[AngularJS][SignalR] AngularJS 與 SignalR 實作

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  • 2015-10-26



這個專案使用long polling方法,每隔一段時間向WebAPI Server要求資料,無法
來實作即時更新 (real time is so cool ! )。








  1. 後端專案設定:SignalR相關設定,包含解決 cross domain 問題
  2. 前端專案設定:JQuery + AngluarJS 使用與設定
  3. 結果呈現:SiganlR成果呈現與範例專案下載


Step 1首先我們先開啟新專案,選擇ASP .NET MVC 4 Web Application
          專案名稱為 SignalRDemo
          File => New Project => ASP .NET MVC 4 Web Application
          Name is SignalRDemo

Step 2 專案樣板選擇Basic
           Project Template : Basic

Step 3 展開專案,右鍵點選 References,選擇 Manage NuGet Package...
           Expand Project, right click Reference, Select Manage NuGet Package...

Step 4 搜尋列輸入signalr,找到Microsoft ASP.NET SignalR,點選Install
           Search Package for signalr, and install  Microsoft ASP.NET SignalR

Step 5 安裝完成後,你會看到Readme.txt(如下圖)。
           After Installing SignalR package, you will see readme.txt(as below)      

Step 6接下來要加入startup.cs。 右鍵點選專案 >>  Add >> New Item...
          I want to add "startup.cs" file. Right click project >> Add >> New Item...

Step 7左邊面板選擇Code,選擇Code File,名稱為"startup.cs"
          Select Code at left tab, and then select Code File, name "startup.cs"

Step 8為了解決Cross Domain問題,我們在"startup.cs"中加入下列程式碼
          In order to solve the "Cross Domain" problem, we add codes as below.

using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR;
using Microsoft.Owin;
using Microsoft.Owin.Cors;
using Owin;

[assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(SignalRDemo.Startup))]
namespace SignalRDemo
    public class Startup
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            // Branch the pipeline here for requests that start with "/signalr"
            app.Map("/signalr", map =>
                // Setup the CORS middleware to run before SignalR.
                // By default this will allow all origins. You can 
                // configure the set of origins and/or http verbs by
                // providing a cors options with a different policy.
                var hubConfiguration = new HubConfiguration
                    // You can enable JSONP by uncommenting line below.
                    // JSONP requests are insecure but some older browsers (and some
                    // versions of IE) require JSONP to work cross domain
                    // EnableJSONP = true
                // Run the SignalR pipeline. We're not using MapSignalR
                // since this branch already runs under the "/signalr"
                // path.

Step 9.安裝Microsoft.Owin.Cors 套件(Manage NuGet Package...)
           Install Microsoft.Owin.Cors package(at Manage NuGet Package..)

Step 10套件安裝完成,無錯誤訊息。
            After Installing package, there is no error message.

Step 11接下來,需要增加Signal Hub Class。
            右鍵點選專案 >> Add >> New Item...
            Next, I want to add Signal Hub Class in SignalRDemo Project
            Right click project >> Add >> New Item...

Step 12在新增項目中,使用關鍵字查詢hub,選擇Signal Hub Class (v2),名稱ChatHub.cs
            Search at "add new item" for keyword "hub", Select Signal Hub Class (v2),  name ChatHub.cs

Step 13 新增後畫面
             After adding ChatHub.cs, you will see the file as below.

Step 14嘗試啟動專案..
            Start the project..

Step 15 如果有發生錯誤,嘗試將Global.asax中WebApiConfig.Register...註解或刪除
             if error, try to delete "WebApiConfig.Registe" in Global.asax

Step 16先加入一些方法(如下圖),之後會需要用到
            Adding new method "SendMessage()"(as below), it will be used later.


