 和普通的開發書籍有很大的不同。它的前半部講的是當今行動裝置市場的現況, 探討開發人員應該採用何種策略、設計何種軟體, 後半部才是如何動手進行設計, 包括應該設計為 AP 或者網站之類的策略。不習慣線上閱讀的讀者可以付費購買 Kindle 版本, 另外也提供紙本。
Mobile Design & Development by Brian Fling
“Brian has hit the mark with this title! Mobile development is about so much more than APIs and the latest models of phones—it is about making a difference in the way we live, work and play. Reading this book should be the first task in any new mobile development project. Period.”
7月 16日

Dot Net 2Share: 請注意: 文章標題是說在專案中 "consider" SignalR, 而不是 "use"! 因為 SignalR 畢竟也會帶來 overhead, 並不表示任何專案都應該使用它的喔!
Why should ASP.NET developers consider SignalR for ALL projects? | Kevin W. Griffin
Why should ASP.NET developers consider SignalR for ALL projects? Posted July 9, 2012 The concept of the “static” web went away a long time ago. When web developers started looking towards jQuery to build “ajax” web applications, we hit a wall where an instance of a page was a dynamic ob...
7月 15日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
New Screencast: Playing Music and Sound Effects in a Windows 8 Metro Style App using HTML5 and JavaS
This is the blog of Dave Isbitski. A Sr. Developer Evangelist for Microsoft based out of Philadelphia, PA USA. He is currently focused on helping developers shine with Windows, Windows Phone and Xbox.
7月 14日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

KingKong Bruce記事: 那些年,我們應該瞭解的 JAVASCRIPT 小知識 - 函式 function
I come from Taiwan,喜歡分享技術學習心得,也喜歡觀察孩子的成長與互動,這是一個充滿硬技術與軟心得部落格!
7月 13日

Dot Net 2Share: ASP.NET 4.5 免費電子書來了!

Blogs > Fresh off the Press – “Time-Saving Features in Visual Studio 2012 and ASPNET 4.5” Free E-boo
UI controls for ASP.NET AJAX, MVC, WPF, Silverlight, Windows Forms and Windows Phone. Visual Studio productivity tools. Reporting and data layer solutions.
7月 13日

Dot Net 2Share: jQuery 可以毫無困難地搭配 HTML5 中新增的 data 屬性 (以 autocomplete 為例)

Using jQuery to leverage HTML5 data attributes | Unmatched Style
Our mission is to provide inspiration, motivation and insight into how you design the web. Using jQuery to leverage HTML5 data attributes
7月 11日

Dot Net 2Share: 這篇文章釐清了很多 JavaScript 的觀念和做法。不過, 我希望 JavaScript 能轉變成真正的 OOP, 而不必再依賴迀迴而繁瑣的做法。

Preparing Yourself for Modern JavaScript Development | CodeThinked
There is a lot going on in the JavaScript world these days, both in and out of the browser. Talk about script loaders, client side MVC frameworks, minifiers, AMD, Common.js, Coffeescript, can quickly get your head spinning. And for those people who are completely immersed in that world, it can be ea...
7月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: Win8 Metro Style App 的設計規範
V3.0 Certification requirements (preview)
Important This is a preview version of the Windows 8 app certification requirements and is provided is for your information only. See Certification requirements for the current version of this document.
7月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

SignalR - Async .Net Library for Interactive Web App Development - AMT Blog
SignalR is an async library for .NET, which helps you build real-time, multi-user interactive web applications with ease. It can be used for pushing data from the server to the client (not just browser clients) has always been a tough problem. SignalR makes it dead easy and handles all the heavy li...
7月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: 如何處理自訂控制項在 Design Mode 當掉的問題? 寫過自訂控制項的人應該知道, 自訂控制項在 Design Mode 和 Run-time 被呼叫和執行的方式並不一定一樣, 有時候在設計畫面中當掉並不表示控制項有錯誤。本文提供了一個解法, 就是去判斷 Windows.ApplicationModel.DesignMode.DesignModeEnabled 是否為 true。有相同困擾的朋友可以參考。

Running User Code in the XAML Designer: Blend and VS 2012
The XAML designer in Blend & VS is a projection of a running application (see Mysteries of XDesProc–Revealed!), but unlike a full-fledged app, usage of ce
7月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Example Metro app /WinRT: Serializing and deseralizing objects to StorageFile and LocalFolder using.
This one was a hard one! I just couldn’t find ANY working examples of how to serialize and deserialize objects to local storage or local file. And it should be so simple, right? Well, here is an example app as always – enjoy
7月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
Windows Internet Explorer 10 Release Preview Guide for Developers
The Windows Internet Explorer 10 Release Preview Guide for Developers provides an early look at the developer features coming to the next version of Windows Internet Explorer, as well as the latest HTML5, JavaScript, and Cascading Style Sheets, Level 3 (CSS3) features available to developers of Metr...
7月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: Google 實驗室 - 有很多令人驚奇的東西
Chrome Experiments - Home
A showcase of creative experiments programmed in JavaScript, HTML5, and WebGL..
7月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Building a custom HTML5 video player with CSS3 and jQuery
Building a custom HTML5 video player with CSS3 and jQuery By Cristian-Ionut Colceriu · 28 Jul, 2010 Published in: opacity, html5, css3, jquery, video, Transitions Introduction The HTML5
7月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: 從 Joomla! 到 Stack Overflow 到 PHP 核心, Anthony 述說他在 Open Source 領域上的心路歷程。他的故事或許可以啟發很多人喔! 值得一看!

ircmaxell's blog: A Tale Of Open Source
7月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
使用HTML5 撥放影片
HTML5定義了video標籤,可以用來撥放影片,這表示以後的瀏覽器便不需要外掛一些軟體就可以達到這樣的目地,video標籤可以和CSS與JavaScript整合,讓我們更容易進行操控影片或音樂的撥放。 HTML5有兩種多媒體項目可以用來撥放影片或聲音,一為video;一為audio。這兩者非常地類似,Video與audio都可以撥放聲音,而不同點在video會顯示影像;audio則不顯示。若您使用audio來撥放影片,則只會有聲音,不會顯示影像...
7月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

