[Cloud Computing]SaaS五種成熟度
回到主題,SaaS在設計架構上依其成熟度可切分為幾個層級,參考自Wiki:Software as a service
- Level 1 - Ad-hoc/custom: Each customer has a customized version of the hosted application that runs as its own instance on the host's servers. Migrating a traditional non-networked or client–server application to this level of SaaS typically requires the least development effort, and reduces operating costs by consolidating server hardware and administration.
其實這算是最簡單的模式,模式跟租用主機或者VM一樣,只要將你的系統放上去就可以了,嚴格來說,這個主機或VM是完全的客製內容,除了Business Model是SaaS模式外,其他的部分都還稱不上,相對的成本也較高,因為每家客戶都要有一個OS授權,可能也會有一台主機的費用。
- Level 2 - Configurable: This adds greater program flexibility through configurable metadata, so many customers use separate instances of the same application code. This lets the vendor meet different customer needs through detailed configuration options, while simplifying common code base maintenance and updating.
每個租戶之間還是要使用不同的instance,不管是切分機器或者是VM,與Level 1不同的地方在於這個Level下,所有的租戶使用的Code的內容可以是完全相同的,但透過一些設定,能讓不同的租戶獲得不同的效果,這個Level主要是在系統設計架構上做了一些改變,將一些可被定義的內容抽到設定檔定義。
- Level 3 - Configurable, multi-tenant-efficient: This adds multi-tenancy to the second level, so a single program instance serves all customers. This enables more efficient server resource use without apparent difference to the end user, but ultimately faces scalability limits.
- Level 4 - Scalable, configurable, multi-tenant-efficient: The fourth and final SaaS maturity level adds scalability through a multitier architecture that supports a load-balanced farm of identical application instances that run on a variable number of servers. The provider can adjust system capacity to match demand by adding or removing servers without further altering the software architecture.
來到Level 4,原則上這個SaaS服務的架構已經算非常強健了,除了多租戶架構外,也將高延展性的能力考量進來了,但一般的應用程式本身想要具備高延展能力並不是那麼簡單,所以大多會搭配其他平台,如PaaS、Google App Engines、Force.com等。
- Level 5 - Customizable: Most multi-tenant systems can't provide customization to match specific requirements. Two layers frameworks systems are constituted of a core multi-tenant layer and a descriptive layer provide a two-layer framework that enables deep customization while preserving multitenancy benefits.
除了Level 4的功能外,還支援客製化,最典型的應該就是Salesforce+Force.com了,在成熟度上,真的算是非常的高。
一般的系統設計,可以先切到Level 3,然後搭配PaaS平台達成Level 4,但如果要實現Level 5,就有很高的難度了,但起碼是一個努力的目標。
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游舒帆 (gipi) 探索原力Co-founder,曾任TutorABC協理與鼎新電腦總監,並曾獲選兩屆微軟最有價值專家 ( MVP ),離開職場後創辦探索原力,致力於協助青少年培養面對未來的能力。認為教育與組織育才其實息息相關,都是在為未來儲備能量,2018年起成立為期一年的專題課程《職涯躍升的關鍵24堂課》,為培養台灣未來的領袖而努力。 |