關於 Windows Mobile 的好文章
2. Giorgio Sardo Blog : Silverlight for Mobile
3. Mark Arteaga
Windows Mobile
1. Windows Mobile 6 中適用於開發人員的新功能
1. 在Windows Mobile上實現顯示圖片半透明的效果
2. Pocket PC Picturebox 上面透明label的實現
3. Porting the Amplitude Application from the iPhone to a Windows Mobile Device – a Case Study
4. UI Framework for .NET Compact Framework 3.5
5. iPhone UI
6. Custom ProgressBar for .NET Compact Framework
7. Using GDI+ on Windows Mobile
9. Decompress and display animated GIF on PC and PPC
1. Getting a Millisecond-Resolution DateTime under Windows CE
2. opennetcf---Windows Mobile 錄音機
4. Windows Mobile 6 SDK 中的 Cellular Emulator
7. 如何得知 System.Diagnostics.Process.Start 完畢後的訊息?
8. 聲音在PDA上做串流
10. Visual Studio Form Load錯誤訊息
11. Custom soft keys for Notifications
2. Building a Wi-Fi Discovery Application with the .NET Compact Framework 2.0
3. Windows Mobile Unified Sensor API
4. Bluetooth for Microsoft Device Emulator
6. Windows Mobile Power Management
7. How do I get the "right" Device ID?
9. A Windows Mobile GPS Application Sample – Using Fake GPS
11. 32feet.NET
1. .NET Compact Framework 下 SQL CE 兼容性問題
3. 操作SQL Server Mobile數據庫的常用C#代碼
4. SQL Server CE 用Select Case 來將欄位NULL值轉為0
5. SQL Server CE 用Case 來取代IsNull