KingKong Bruce記事: 那些我們應該了解的 JavaScript 小知識 - 物件, 數字, 字串, 陣列, 迴圈
I come from Taiwan,喜歡分享技術學習心得,也喜歡觀察孩子的成長與互動,這是一個充滿硬技術與軟心得部落格!
7月 8日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Dependency Injection in ASP.NET MVC - An Introduction
In this article, we are going to look at a little bit of the theory and then do a code walkthrough to understand basics of Dependency Injection. By the end of the article, we should be clear about the pattern and how to apply it in an ASP.NET MVC application.
7月 5日

Dot Net 2Share: 免費的 .Net 雜誌 (電子版雙月刊)

DNC Magazine for .NET Developers - Launch Edition covers technical tutorials on Microsoft.NET, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, jQuery, AJAX, JavaScript, Silverlight, Windows Phone 7, WPF, WCF, Expression Web, LINQ, TFS, VSTS, Visual Studio, Windows Forms, SharePoint C#, VB.NET, .NET Interview Questions, Office 2007, Vista and related Microsof...
7月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: O'Reilly 現在已經跟 Dropbox 合作, 允許 O'reilly 線上會員購買的電子書可以跟隨 Dropbox 同步到不同機器上閱讀。這也是一個不錯的雲端運用!
Dropbox Syncing - Customer Service - O'Reilly Media
O'Reilly Media Store DRM free ebooks, and videos from O'Reilly Media, Microsoft Press, No Starch Press, Paraglyph Press, PC Publishing, Pragmatic Programmers, SitePoint, Rocky Nook, and YoungJin.
7月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: 這篇文章裡總共出現了 53 個 "Java", 但是 Design Pattern 可不是 Java 的專利。本文簡單地解釋了 Builder 樣式的使用時機, 而「使用時機」是學習 Design Pattern 的最佳驅動力。所以, 有興趣的人不妨看一下。

Builder Design pattern in Java - Example Tutorial
Blog about Java Program Tutorial Example How to, Unix Linux commands, Interview Questions, FIX Protocol, Tibco RV tutorials, Equities trading system, MySQL
7月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: MVP顧武雄錄製的“Windows 8 登入驗證-圖片密碼的使用
7月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: 這篇很短、很精簡, 不會佔用你太多時間; 不管你了解不了解 "Big Data" 這個最近流行的新名詞, 還是可以看一下。
A Quick Introduction to Big Data
The Big Data/BI Zone is brought to you in partnership with Jaspersoft and GridGain. Here you'll learn to work with large data sets, gain Business Intelligence, and even brush up on your statistics and data science. GridGain and Jaspersoft have leading experts and resources in the Big Data space.....
7月 3日

Dot Net 2Share: 這是一張很長的列表... 不是寫 Java 的人也可以當作參考, 至少知道一下外面的世界都在進行些什麼事情

DevRates | Open source reviews by real users
Open source reviews by real users. DevRates contains projects reviews of most popular categories and programming languages. We focus on reviews by developers using libraries on their daily work. Build your public profile from libraries you know and experience positions from projects you've been invo...
7月 3日

Dot Net 2Share: 好漂亮的 Timeline!

The evolution of the web
Interactive infographic about the evolution of browsers and the web. This infographic features major web browsers since 1993 such as Mosaic, Netscape, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, and Chrome, as well as key developments in web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
7月 3日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

跨行動裝置網站開發 - 使用 ASP.NET 4.5 Beta & Visual Studio 2012
Visual Studio 11 Beta 及 .NET 4.5 Beta 已提供下載了,新版本加強了行動裝置網站開發的功能,也大幅強化了 HTML5 & JavaScript 開發支援,除了全方位預覽新版本功能外,我們也將告訴您如何延用 .NET 開發人員熟悉的技術,快速開發跨行動平台 (Windows、iOS、Android) 的網站,帶領開發者邁向行動開發的新世代。
7月 2日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

All my XAML/C#/SharpDx demos
As promised here is all my samples in one huge project, and working on Windows 8 Release Preview (RP). It is only demo code and I follow a very loose way of programming, which means I pay more atte...
7月 2日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

The Will Will Web | Windows 8 使用者帳戶控制 (UAC) 深入研究與專家密技分享
使用者帳戶控制 (UAC) 是個讓人又喜歡又討厭的東西,喜歡的是它真的讓惡意軟體不容易入侵你的電腦,討厭的是它真的很煩,隨時都有可能跳出一個提示你是否同意執行的畫面,也因此不少人剛安裝完 Windows Vista 或 Windows 7 都是第一時間將其關閉,而關閉的結果是電腦永遠執行在最高權限底下,當不小心執行到惡意程式時,電腦就有可能被植入木馬或病毒,非常危險!也因此 Windows 8 為了兼具安全與方便,再次改良 使用者帳戶控制 (UAC) 的使用方式,這次是就算你設定 使用者帳戶控制 (UAC) 但,是不是覺得很玄?接著看下去你可能就會明白。
7月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

ASP.NET, C#.Net, SQL Server, JQuery, WCF code: What is the maximum number of indices per table in SQ
What is the maximum number of indices per table in SQL SERVER?
6月 29日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

[HTML5] HTML5 File API - 小朱® 的技術隨手寫- 點部落
雖說接觸 HTML5 已經一段時間了,但真正讓我使用到 HTML5 特殊功能的源頭,還是檔案上傳,畢竟檔案上傳這件事每個 Web 應用程式幾乎都有,而且多半是單檔上傳,多檔的話只能用 Flash 或 Silverlight 寫檔案上傳元件配合 JavaScript 來做,但到了 HTML5,Flash 和 Silverlight 大概就只能靠邊站了,因為 HTML5 不愧是號稱可以打趴 Flash 的新技術,幾乎 90% 以上 Flash 可做到的功能,在 HTML5 上都可以做到...
6月 29日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

攻略 ASP.NET MVC 網站的從無到有 2012-06-14
呼應上次研討內容分享的理論,此次將以專案實作講解,讓大家瞭解如何使用MVC! 講解內
6月 29日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

8 Reasons to Gear Up For HTML5 Now
The W3C won't finalize the latest iteration of HTML until 2014, but there are plenty of reasons, from better video to cleaner code to improved user interaction, to incorporate HTML5 into current Web development projects.
6月 28日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
jQuery 1.8 beta1 發佈及重點整理
作者: TonyQ 1.MODULARITY 模組化 因為採用新的 grunt 建制模式,現在你可以只針對 jQuery 其中幾個需要得模組進行打包,不見得需要引入整個 jQuery 功能集。 需要的話只要從 github 取出 jQuery project 並透過 grunt command 進行。 TonyQ註:(不建議真的去作客製版本,容易造成維護上困難。)...
6月 28日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

