安裝Flash Player出現 無法註冊Flash Player 的ActiveX 控制 解決方法
最近遇到有Flash Player裝不起來,現今沒有Flash Player上網是很多的不便,試了多種方式接不行,有官方反安裝程式反安裝,或者是降板安裝都不行,很多文章都是走向重灌一路,最後找到一個方式即可以正常使用。
1.Follow the instructions to download the SubInACL tool from the Microsoft Download Center.
2.Install SubInACL.
3.Download the reset_fp10.zip file.
4.Extract the reset_fp10.cmd file to C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\.
Important: Be sure that both the subinacl.exe and reset_fp10.cmd files are in the same location here: C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\.
5.Double-click reset_fp10.cmd.
6.This will open a command window and execute the SubInACL tool.
7.Do not use the machine while SubInACL is running.
8.When it is finished you will see "Press any key to continue".
9.Install the Flash Player from http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer
簡單來說就是下載SubInACL安裝後,將reset_fp10.zip解壓縮到C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools目錄下(重要),然後執行reset_fp10.bat,跑完後就可以安裝Flash Player了。
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