
[Other]Why tables for layout is stupid

這是一篇使用Table甲賽的勸世文:Why tables for layout is stupid,我想這一類的問題已經談到快爛掉了,但究竟是為什麼,下方我們來討論一下吧。



  • mixes presentational data in with your content.
    • This makes the file sizes of your pages unnecessarily large, as users must download this presentational data for each page they visit.
    • Bandwidth ain't free.
  • This makes redesigns of existing sites and content extremely labor intensive (and expensive).
  • It also makes it extremely hard (and expensive) to maintain visual consistency throughout a site.
  • Table-based pages are also much less accessible to users with disabilities and viewers using cell phones and PDAs to access the Web.





1.Table Render時要render到</Table>才會出現整個Table的內容,Render的速度與Client端的CPU有關聯,較慢的電腦可能看到空白畫面的時間會較長


之前我們有個系統的Server Control是以Table做為最外層的排版,結果有支程式有200多個欄位,在CPU較差的電腦上跑起來可真是慘不忍睹,後來經過一些調整與修改後,效率提升的成果非常顯著,大概快了5倍左右,挺驚人的。



Why tables for layout is stupid

Load Time Tip:Speed Up Those Tables

13 Reasons Why CSS Is Superior to Tables in Website Design

Tables vs CSS: PROS and CONS - 15 points to consider before choosing a traditional table website or a CSS tables website

游舒帆 (gipi)

探索原力Co-founder,曾任TutorABC協理與鼎新電腦總監,並曾獲選兩屆微軟最有價值專家 ( MVP ),離開職場後創辦探索原力,致力於協助青少年培養面對未來的能力。認為教育與組織育才其實息息相關,都是在為未來儲備能量,2018年起成立為期一年的專題課程《職涯躍升的關鍵24堂課》,為培養台灣未來的領袖而努力。