The HTML5 / CSS3 Zone - CodeProject
Free source code and tutorials for Software developers and Architects.; Updated: 9 Sep 2011
6月 27日

Dot Net 2Share: RT 平板內建 Windows RT + Office Home & Student 2013 RT; 不曉得這個 Student 2013 是什麼; 至於 X86 平板似乎就沒有內建 Office。而 X86 比 RT 重得多 (903 公克對 676 公克), 也厚了一點 (13.5 公釐對 9.3 公釐)。但是 X86 的螢幕註明為 ClearType Full HD (1080p), 而 RT 平板就沒有 Full HD。X86 版有 USB 3.0, RT 版只有 2.0。X86 版有附 Mini DisplayPort, RT 版沒有。然後重點來了! X86 版提供了兩種觸控 (注意, 是兩種喔), 一種是普通的多指觸控, 另一種叫做 Pen with Palm Block, 它讓那根隨附的觸控筆寫起來就像在紙上寫字一樣, 因為筆尖和顯示畫面中間只隔 0.7 釐米! 此外, X86 的儲存記憶體規格也是 RT 的兩倍。總結一句, 想必是精彩可期!

Microsoft Surface tablets: the differences between Windows RT and Windows 8 Pro models
Surfaces. Turns out, the plural form of Microsoft's new tablet range rolls off of the tongue with ease, but understanding the differences between
6月 19日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Keynote - Antoine Leblond: Windows 8 (Channel 9)
KEY02 Windows Corporate Vice President Antoine Leblond discusses Windows 8, Windows 8 Metro style apps for the enterprise, Windows Store and more. Lots of great of demos of the latest version of Microsoft's
6月 15日

Dot Net 2Share: Roslyn 是微軟一個進行中的專案代碼, 其主要目的是提供一組 API, 可以把 C# 和 VB 的 compiler 當作服務來使用。這麼做的目的, 主要是為了方便撰寫 VS 的擴充套件。例如, 你可以寫一個套件, 那麼使用者若輸入 "2 ^ 10 =", 你就幫它補上 1024 之類的。不過我倒是對內含在 Roslyn 的 DLR (Dynamic Language Runtime) 比較感興趣, 因為這表示我們將有機會在執行時期動態的撰寫並執行程式。或許也會有人利用這個功能, 讓使用者輸入自然語言, 經轉換成 C# 或 VB 後動態地執行。
Download Roslyn 2012 June CTP V2
The Microsoft “Roslyn” June 2012 CTP installs as an extension to Visual Studio 2012 RC and Visual Studio 2010 SP1. “Roslyn” is a long lead project which we are considering for the post-Visual Studio 2012 timeframe. The CTP includes an early preview of the APIs exposed by the C# and Visual Basic co...
6月 15日

Dot Net 2Share: jQuery++ 算是 jQuery 的外掛, 本身提供了許多好用的輔助工具 (Helpers)。它連首頁的設計方式都十分的有意思, 當你捲動頁面時, 左邊的 Navigation 欄也會跟著移動標示。
6月 6日

Dot Net 2Share: 這篇文章以極為深入淺出的方式教大家如何使用 ASP.NET (配合 IE9) 建立及測試 jQuery 程式。對於沒有耐心的人, 建議你可以看一下開頭的教學影片。作者使用的是淺顯易懂的英語, 應該很容易聽懂。

Kendo Blog Posts > Hello jQuery
This is the first section in the ongoing course HTML5 Development For ASP.NET Developers. This module will covers the very basic information that you will need to know about jQuery and how to use it inside of Visual Studio / Internet Explorer. There are some good tips on things you can do with the ...
6月 6日

Dot Net 2Share: 作者使用易懂的方式逐步介紹 jQuery。推薦給所有 jQuery 愛用者

30 Days to Learn jQuery
You know you need to learn jQuery. Everyone else has, and you’re falling behind! No worries; it’s a brand new year, and what better way (...)
6月 6日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Free ebook: Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (First Preview) - Microsoft Pr
MICROSOFT PRESS publishes on Microsoft tools & technologies, plus programming best practices. Our blog offers book info, links to ebooks, & other good stuff. Enjoy!
6月 5日

Dot Net 2Share: VS2012 的 Solution Explorer 做了很多改變, 例如瀏覽檔案中的欄位與方法、多功能的快速搜尋和快速預覽、可以一次開啟多個 Solution Explorer 等等。請務必對這個新的 Solution Explorer 多多認識。如果你以舊的方式來使用它, 你將會錯過很多新而好用的功能喔!

Visual Studio 2012 Solution Explorer Enhancements - Wriju's BLOG - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Wriju BLOG
6月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: 看來各種支援 Windows 8 的「變形平板」電腦將在這次 Computex 中大放異彩!

Transformer called key to expansion of Windows 8 notebooks - CNA ENGLISH NEWS
Taipei, June 3 (CNA) Transformation will become a key form factor for notebook computers running the Windows 8 operating system to win more market share in the business segment, according to the Taipei Computer Association, a co-organizer of Computex Taipei.
6月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: 會設計邏輯電路的朋友看到這東西一定會眼睛為之一亮! 而且連軟體的原始檔(C#)都可以下載喔!

Design and simulate digital logic circuits with LogicCircuit (Channel 9)
Today's Hardware Friday post isn't about hardware...directly. What if you'd just like to play around creating logic circuits? Or maybe use a program to help you learn how to design them? Oh yeah, and
6月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: 聰明地利用圖形理論來分析籃球場上的控球網路

Graph Theory, Gremlin, and . . . the Chicago Bulls? | Architects Zone
In the late 90s Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, and Dennis Rodman of the Chicago Bulls dominated the basketball court. They were the key...
6月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
Windows 8 Release Preview: The Ultimate Delta Guide
You’ve waited, you’ve wondered, you’ve suspected … and now it’s finally here: The Windows 8 Release Preview, Microsoft’s new, near-final look at its next operating system. As expected, the Release Candidate represents a major new milestone towards the release of Windows 8. And if you’ve got question...
6月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: 開發人員請來看看 Win8 CP 到 RP 中間改了什麼

