Windows 10 UWP 4 of N : XAML controls and Design principles

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  • UAP
  • 2021-04-30

Windows 10 UWP 4 of N : XAML design

XAML 在Windows一直是寫UI的好語言!在Build 2015上介紹的UWP的UI Design又有甚麼重大的特色呢?

在動態磚剛出現的時候WP7.0 使用的Design UI被稱之為Metro Style之後連Windows 8.0也採用相同設計模式(當然在UI Control上還是有點不同)

Visual Studio 2015 包含的Blend (較為視覺化設計XAML的IDE) 整合了VS Shell所以多了一下幾點功能

  • XAML Intellisense
  • XAML Peek
  • Sync Settings
  • Quick launch


Design In Blend

Quick Sync

XAML Intelliense



由於Windows 10 UWP將是一個Project並使用Extension的形式可以將該APP執行在不同平台。

以下為整理的XAML Controls

Layout Controls

  • Border
  • Canvas
  • RelativePanel ( New controls on UWP )
  • ScrollViewer
  • SplitView ( New controls on UWP )
  • StackPanel
  • VariableSizeWrapGrid
  • ViewBox


  • Button
  • HyperlinkButton
  • RepeatButton
  • ToggleButton


Text Controls

  • TextBox
  • PasswordBox
  • TextBlock
  • RichEditBox
  • RichTextBlock
  • BitmapIcon
  • FontIcon
  • SymbolIcon
  • PathIcon
  • AutoSuggestBox

Selection and picker controls

  • CalendarView  ( New control on UWP )
  • DatePicker
  • TimePicker
  • ToggleSwitch
  • CheckBox
  • RadioButton
  • ComboBox
  • ListBox
  • Slider

Collection/data controls

  • ItemsControl
  • FlipView
  • GridLivew
  • ListView
  • SemeticZoom
  • Hub
  • ContentControl
  • DataTemplate
  • ItemsPanelTemplate
  • ControlTemplate
  • ContentPresenter
  • ItemsPresenter
  • ContentControl

App bar and commands

  • AppBar ( 在Windows 8.1時有TopAppBar和BottomAppBar而Windows Phon 8.1只有BottomAppBar現在在UWP已經沒有這樣的限制了! )
  • CommandBar
  • AppBarButton
  • AppBarToggleButton
  • AppBarSeparator

Flyout controls

  • Popup
  • ContentDialog ( New control on UWP, 取代MessageDialog!但強大的是可以放XAML在Content和Title上!在8.1的時候只有WP Only )
  • Flyout
  • MenuFlyout
  • ToolTip

Progress, Media & Inking controls

  • ProgressBar
  • ProgressRing
  • Image
  • InkCanvas
  • MediaElement
  • CaptureElement









Title, Content 都是Object 所以可以用以下C#程式顯示如下的Dialog

var dialog = new ContentDialog();
var dialogTitle = new StackPanel();
dialogTitle.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = "Sample title", Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green) });
var dialogContent = new StackPanel() { Margin = new Thickness(0, 10, 0, 0) };
dialogContent.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = "User name", Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Green) });
var uNaScope = new InputScope();
uNaScope.Names.Add(new InputScopeName(InputScopeNameValue.EmailSmtpAddress));
dialogContent.Children.Add(new TextBox() { PlaceholderText = "Type user`s name here", InputScope = uNaScope });
dialogContent.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = "User password", Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Green) });
dialogContent.Children.Add(new PasswordBox() { PlaceholderText = "Type user`s name here" });
dialog.Title = dialogTitle;
dialog.Content = dialogContent;
var UICmd = await dialog.ShowAsync();



加入內建的Primary和Secondary Button

var dialog = new ContentDialog();
var dialogTitle = new StackPanel();
dialogTitle.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = "Sample title", Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green) });
var dialogContent = new StackPanel() { Margin = new Thickness(0, 10, 0, 0) };
dialogContent.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = "User name", Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Green) });
var uNaScope = new InputScope();
uNaScope.Names.Add(new InputScopeName(InputScopeNameValue.EmailSmtpAddress));
dialogContent.Children.Add(new TextBox() { PlaceholderText = "Type user`s name here", InputScope = uNaScope });
dialogContent.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = "User password", Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Green) });
dialogContent.Children.Add(new PasswordBox() { PlaceholderText = "Type user`s name here" });
dialog.Title = dialogTitle;
dialog.Content = dialogContent;
dialog.PrimaryButtonText = "Sign in";
dialog.PrimaryButtonClick += Dialog_PrimaryButtonClick;
dialog.SecondaryButtonClick += Dialog_SecondaryButtonClick;
dialog.SecondaryButtonText = "Cancel";
dialog.IsPrimaryButtonEnabled = dialog.IsSecondaryButtonEnabled = true;
var UICmd = await dialog.ShowAsync();



目前有個有趣的問題就是ContentDialog不能放入Resource裡面!正確來說放入後無法正常顯示ContentDialog的UI,不論是給Key或是Name都無法正常顯示(OS測試時是build 10130, Visual Studio 2015 RC)。

在Metro Style的時候就有制定一套Design principle讓UI看起來像是System整合性高的APP,且讓APP效能有一定程度的保證!在UAP就出現了Microsoft Design Language ( AKA MDL )


  1. Keep it Simple
  2. Think Universal
  3. Design as One
  4. Make it Personal
  5. Create Delight









***以上Code以及說明都有可能隨著Windows 10 的版本以及Visual Studio 2015版本有所調整!***


參考資料 A Developer's Guide to Windows 10



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