[Spring.Net]Spring.NET Visual Studio 2010 Extension 1.0.0
感謝罩哥第一時間分享的資訊,Spring.Net讓人詬病很久的xml設定檔,總算出了個Visual Studio的Addin來輔助了。
詳情請見Spring.Net官網:Spring.NET Visual Studio 2010 Extension 1.0.0 is now available
Document的說明:Reference Documentation
This release of the Spring.NET Visual Studio 2010 Extension provides Intellisense support in the following areas for editing Spring XML configuration files:
- Type completion
- Property name completion
- Constructor argument name completion
- Property value completion for property of type 'Type', 'Enum' and 'Boolean'
Screen shot:
Type Completion
Property name completion
- 用Wink錄的使用過程:http://maruxelo.free.fr/spring/index2.html
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