What’s changed for app developers since the Consumer Preview - Windows 8 app developer blog - Site H
It’s that time again: With the new Release Preview and the new developer tools, Windows 8 is one step closer to final release. And just like in the Consumer Preview, our engineering team has been hard at work polishing the development platform to provide you with the best possible development experi...
6月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: 這兩者勝負或許很明顯, 但從另一個角度來看, 為何要分勝負?
The Battle Continues: XAML vs. HTML5
Last night, I saw a message on Twitter that I completely disagreed with. I think the "Why XAML is better than JS/HTML5/CSS" posts should be more accurately named "I like XAML and don't know the other stuff”...
5月 27日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

跨行動裝置網站開發 - 使用 ASP.NET 4.5 Beta & Visual Studio 11 Beta
Visual Studio 11 Beta 及 .NET 4.5 Beta 已提供下載了,新版本加強了行動裝置網站開發的功能,也大幅強化了 HTML5 & JavaScript 開發支援,除了全方位預覽新版本功能外,我們也將告訴您如何延用 .NET 開發人員熟悉的技術,快速開發跨行動平台 (Windows、iOS、Android) 的網站,帶領開發者邁向行動開發的新世代。
5月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

KingKong Bruce記事: ASP.NET Web API 心得筆記 (8) HTTP 訊息處理常式(HTTP Message Handlers)
I come from Taiwan,喜歡分享技術學習心得,也喜歡觀察孩子的成長與互動,這是一個充滿硬技術與軟心得部落格!
5月 22日

Dot Net 2Share: 改善 Windows 7 桌面小工具 Memory Leak 的問題

改善 Windows 7 桌面小工具 Memory Leak 的問題
在我的 Windows 7 (Ultimate 64-bit) 機器上, 我原本已安裝了 6G 記憶體, 可是由於時常遇到記憶體不足的問題, 所以後來又把記憶體追加到 12G。吃記憶體的元兇當然是 Chrome (主要的原因是因為我開了很多分頁, 而且 Chrome 對每個分頁都採用了 sandbox 技術, 加上快取, 還有 undo 功能; 有空再來談這個), 但是 Windows 7 另外有個令人快要抓狂的記憶體大胃王, 那就是 Sidebar (小工具)! 為什麼我會發現 Sidebar 吃了很多記憶體呢? 首先, 是因為我裝了 VMMAP 這個
5月 21日

Dot Net 2Share: 體會一下 C# 4.0 中 dynamic 的便利。請注意第二個範例中的 AsExpando() 是一個擴充方法, 所以一開始並不在 VS 的 intellisense 列表裡面; 老師會在稍後講到這個擴充方法。

5月 19日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
A look ahead at the Visual Studio 11 product lineup and platform support - The Visual Studio Blog -.
Visual studio, VS, Express, editor, vs editor, visual studio editor, vsx, extensibility, vs extensibility, project, vs project, visual studio project, msbuild, vs build, shell, vs shell, UI, ide, vs ide
5月 19日

Dot Net 2Share: 寫網頁的人真的需要看看這一篇。或許很多人並沒有思考過以非同步方式載入 JavaScript 的問題; 但是在網路塞車(尤其在分散式架構下)的時候, 使用非同步方式的確有助於 User Experience 的提升。

Thinking Async
Here's the rub: when you load JavaScript from a third party you should do it asynchronously. You might want to load your own scripts asynchronously too,
5月 18日

Dot Net 2Share: Programming Windows 6th Edition 電子版美金10塊錢預購活動開始了! 馬上可以下載 PDF, Mobi 和 ePub 三種格式!
O'Reilly Media - Tech Books, DRM-Free Ebooks, Videos
O'Reilly Media Store DRM free ebooks, and videos from O'Reilly Media, Microsoft Press, No Starch Press, Paraglyph Press, PC Publishing, Pragmatic Programmers, SitePoint, Rocky Nook, and YoungJin.
5月 18日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
.NET 4.5 Baby Steps: Series Index | Robert MacLean
This page lists is just a list of the various posts in the .NET 4.5 Baby Steps series. If the page is grey or not a link then it is because the post is not published yet and you should check back soon. Part 1: ThreadLocal Part 2: Task Timeout Cancellation Part 3: IDataFlowBlock Part 4: Batc...
5月 14日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
ASP.NET 2Share : 使用 Timeline 自製噗浪式河道
Timeline 是一個 JavaScript 程式庫, 它並不是 jQuery 套件, 所以無需載入 jQuery 主程式。要如何解釋 Timeline 的功用, 這實在有點難; 但如果你是噗浪的愛用者, 那麼你馬上就可以心領神會。因為它使用起來幾乎跟噗浪一模一樣(只差不能留言跟按讚而已)
5月 14日

Dot Net 2Share: 這真的不是 Winamp! 按 Start 按鈕開始音樂, 按右下角各種名稱開始顯示視覺效果。全部是 HTML5 做的。
All this is done in HTML5 by the way
Music visualizations with JavaScript and HTML5 audio.
5月 14日

Dot Net 2Share: Nokia Tiviti 9210 爆光! 這是 Nokia 支援 Windows 8 的平板, 好棒的規格, 32G 版本才賣 $499, 不買嗎?

Concept Art: Nokia Tiviti 9210 Tablet Running Windows 8 | WP7 Connect
We just love concept art, especially looking a great looking Nokia tablets running Windows 8. Check this newest concept created over at Neowin. NOKIA Tiviti 9210 with Windows RT Processor: Dual-core 1.5GHz Qualcomm MSM8960 Pro Snapdragon S4 Dimensions: 260.2 x 177.5 x 8.8 mm Weight: 575g Display: ...
5月 12日

Dot Net 2Share: 再接再厲! 嫌 WP7 手機鈴聲不夠多嗎? 來裝這個!