Step 1接下來,開啟一個新的專案(前端)
          右鍵點選方案 >> Add > New Project...
          Open New Project(for front end)
          Right click Solution >> Add >> New Project

Step 2選擇ASP .NET MVC 4 Web Application

          專案名稱為 SignalRDemo
          ASP .NET MVC 4 Web Application
          Name is SignalRClient

Step 3專案樣板選擇 Internet Application
           Project Template : Internet Application

Step 4設定起始專案:右鍵點選solution >> properties
          Setting startup project: right click solution >> properties

Step 5選擇Multiple startup projects,將SignalRClient與SignalRDemo設定Start(如下圖)
          Select Multiple startup projects, set action of SignalRClient and SignalRDemo to Start

Step 6複製angluar.js, jquery.signalR-2.2.0.js, 與 jquery.signalR-2.2.0.min.js到
           (Project Path)/SignalRDemo/SignalRClient/Scripts下
           Copy angluar.js, jquery.signalR-2.2.0.js, and jquery.signalR-2.2.0.min.js to
           (Project Path)/SignalRDemo/SignalRClient/Scripts
           angluar.js: Download
           You can find jquery.signalR-2.2.0.js and jquery.signalR-2.2.0.min.js in
           (Project Path)/SignalRDemo/SignalRDemo/Scripts

Step 7右鍵點選Scripts 資料夾,選擇Add >> Existing Item
          Right click Scripts folder, select Add >> Existing Item

Step 8開啟App_Start/BundleConfig.cs,加入下列程式碼
          Open App_Start/BundleConfig.cs, Add codes as below

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery").Include(
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/angular").Include(
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/signalr").Include(

Step 9開啟View/Shared/_Layout.cshtml,加入下列程式碼
          Open View/Shared/_Layout.cshtml, Add codes as below


Step 10加入新的資料夾"app": 右鍵點選SignalRClient,選擇 Add >> New Folder
            Add new Folder "app": Right click SignalRClient,Select  Add >> New Folder

Step 11加入javascript 檔案:右鍵點選app資料夾,選擇Add >> New Item...
            Add javascript file: Right click app folder, select Add >> New Item...

Step 12選擇Visual C# >> Web >> Script,選擇JavaScript File,名稱為app.js and mainCtrl.js
            Select Visual C# >> Web >> Script, select JavaScript File, name are app.js and mainCtrl.js

Step 13在app.js輸入下列的程式碼
           Add codes as below in app.js

var chatHubProxy = undefined;

(function () {
    angular.module('app', []);

    $(function () {
        $.connection.hub.logging = true;
        chatHubProxy = $.connection.chatHub;
        $.connection.hub.url = "http://localhost:64621/signalr";

    $.connection.hub.error(function (err) {
        console.log('An error occurred: ' + err);

    angular.module('app').value('chat', $.connection.chatHub);

       注意 1:chatHub 必須與Hub class名稱相同,且第一個字為小寫
       注意 2:在我的範例程式中,64621為SingalRDemo專案啟動時的Port,
       Note 1: chatHub has to be the same as Hub class name , and first letter is lower case. 
       Note 2: In my demo project, 64621 is port of SingalRDemo Project, please replace 64621 with 
                    your SingalRDemo project port)

Step 14在mainCtrl.js輸入下列的程式碼
           Add codes as below in mainCtrl.js

angular.module('app').controller('mainCtrl', function ($scope, chat) {

    //Server function
    $scope.sendData = function () {
        $scope.enterValue = "";

    //Client function
    chat.client.updateContent = function updateContent(value) {
        $scope.currentValue= value;
       注意 1:Server/Client方法必須與Hub class的方法相同,且第一個字為小寫
                      Server/Client Method has to be the same as method of Hub class , and 
                      first letter is lower case. 

Step 15開啟_Layout.cshtml,在Body的Tag上增加 ng-app="app"
            Open _Layout.cshtml, add ng-app="app" at body tag

Step 16開啟View/Home/Index.cshtml,加入下列程式碼
            Open View/Home/Index.cshtml, Add codes as below

    ViewBag.Title = "Index";


{{ currentValue }}

Step 17開啟App_Start/BundleConfig.cs,加入下列程式碼
            Open App_Start/BundleConfig.cs, Add codes as below

            bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/code").Include(

Step 18開啟View/Shared/_Layout.cshtml,加入下列程式碼
            Open View/Shared/_Layout.cshtml, Add codes as below

         Note:The order is important








需要更進一步的了解,可以前往SignalR | The ASP.NET Site 

整個SignalR的專案製作起來相當有趣,且Real time應用範圍相當廣,可以製作有趣


  1. 建立連線的時候取connectionid,傳送特定資料給特定client。
  2. 使用WebAPI執行Hub方法。


1.pluralsight : AngularJS for .NET Developers - Real Time Communication with SignalR
2.SignalR | The ASP.NET Site 
3.Microsoft Virtual Academy : Lighting Up Real-Time Web Communications with SignalR
