關於Agile 7个常見的誤解












一旦你開火它就不會到達目的地。有些項目在使用敏捷方法時失敗。不要因為你的失敗而責備敏捷; 這只是壞工人責怪工具。它只是一個軟件,而不是一個與你巧妙相處的人。成功的工作完全取決於你的辛勤工作。






只是為您的公司實施敏捷方法或敏捷工具不會幫助您獲得更好的結果。軟件需要由您執行。它不是自動化的; 所有你需要的是奉獻精神和努力工作,在敏捷的幫助下,你將獲得最好的結果。

敏捷和Scrum之間的區別?敏捷軟件開發代表了一組軟件開發,包括Rational Unified Process(RUP),極限編程(XP),Scrum等。此外,使用Scrum,有三個主要角色:產品負責人,Scrum Master和開發團隊。



如何使用Scrum Board進行敏捷開發

Scrum boards (also known as scrum task boards) are tools that help teams visualize backlogs of sprint work items. The board can use many manual (whiteboard and sticker) and virtual forms (software tools), but it can perform the same function regardless of appearance. (Scrum 板 (也称为 scrum 任务板) 是一种工具, 可帮助团队使冲刺积压工作项可见。该板可以采用许多手动 (即白板和贴纸) 和虚拟表单 (即软件工具), 但无论外观如何, 它都能执行相同的功能。)


The product vision is not part of the Scrum process. Why is it so important? Schwaber believes that vision is two necessary illusions, starting the Scrum project by stating: “The smallest plan starts the vision of the necessary Scrum project composition and product backlog” (产品愿景不是Scrum流程的一部分,为什么它如此重要?Schwaber的认为,愿景是两个必需的一个假象,开始Scrum项目,通过陈述道:“ 最小的计划开始了必要的Scrum项目组成的愿景和产品Backlog ”)

Scrum: 什么是产品Backlog中的DEEP?

Product Backlog projects have described attributes (D appropriate details), Story points (E stimated), order (P rioritized), and they are constantly added, deleted and updated (E merged) in the backlog to reflect the backlog of teams in a timely and appropriate manner. (产品Backlog项目具有描述的属性(D适当的详细说明),Story points(E stimated),order(P rioritized),并且它们在积压中不断被添加,删除和更新(E合并)以反映到对以及时和恰当的方式积压团队的积压。)


SMART is a set of standards for creating goals such as Sprint goals. While INVEST reminds you of the characteristics of high-quality product backlog (PBI) (or user stories) typically written in user story format. (SMART是一套创建目标(如Sprint目标)的标准。虽然invest会提醒您高质量产品积压工作(PBI)(或用户案例)的特征,通常以用户案例格式编写。)

Sprint Increment (冲刺增量) vs Potential Shippable Product (潜在可发货产品) vs MVP vs MMP

Scrum requires the team to build an incremental function in each sprint, and the increment must be deliverable, because the product owner may decide to release it at the end of the sprint. This article explains and clarify the related key concepts of: sprint increment, potential shippable product MVP and MMP. (Scrum要求团队在每个sprint中构建一个增量的功能,并且增量必须是可以发送的,因为产品负责人可能决定在sprint结束时发布它。 This article explains and clarify the related key concepts of: sprint increment, potential shippable product mvp and mmp。)

什么As / I want / so that 用户故事模板?

The most common technology is the role-feature-reason template, which is used by teams and product owners to start writing user stories in three parts: (1) As a (role); (2) I want (feature); So that (reason). (最常见的技术是角色 - 特征 - 理由模板,用于团队和产品所有者开始编写用户故事,分为三个部分:(1)作为 As a(角色); (2)I What 我想要(特征); So that(理由)。)


Burndown chart is a graphical representation of the remaining work and time. It is usually used in agile software development methods, such as Scrum. However, burning charts can be applied to any project that contains measurable progress over a period of time. (Burndown chart 是剩余工作与时间的图形表示。它通常用于敏捷软件开发方法,如Scrum。但是,刻录图表可以应用于任何包含一段时间内可衡量进展的项目。)


Sprint goals show the expected results of iterations that provide shared goals for the team, which must be defined before the team starts Sprint in order to focus on achieving this goal. This ensures that everyone is on the same page. After choosing goals, the team must strive to implement them. (Sprint目标显示了为团队提供共享目标的迭代的期望结果,必须在团队启动Sprint之前定义该目标,以便专注于实现此目标。这可确保每个人都在同一页面中。选择目标后,团队必须努力实施目标。)


MoSCoW (also known as MoSCoW prioritization or MoSCoW analysis) is a prioritization technology designed to reach a consensus with stakeholders on its importance for the delivery of each requirement. (MoSCoW方法(也称为MoSCoW优先级划分或MoSCoW分析)是一种优先级技术,旨在与利益相关方就其对每项要求的交付的重要性达成共识。)

Sprint Backlog在Scrum中是什么意义?

Sprint Backlog is a set of product backlog projects selected for the current Sprint and a plan to provide product increments for achieving Sprint goals. (Sprint Backlog是为当前Sprint选择的一组产品Backlog项目,以及为实现Sprint目标而提供产品增量的计划。)

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