Free Ringtones
5月 12日

Dot Net 2Share: Time Mobile 上市了! 在 WP7 手機上直接閱讀 Time 雜誌內容! 免費安裝 (而且不限 Nokia) 使用方式跟昨天介紹的 The Daily Beast 很像

Time Mobile
5月 12日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Announcing Portable Library Tools 2 Beta for Visual Studio 2010 [Mircea] - BCL Team Blog - Site Home
Today we are announcing the Beta release of the Portable Library Tools 2 for Visual Studio 2010. This is an update to the first version we released in June 2011. It brings parity with Portable Library Tools in Visual Studio 11 Beta for those platforms supported by Visual Studio 2010. It also adds su...
5月 12日

Dot Net 2Share: 一個很特別的 jQuery Calendar (點按右上角緞帶可以進入專案網頁並下載原始碼)
jQuery Verbose Calendar - Brought to you by John Patrick Given
Why another jQuery calendar? I needed something very specific for a personal project which led me to created this calendar. After making it I thought it was pretty neat-o :) Perhaps someone else will find it useful.
5月 11日

Dot Net 2Share: 五十套全新免費的紋路底圖

50 Fresh and Free Texture Packs To Spice Up Your Designs
All designers should have a healthy collection of resources in their toolbox. Always ready for any possible scenario. So, just to help your collection we have for you today 50 fresh, free and fantastic texture packs that are freely available to download.
5月 11日

Dot Net 2Share: 免費電子書 jQuery Succinctly

Syncfusion Ebooks | jQuery Succinctly
Founded by industry experts in 2001, Syncfusion, Inc. provides the broadest range of enterprise-class software components and tools for the Microsoft .NET platform. With Syncfusion, developers can move beyond simply coding applications to delivering real business innovation—the elegant user interfac...
5月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

13 Essential Tools for the Ninja Web Developer
UI controls for ASP.NET AJAX, MVC, WPF, Silverlight, Windows Forms and Windows Phone. Visual Studio productivity tools. Reporting and data layer solutions.
5月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

7 Javascript Ajax File Upload Plugins
File upload form element has been available for ages, for all the frontend developer, the file upload form element can cause headache because it's very hard to reskin This time, we have found a few AJAX based file uploaders which support multiple file uploads, progress indicator, file type restricti...
5月 10日

Dot Net 2Share: 這個全螢幕模式在 Chrome 和 FireFox 都能用
Create full screen view with screenfull.js | w3resource gallery for Web Designers an Developers
Want to create a Full Screen View of your image or video? W3c provides a Fullscreen API for that, and screenfull.js is a Simple wrapper for cross-browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API.
5月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

knockout.js!! - 黑暗執行緒
如果說jQuery是林志玲,那麼knockout.js可比陳妍希,同樣讓人一見傾心!! 這就是我初見knockout.js的感想。
5月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

[ASP.NET] 於ASP.NET將Facebook帳號整合
5月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: 這個全螢幕模式在 Chrome 和 FireFox 都能用
Create full screen view with screenfull.js | w3resource gallery for Web Designers an Developers
Want to create a Full Screen View of your image or video? W3c provides a Fullscreen API for that, and screenfull.js is a Simple wrapper for cross-browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API.
5月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

knockout.js!! - 黑暗執行緒
如果說jQuery是林志玲,那麼knockout.js可比陳妍希,同樣讓人一見傾心!! 這就是我初見knockout.js的感想。
5月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

[ASP.NET] 於ASP.NET將Facebook帳號整合
5月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: 十本微軟免費電子書

Free ebooks: Great content from Microsoft Press that won’t cost you a penny - Microsoft Press - Site
MICROSOFT PRESS publishes on Microsoft tools & technologies, plus programming best practices. Our blog offers book info, links to ebooks, & other good stuff. Enjoy!
5月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: 有意思! 非常有意思! 而且方法很簡單!

How to Safeguard Your Site with HTML5 Sandbox - SitePoint
More and more content gets pulled into websites each day with the use of iframes, but not without increased security risks. But don't stress ... there's a new kid on the block to help you out: the HTML5 sandbox.
5月 8日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
Web Worker: Running JS Tasks in the Background | Web Builder Zone
Since JavaScript is more and more used for building applications, rather than providing extra features, you need to take care you don’t freeze the UI....
5月 7日

Dot Net 2Share: 一大堆 CSS 小技巧

Master your CSS3! Ultimate CSS code snippets |
A fantastic list of Css snippets that we are sure you will find extremely useful. Whether you are a veteran web developer, or are just a beginner, check this.
5月 7日

Dot Net 2Share: Sisyphus.js 是一個 jQuery 套件, 它的主要功能是幫使用者把填寫中的表單(包括各種 input 控制項和 textarea 等等)記憶起來, 讓使用者即使不小心按到 ESC 甚至 F5, 之前填入的大部份資料都不會遺失!

Sisyphus.js - Gmail-like client-side drafts and bit more
Imagine you're filling a complex form on site, or typing effervescent and extensive comment. And when you're almost done with that browser is crashed, or you closed tab mistakenly, or electricity is turned off, or something else break your efforts. Disgusting, huh?
5月 7日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

ASP.NET MVC & jQuery UI autocomplete Part 2 (EditorFor) - Stuart Leeks - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
I recently blogged about how to enable autocompletion of a text field using jQuery UI, and how to easily hook this behaviour up in ASP.NET MVC. In this post I’ll go a step further and show how to hook this behaviour up even if you are using Html.EditorFor.
5月 6日

Dot Net 2Share: CSS 做的 2.5D 按鈕大集合!

CSS button, 110 best!
Looking for a nice css button for you next web project ? you are in the right place, more than 110 css and css3 buttons ready to use and totally free !
5月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: 這是 .NET Debugging Starter Kit for the Production Environment 系列影片的第二集, 總共有六集

Using Perfmon to Diagnose Application Issues - 02 (Channel 9)
Performance Monitor is oftentimes an overlooked tool when troubleshooting application issues.  But in the production environment, it can be invaluable to helping you determine just what kind of a
5月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: MSDN 邊做邊學系列有新東西了!

