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Welcome to C# 10

Exploring C# 10: Global Using Declarations

Immutable C#

Pipeline-oriented Programming

Differences between Hashtable vs Dictonary vs ConcurrentDictionary vs ImmutableDictionary

Everything That Every .NET Developer Needs To Know About Disposable Types - Properly Disposing Objects

Performance Booster with System.IO.Pipelines in C#

Asynchronous C#: Making a simple Cup of Tea

Nullable Reference types in C# – Best practices

Property Pattern Extended C#

Fun CSharp: Dealing with NULL values in a safe and elegant way.

C# Updates for the Absent C# Developer (C# 6.0 and newer overview)

Beginner's Guide To Console Input In C#

5 more things you should know about enums in C#

【笨問題】C# 字串補空白與靠左右對齊

.NET Core

Series: Exploring .NET Core 6

Cursor Paging With Entity Framework Core and ASP.NET Core

Bite-Size .NET 6 - DateOnly and TimeOnly

Migration to ASP.NET Core in .NET 6

10 Things You Should Avoid in Your ASP.NET Core Controllers

Problem Details for Better REST HTTP API Errors

EntityFramework Core 搭配 AutoHistory 快速達成AB值記錄需求

Structured Logging and Logs Management. A case study using ASP.NET Core, Serilog & Seq

Creating and Testing ASP.NET Core Filter Attributes

Use Attributes & Middleware in ASP.NET Core for Logging, Telemetry, and Anything Else



Bite-Size .NET 6 - Chunk() in LINQ

Linq Behind the Scenes

Converting T-SQL queries in LINQ

Unit test

C# – Unit testing code that does File IO

handle errors

A few ways to handle errors in .NET

Gotchas with switch expression

Exception 怎麼丟才丟得準

.Net Exceptions Best Practices


How to build a Docker image out of the ASP.NET Core application and host its container on AWS EC2 instance

How to parse HTML in .NET

🌳🚀 CS Visualized: Useful Git Commands


.NET Framework 組件版本衝突的問題與解決方法

Design Patterns Explained with Food 🥕

Faster SQL Bulk Inserts With C#

[食譜好菜] 用 SqlBulkCopy 批次 Insert 大量資料讓你想不到的快

6 Best Practices to Keep a .NET Application’s Memory Healthy

Top 10 Visual Studio Refactoring Tips

【C#】Dapper UnitOfWork Repository 範例 (使用Dapper.SimpleCRUD)

MVC - Return A File (Excel) From A Controller’s Action Method And Create An Excel Blob In To The jQuery Along With Loader Effect

VS 小技巧 - 快速寫出 ASP.NET Core DI 需要的參數建構式

The best C# articles from 2019

ConfigureAwait FAQ

15 Tips and Tricks to Increase Your Productivity in Visual Studio 2019



Scrum Framework poster (2020 update)