Metro Style Apps 開發(JavaScript)new!! Metro Style Apps 開發(C# + XAML)new!! WCF 及Restful 服務開發. jQuery Mobile 開發. IIS 7.5 的開發、管理及擴充大全. Visual Studio 2010 升級寶典. Visual SourceSafe 升級寶典. Visual Studio 2010 妙...
5月 3日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

The Will Will Web | 網站建置不是件簡單的事 @ 跨瀏覽器網頁設計密技 (2)
設計跨瀏覽器網頁經常要在不同瀏覽器版本之間進行微調,調整的地方不一定只有 CSS 樣式,我們有時候會為了避開一些瀏覽器在特定版本下的 JavaScript 臭蟲,也會需要針對不同的瀏覽器版本撰寫不同的程式碼來因應,在這篇文章裡我會介紹各瀏覽器 CSS Hack 技巧以及 IE 條件式註解,幫助各位更輕易的設計出跨瀏覽器網頁。
5月 3日

Dot Net 2Share: 歡迎加入 - 微軟的社交網路 (可以使用 FaceBook 或 Live 帳號登入)

The Social Search experiment from Microsoft Research FUSE Labs
Share your Search. Rediscover search through your friends and community on the all new social search experiment from Microsoft Research FUSE Labs.
5月 2日

Dot Net 2Share: 看到這篇我倒是突然發現我竟然沒有用過 jsFiddle 那麼好用的 embed 功能!
Devhammer's Den - Exploring HTML5 Canvas: Part 5 - Basic Animation
Exploring HTML5 Canvas: Part 5 - Basic Animation HTML5 Canvas Tutorials Apr 23 2012 12:23 PM [This is part 5 of an ongoing series of posts examining the H...
5月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

KingKong Bruce記事: ASP.NET Web API 心得筆記 (7) CRUD, Paging, Querying, Authorization 之 jQuery
我們在【ASP.NET Web API 心得筆記 (3) CRUD 操作之後端程式】裡完成了整個 CURD 在 ASP.NET Web API 上的討論,但前端網頁要如何呼叫使用 GET, POST, PUT, DELETE 這些資源呢?接下來我們就來討論 CRUD …等在前端網頁如何透過 jQuery 來呼叫使用這些資源...
5月 1日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.
線上即時 .NET 編譯器服務
可用來執行任意 .NET 程式碼片段,左邊是類別定義代碼,右邊是類別執行代碼,隨時可儲存、執行,用法跟 jsFiddle 相同,差別僅在於這是 .NET 版!
4月 30日

Dot Net 2Share: "我把第一個 Demo 放到 jsFiddle 了!..." on their own link.
4月 30日

Dot Net 2Share: KineticJS 跟微軟 Kinect 沒有關係, 不要看錯了。kineticJS 是一套 HTML5 Canvas JavaScript 程式庫, 主要的功能是提供了額外的 canvas 輔助功能。在首頁中可以看到許多做好的 Demo, 你不妨直接進入這些 Demo, 直接體會 KineticJS 的威力。

KineticJS - HTML5 Canvas JavaScript Library Framework
Greetings fellow webonauts! KineticJS is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript library that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications.You can draw your own shapes or images using the existing canvas API, add event listeners to them, move them, scale them, and ...
4月 30日

Dot Net 2Share: 來看看 HTML5 跟 HTML4 的比較表。或許很多人不知道 "frameset"、"font" 等元素在 HTML5 中都已經 obsolete 了。
HTML5 differences from HTML4
HTML is the core language of the World Wide Web. The W3C publishes HTML5, which is the fifth major revision of HTML. The WHATWG publishes HTML, which is a rough superset of HTML5. "HTML5 differences from HTML4" describes the differences of these documents from HTML4, and calls out cases ...
4月 28日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Metro App Browsing FaceBook Photos
This article is meant for .net developer who are using windows 8 and Visual studio 2011 for developing metro style app. In this article ,I will explain brief information about the metro app and demonstrate the Sample metro app design...
4月 28日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

More news from MS Open Tech: announcing the open source Metro style theme for jQuery Mobile - Intero
Starting today, the Metro style theme for JQuery Mobile, the popular open source mobile user interface framework, is available for download on GitHub and can be used as a NuGet package in Visual Studio.
4月 27日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

The Will Will Web | 影音教學系列:活用 Visual Studio 2010 擴充套件 (共 5 集)
我覺得要學習開發工具的使用,透過影音的方式觀摩學習應該是再好不過,因此我也經常到國外網站學習外國人使用工具的方式。前陣子替 MSDN 錄製的活用 Visual Studio 2010 擴充套件教學影片終於完成也上線了,我一共的錄製了五集,裡面集結了我最常用也最實用的擴充套件,各位可以看到我如何利用工具提升開發效率,無論 Visual Studio 2010 的新手或老手都可以當作參考,希望對大家有幫助。^_^
4月 26日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

KingKong Bruce記事: ASP.NET Web API 心得筆記 (6) 例外處理(Exception Handling)
I come from Taiwan,網路匿稱KKBruce,只是想把一些生活上的想法、心情、心得、筆記(SQL、.NET、JS、VB)找個記錄的地方!
4月 26日

Dot Net 2Share: JavaScript 為什麼會有 memory leak? 怎麼偵測? 怎麼預防? 怎麼修正? 請看此篇
JavaScript Memory Leaks
What is memory leak? Memory leak refers to memory allocated for the application which is unable to be reallocated even after it’s not being used. Normally, garbage collectors collect the DOM elements and event handlers when they are not referenced or unreachable. However, memory leaks are unforgivin...
4月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

jQuery Documentation Resources to Speed Up Your Development - Dan Wahlin's WebLog
jQuery, HTML5, JavaScript, ASP.NET, XAML, and Web Services Exploration
4月 24日

Dot Net 2Share: 之前有註冊並參加史丹佛 Algorithms 課程的同學請注意, 我把第一堂課的字幕翻譯成中文了! 想參考中文翻譯的同學可以上來看一下
Introduction : Why Study Algorithms... | Amara
Introduction : Why Study Algorithms... | Amara
4月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

How to cook a complete Windows 8 application with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript in a week – Day 2 - Ete
Here you will find my feedback around the technologies of Microsoft with a clear preference for everything that concerns the user experience : WPF, Silverlight, XAML, HTML5, Kinect or DirectX and XNA.
4月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: 文中作者提出了一些個人對於 XML vs JSON 資料庫的想法和比較
XML Databases -
In spite of some notable opposition, NoSQL has been all the rage lately. In particular, JSON-oriented document stores like Mongo and Couch have really become the darlings of the web application crowd...
4月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

jQuery Mobile 1.1: Smoother, Faster, Nicer
Find out what's new and improved in the jQuery Mobile 1.1 mobile web framework. The article includes detailed descriptions and demos that explain each new feature.
4月 18日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Add jQuery Autocomplete to Your Site's Search
Shipped with WordPress is a tool that can make search a lot easier. In this tutorial I'll be showing you how to add jQuery Autocomplete to your search form.
4月 18日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Visual Studio 11 Express for Web for Front End Development - JavaScript/HTML5/CSS3 - Scott Hanselman
Scott Hanselman on Programming, User Experience, The Zen of Computers and Life in General
4月 15日

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使用jQuery Mobile 及 ASP.NET開發跨行動裝置網站 (Mobile Web)
1. 初探 jQueryMobile 2. jQueryMobile 開發須知 3. 認識 jQueryMobile 網頁 4. jQueryMobile 網頁導向 5. 設計 jQueryMobile 視覺化元件...
4月 13日

Dot Net 2Share: 看不懂什麼叫做 Direction-Aware 的人可以看這個 demo:

Direction-Aware Hover Effect with CSS3 and jQuery
How to create a direction-aware hover effect using CSS3 and jQuery. The idea is to slide in an overlay from the direction we are moving with the mouse.
4月 12日

Dot Net 2Share: 中文網頁也真的應該有些改變了

justFont 中文網路字型,讓網站文字與眾不同!
justFont 就是字是一款中文「網路字型」服務,跟先前介紹過的 Google Web Fonts 類似,不過提供的字型是全中文字型喔!一般在設計網頁時,開發者可能會因為美觀或其他因素來使用一些特殊字體,但閱讀者的電腦裡並不一定擁有該字型,而造成無法顯示某種字型的情況發生,解決的方式之一是將字型檔上傳到網路上,在訪客進入後自動下載並使用該字型來顯示某段文字,justFont 就是能讓中文字型更漂亮的服務。 要在網站裡使用「justFont 就是字」很簡單,只需要註冊、選擇要使用的字型,並將一串 Javascript 原始碼加入網站中,就能使用 CSS 標籤來控制哪些文字要套用 justFon...
4月 9日

Dot Net 2Share: 本文作者詳實記錄了他在旅館中經由 Wifi 上網時, 網頁被注入奇怪 JavaScript 程式碼的過程。他锲而不捨地分析箇中原因, 結果發現是該旅館似乎是採用了 Revenue eXtraction Gateway, 而這部 Gateway 會在經手的每個網頁中注入廣告, 並且使得 YouTube 影片無法觀賞 (不確定這是故意的行為還是 bug)。

類似事情在台灣也天天在發生, 例如我家的第四台總是在我欣賞 Discovery 頻道時插入廣告及跑馬燈, 而我的 ISP 甚至會在我上網時警告我月租費還沒繳納。

雖然作者並沒有觀察到真正惡意的行為(看來它只是插入廣告而已), 但運用此種手法, 如果有心人士要入侵你的電腦並造成破壞, 應該也不會太難。所以, 給各位一個忠告, 凡是透過來歷不明的 AP 上網, 你的電腦永遠不可能是百分之百安全。或許我們對這種事情無能為力, 但至少我們應該了解這個風險。

旅館遇鬼實錄 - 從免費 Wifi 裡面潛入
So I’m checking my blog on the hotel wifi, like ya do, and I notice something a little off with the style. There’s a dark colored bar at the top of the page that shouldn’t be there. That’s funny. Maybe a recent Firefox update changed how they treat CSS?
4月 9日

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Episode 35: JavaScript Arrow Function Syntax | The Javascript Show
Peter and Jason talk about the arrow function syntax in JavaScript, natural language processing in JavaScript, and bring you the usual roundup of interesting projects.
4月 8日

Dot Net 2Share: 一個只有一行程式(嚴格的說是三行)的專利在22年後到期了。這行程式使用了一個簡單至極的邏輯, 每個程式設計師每天都可以寫幾百個這樣的邏輯, 結果它竟然可以被申請為專利 (雖然這裡面有個故事, 文章中有寫到)! 專利原本是為了保障發明的, 到頭來卻變成阻礙人類進步的幫兇, 甚至變成大企業壟斷文明的利器! 作者在這篇文章以他自己的親身經歷來舉證專利的不當運用; 回應的文章也有幾篇「巷子內」的補充。不過作者所謂的 "fix", 是他對專利法的建議, 並不是說我們今天已經有辦法迴避那些專利法條。同時, 作者也提到國際大廠爭相制訂各種 standards 的心態; 台灣因中國的打壓而始終無法參與各種重要的業界標準, 結果就是我們每年都必須付出極為高昂的 license fee... 或許我們也應該來想想有沒有什麼一勞永逸的 "fix" !
A one-line software patent – and a fix
I have been waiting for this day for 17 years! Today, United States Patent 5,404,140 titled “Coding system” owned by Mitsubishi expires, 22 years after it was filed in Japan.
4月 7日

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Developing Metro Apps in HTML & JS
Last Friday I attended the first Windows 8 developer day in Belgium. It was a great opportunity to learn a bit more about developing Metro apps. One of the...
4月 7日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Download: April 2012 Update for Visual Studio 11 Beta - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details
April 2012 Update for Visual Studio 11 Beta is a small patch that provides fixes and improvements for the Visual Studio development environment.
4月 7日

Dot Net 2Share: 使用 ASP.NET WebAPI 實現非同步的多檔案拖曳上傳

HTML5 drag and drop asynchronous multi file upload with ASP.NET WebAPI
Development blog on topics raging from Javascript, jQuery, knockout.js to ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API and C#.
4月 5日

Dot Net 2Share: 比較各個 JavaScript Grid 的載入效能 - 只是差距也未免太大了...

Loading Speed Tests Show The Fastest JavaScript Grid
Want to know how quickly the popular JavaScript grids are loaded on a page with the different number of rows and columns? Check out these loading speed test results...
4月 5日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

New book: MCTS 70-680 Rapid Review: Configuring Windows 7
MICROSOFT PRESS publishes on Microsoft tools & technologies, plus programming best practices. Our blog offers book info, links to ebooks, & other good stuff. Enjoy!
4月 5日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Certification and maybe some other stuff: The best of VS11 (Talk from Dev11 Launch)–Demos
Microsoft Certifications and Technologies blog. Covers MCTS, MCPD, and MCITP certifications as well as SharePoint and ASP.NET
4月 5日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

jQuery Remove Class by Regular Expression
Websanova tutorials give you short tutorial snippets to let you easily pick up new pieces of code on the fly. The tutorials are kept bite size and easily digestable
4月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

SQL Injection Cheat Sheet
SQL Injection Cheat Sheet, Document Version 1.4
4月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Troy Hunt: 67% of ASP.NET websites have serious configuration related security vulnerabilities
Troy Hunt on observations, musings and conjecture about the world of software and technology
4月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Expression Busy Indicators Pack
I would like to introduce package of designed busy indicators for Silverlight projects. Feel free to use it and customize it for your Apps. View busy indicators in action: LIVE DEMO Get source code from: SOURCE CODE Have fun :)
4月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared Microsoft Visual Studio's status update.

Microsoft Visual Studio - BLEND Insider and Joanna Mason: XAML Authoring in Blend and VS: Workflow, tools, and tasks
4月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: 假日的早晨, 來讀一下稍為 hard core 的文章如何? 這位作者上禮拜才分享過 brute force string matching algorithm, 這禮拜再來分享另一種 algorithm

Algorithm of the Week: Rabin-Karp String Searching
Brute force string matching is a very basic sub-string matching algorithm, but it’s good for some reasons. For example it doesn’t require preprocessing...
4月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Create an interactive liquid metal ball with WebGL | Tutorial | .net magazine
So you want to create an interactive WebGL liquid metal ball? Glad you asked, programming wizard Paul Lewis has got just the thing!
4月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Partially Contained Databases in SQL Server 2012
A database is called contained when it is isolated and independent from the instance of SQL Server that hosts it and from the objects stored in system databases of that instance. The databases that are dependent on the SQL Server instance objects, such as SQL Server logins mapped to database users, ...
4月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: 這一版是 second DRAFT preview

Free ebook: Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2012
MICROSOFT PRESS publishes on Microsoft tools & technologies, plus programming best practices. Our blog offers book info, links to ebooks, & other good stuff. Enjoy!
4月 4日

Dot Net 2Share: 看來 WinRT 與 .Net Framework 之間連 Type System 都不一致 (雖然可以雙向轉換) 而且不保證 100% 相容。雖然看起來二者應該是可以平順地互通, 實質上從底層角度來看, WinRT 可以說是十年來最重要的變革。

C#er : IMage: .NET and Metro: The Windows Runtime and the CLR on Windows 8
Many developers tend to look at Windows 8 as a completely new platform and even question whether it heralded the imminent demise of managed code. After spending many months digging into the Windows Runtime (WinRT), Metro style or “tailored” applications, and exploring how they related to the .NET Fr...
4月 3日

Dot Net 2Share: 這篇實在講不少重點

A List Apart: Articles: Staying Motivated
Whether your chosen medium is pictures or language, food or formulas, everyone has the capacity to be creative in their work. But we can often lose our motivation to create, making it difficult to stay focused and excited on a project. So how does one keep their creative well...
4月 3日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Hammer.js — A javascript library for multi touch gestures
4月 2日

Dot Net 2Share: 第二集來了! 如果你還沒看過上一集的話, 在這裡:

Stop Giving Away So Much Free Information!
By John Tabita | March 25, 2012 | Best Practices | Business | Sell Your Services | Selling Web Design Services | Web Pro Business | Work Smarter
3月 26日

Dot Net 2Share:

体验 Windows 8 Consumer Preview
本文作者 Jas Chiang 是一位密切关注 Windows Phone 发展的玩家。Jas 是台湾最大 BBS 站 PTT 實業坊的 Windows Phone 版版主(ID: alljerry04),也一直尽力在 Microsoft Answers 回答 Windows Phone 和 Zune 相关问题。本文是 Jas 在索尼 VAIO F136、VAIO EB17
3月 26日

Dot Net 2Share: 又是一個烘仔內的經驗分享。不過不要被 StarTrek 這個字誤導了; 影片中其實並沒有講到多少有關 StarTrek 的東西。影片內容只是分享了幾個 UI 設計的心法, 例如使用者對於程式回應的感受和注意事項。此外, 你可以使用我前幾天介紹的方法 ( 在影片中切換中文字幕。

VIDEO: Flickr Engineer Talks About Star Trek-Like Touch UI Using HTML5
At the BayJax event at Yahoo!, Flickr Frontend Engineer Stephen Woods shared his advice for building responsive touch-based interfaces using HTML5, CSS, and...
3月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: When shapes don't draw, trades don't price and dogs don't bark... 對OO還不熟練的人, 這篇看起來也許艱澀難懂, 甚至覺得疊床架屋、拐彎抹角, 但事實上, 唯有親自做過 commercial web site 的人才知道, 當你遇到複雜多變的訂價策略和促銷活動, 再加上複雜得要死的紅利折抵方案時, 你就知道像這種分層架構是多麼有必要了。可惜作者還沒談到資料庫的設計策略, 那也挺熱鬧的(至於有不有趣就看人了)...
Shapes Don’t Draw | Rob's Blog
Shapes don’t draw. The circle on the jotter next to me didn’t draw itself, I drew it – and it’s not very round! There’s a misconception (as advocated by many Object Orientated Programming 101 courses) that shapes draw. I believe this leads to some problem designs. Here’s one such example.
3月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: 差不多你會想用的 jQuery UI Widgets 這都通通包了

3月 25日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Really Cool New jQuery Mobile Themes!
Check out the new jQuery Mobile themes and swatches we just added to Tiggzi Mobile App Builder. Click on image to see larger version.
3月 24日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Improve your life Through Science and Art: Barcode: Professional java barcode API (reader & writer)
3月 24日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

10 Questions, 10 Answers on Roslyn -- Visual Studio Magazine
10 questions and answers to help understand the Roslyn complier-as-a-service project for Visual Basic and C# developers.
3月 24日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

The Top 5 .NET Memory Management Fundamentals
Small .NET objects are allocated onto the Small Object Heaps (SOH). There are three of these: Generation 0, Generation 1, and Generation 2. Objects move up these Generations based on their age.
3月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share shared a link.

Visual Studio 11 Beta Performance Part #3
Visual studio, VS, Express, editor, vs editor, visual studio editor, vsx, extensibility, vs extensibility, project, vs project, visual studio project, msbuild, vs build, shell, vs shell, UI, ide, vs ide
3月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: A brief introduction to .Net 4.5 and VS11

.NET 4.5 and Visual Studio 11 Beta: What you need to know | TechRepublic
After wading through release notes and developer blogs, Justin James distills what he learned about what .NET 4.5 and Visual Studio 11 Beta have to of
3月 23日

Dot Net 2Share: Dot Net 2Share joined Facebook.
3月 23日

Dev 2Share @ 點部落